



今回のテーマは文化の違いということで、細かいこと言っていたら多分キリないですね。日本とアメリカにしか住んだことのない人間からすると、本当に日本と正反対だな~って思うことがたくさんあります。特に、アメリカ人はとにかくフレンドリーだなって思うことが多いです。この前友達にHow are you? って日本語でなんて言うの?って言われた時すごく困りました。直訳したらお元気ですか、みたいな感じだと思うんですけど普段言いませんよねそんなこと。逆に英語には相手の素性を知らなくてもさらっといえるフレーズがたくさんあって、それをガンガン使っているイメージです。だから店員さんとかバスの運転手さんにもすぐ話しかけたりします。あと写真撮るときは肩組むし、私の友達は会うたびハグしてくれるし、パーソナルスペースが日本よりも狭い感じがします。友達に今日うち泊まりに来ない?って言われた時もそんな簡単にいくものなの!?って驚きましたが簡単なものみたいです。お泊りは楽しかったです。



Hi guys! I’m Azuki, staying in Florida.  On my last report, I talked about how warm here in Florida, and in fact, I’ve been able to wear a T-shirt on February. It’s like spring in Sapporo! I love being outside on sunny day.

Today I will talk about the culture difference, which is hard to describe all of them. I haven’t lived except Japan and the United States, but I would say these two countries have completely different culture. American people are so friendly. The other day I was asked from my friend that how do we say “How are you?” in Japanese. I confused because we usually don’t say that kind of greeting in Japan. In English, there are many phrases that we can use even if we don’t know each other well, and Americans use them a lot. They usually talk to employees, bus drivers, and the other strangers. My friend hugs me every time we meet, and when we take picture she puts her hands to my shoulder. I think they have closer personal space than Japanese. I was also surprised when I was asked to stay over my friends’ house on that day. It was absolutely fun though!

Additionally, I would talk about Christmas and the New Year’s Day in here. Christmas was so gorgeous, and New Year’s Day was simple as Japan. I’ve still missed rice cake (Many of Japanese eat rice cake around New Year’s Day). We watched a movie, “The Grinch”, and went Japanese restaurant on the Christmas Eve. I really want to talk about this restaurant. That was called Hibachi, which is called Teppanyaki in Japanese. From me, it was definitely not Japanese food but American style Japanese food (I know it sounds weird). Well it was interesting. By the way I was really surprised that none of my host brothers and sister believe Santa Claus even they are 12, 10, 7, 5, and 2 years old!

I can’t believe that I’ve staying in America for about 7 months, and my life in America has already finished half. How fast time flies! I laughed at my diary written when I got homesick. It said “I feel a week as a month”. I can say I’ve changed so far. I don’t like bunch of homework but I like school, so I think, time is gonna fly faster. I will do my best to the last! And I haven’t got 100 points on my US history test! I must get before coming back Japan. See you on my next report!!

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