アメリカ合衆国ネバダ州 Shadow Ridge High Schoolに留学した瀧上 凪早さんからのレポートです。
hello:) I’m Nasa staying shadow ridge high school in Nevada. I think the best thing I’ve got during studying abroad is figuring out what I want to do in the future.
I’m writing this right now because i want to talk about what I experienced at the end of school. i am going to tell you all what i experienced and my thoughts. I think everybody even in japan heard about that Asians are being victims of racism. And also i experienced that. Not like a violence, but my U.S. history teacher suddenly said “freakin’ foreigner” to me. I was so surprised at that time and couldn’t say anything. Because he was really being nice to me since the school began. I know this is not a big deal, compare to the other cases which you all know on the news. But I was just so surprised because he said that to my face but I’m still glad that I experienced that. If I’m in Japan, I would never know how it feels like. I have argued with my friends, they said it’s just the skin color and I agree with that. But I still feel like racism never be gone. I believe that the most important thing to not get hurt from racism is to proudly love yourself.
Also I’m gonna talk about a good story after Coronavirus spreading. My host family was gonna get some hamburgers at the place has drive thru. Our total was about $50, but it was already paid by the driver in front of us. And the cashier said they just keep paying for the people behind them. Because everybody feels stressful to stay home all day then whoever is being so sweet started doing this thing. I never got that idea to make someone happy. I bet this kind of thing never happens in Japan. It was so sweet and surprised me.
Anyways, I put a couple pictures that I took in Grand Canyon and with my sisters. Check them out~ bye~
アメリカ合衆国メイン州 Mountain Valley High Schoolに留学中の 大川 日菜子さんからの第3回目のレポートです。
コロナウイルスのせいで結局留学が途中で終わる事になり強制帰国になりました!!思いつく限りの悪態は全て吐き終わったので、今更何もありませんがとりあえず死ぬほど悔しいですね せっかくここまでやってきて残り約三か月と最高に楽しい行事が待ってたのに!!
先日(三月のはじめです…まだ一ヶ月前なのに遠い昔みたい)Winter formal? Winter carnival?どちらとも呼ぶらしいのですけど、がありました!これは秋くらいにもあったHome coming のウィンターバージョンみたいな感じで、またダンスがある週は毎日○○デーみたいな楽しめる日がありました。PJデー(パジャマで登校)や先生の真似をする日(先生や職員の人は生徒の真似をする)、ペアになってwordを作る日(inappropriateなwordを10人くらいで作ってた男の子たちは先生たちにみんなで写真とってるとこがばれてめっちゃ怒られてました(笑))、などなど、あとはスキーか映画に行くかを選ぶ日があって(この日は絶対参加しないとダンスに参加できないからみんな文句言いながらもちゃんと学校来てた、えらい!)スキーを選んだ私は、学校の近くのスキー場で朝からお昼すぎまでずっと友達と滑ってました!私の地域は結構スノボする人も多いし、友達がスノボ滑ってるのが羨ましかったのでスキー二本くらいだけした後に、スノボを急遽借りました。
私の地域のスキー場は、毎週木曜日がfree ski dayで無料で夕方から使えるのでほぼ毎週の木曜日は友達と「山行こう!」みたいなノリで通いまくってました。お家にスキーがあるし、スノボを借りるのもそこまで高くはないので気分で乗り分けてます。学校でのスキーがあった後に学校に行ったら、そんなに関わりのなかった男の子とかが「ひな!こないだスノボしてるの見たけどあれひなだった?どっちもできるのすごい!上手いじゃん!今度一緒に滑ろ!」みたいに言ってくれてまじで嬉しかったです スノボ滑れてよかった~!うへへ ってニヤニヤしちゃいました。
あと今私は、ミュージカルに参加していて本番に向けてみんなでダンス覚えたり、歌を練習したりしてます。毎日放課後に練習があって忙しいし色々大変だけど、みんな面白いし優しいのでどうにか楽しく続けられてます。これからspring sports が始まってtrackをやる予定なのでとても忙しくなると思うけどとりあえず頑張ります!!因みにミュージカルはマンマ・ミーアです!
では!see you soon︎
Hey guys, it’s Hina from Maine. It’s already March… I guess it is about time that cherry blossoms will be bloomed in Japan. Maine is almost spring but still there are some pile of snow.
In this report, I want to share y’all about what did I feel strongly in America.Through my study abroading so far, I thought I really don’t know about Asia even though I am Asian who born and raised inu Japan. When I was talking with some exchange students who from another Asian countries, when someone asked me about relationship between Japan and another countries, I realized I literally don’t know Asia at all. Of course, countries in Asia located separately not like Europe, so it’s little bit different from another area to compare it, but still it’s so weird that we barely able to explain Asia. In Asia, there are 50 countries( including 2 countries which not take part in UN ), but how how many of them can we mention? I should’ve studied and paid attention to other asian countries more (these days I’m trying to know Asian countries but it is so interesting to look up their history, culture and relationship between Japan!).
However, not only Asia but also world -even Japan, there are tons of things we haven’t known at all. I already get compulsory education and taking additional education at high school, so I wasn’t thinking but it was definitely not enough and now I could finally be aware of my overly ignorance.
These days, I feel like Japanese people are still capturing yourself and entire world through stereotype perspective. Maybe Japanese are arrogantly thinking we’re special or we’re major power, even though World is changing constantly. I’m not denying Japan, we have cool culture, cool tradition and history which we can proud, but we should learn more from another country before saying it’s our way or this is our tradition.
That’s what I think.Thank you for reading this little bit serious English report ( ; ; )lol
アメリカ合衆国ルイジアナ州 St. James High Schoolに留学中の 藤田 愛永さんからの第2回目のレポートです。
学校のことは前回最後の方にちらっとお話したのでその続きからいきたいと思います。私の通う高校は中学校と高校が一つの校舎に入っています。まず、学校に着いたら授業まで1時間近くあるので前の日に終わらなかった宿題をやったり、毎朝ホストマザーのクラスに来る女の子とお喋りしています。その子は日本にすごく興味を持っていてくれていて、特にアニメが大好きなんです!この前アニメグッズをプレゼントしたらすごく喜んでくれました。また、私の好きなグループの動画を見せたらとても気に入ってくれたんです。自分の好きなものを、しかも違う国の人に好きになってもらえるのはすごく嬉しいです。それからは毎日会話が絶えなく、楽しいです!授業は7:18に始まり、14:30に終わります。ひとクラスあたり90分の授業があります。90分って長すぎでしょって最初は思いましたが、慣れてくると時間の流れが早いのであっという間です。帰る時間が早いのはいいです(笑)私は今学期にArt I、Civics、Algebra II、English Iのクラスをとっていました。Civicsでは主に政治について学びます。Civicsをとる前はUS Historyをとっていたのですが、難しすぎたので途中で変えました。変えてからは授業についていけるようになったので変えてよかったと思っています。Algebraは数学ですが日本の数学よりとても簡単です!ほぼ中学レベルで既に学んでいたものが多かったのでスラスラ解けました。日本ではあんなに数学嫌いだったのにって感じですが、むしろ全然嫌いにならなかったです(笑)English Iは私以外の生徒はみんな歳下でした。でも現地の英語の授業はやっぱり難しくてこれでも毎日付いていくのに必死でした。なので、先生に相談してTransition EnglishというEnglish Iよりレベルが一つ下で他の生徒とは違う成績のつけ方で補助してもらっていました。ありがたいです。こないだ一学期が終わったばかりなのですが、最初のときよりも成績が伸びていたものが多く、頑張った甲斐がでたので嬉しかったです。
部活動はRed Cross ClubとMulticultural Clubに入っています。Red Crossはアメリカにおける赤十字社です。クラブでは救援活動について学びます。活動は不定期なので頻繁にはありません。最後の活動日は数ヶ月前のAmerican Red Cross Centerの見学でした。Multicultural Clubは留学生のクラブで月に一度活動があります。このクラブでは異文化交流しようという感じなので毎月、異国のトラディショナルなものを作ります。先月はメキシコのクッキーのデコレーションをしました。クッキーはとても美味しかったです。今月はクリスマスカードを作りました。クラブ中はたくさんお喋りするので、自分の国についても聞かれたりします。日本語でメリークリスマスとハッピーニューイヤーはどうやって書くの?と先生に聞かれたのでホワイトボードに書いたら、みんなに発狂されました(笑)もちろん私も他の言語を見たら頭クラクラしました。でもいろんな発見ができて面白いです。本当はスポーツの部活もやりたかったのですが、これ!っていうのが見つからなくて未だにやっていません。冬休み明け何かやりたいと思ったのですが、今からじゃ多分遅いって言われました。ちょっと後悔しています。何事も「チャレンジ」してみないとわからないのに、やらないのはもったいないですよね。いつも行動が遅いんです私!(笑)新学期では後悔を減らせるよう、マイペースにならぬよう頑張ります。
Hello, everyone! This is Manami stay in Louisiana state. I was too late to submit my reports, so I’ll tell my school life properly.
I told a little about my school last time, so I’ll start to tell continuation of last time. In my school, middle school and high school are in one school building. At first, when we arrive at school, it has one hour until classes, so I do my homework that didn’t finish last night and talk with the girl who come my host mother’s class every morning. She is interested in Japan and loves anime! I gave anime toys for her last time. She looked so exciting. Also, I showed my favorite artist group, she liked it too. I was so happy to people from different countries like my favorite. Then the conversation is always fun every day! The class starts at 7:18, finishes at 14:30. Per class have 90 minutes. At first, I thought 90 minutes class is too long, but I get used to it, the flow of time is instant. Good point is go back home time is early. I had taken Art I, Civics, Algebra II and English I this semester. Civics learn about politics. Before take civics, I had taken US History, but too difficult for me, so I changed it. After changed it, I can keep up with the class. I thought select change class is good. Algebra is math, but it’s too easier than Japan. Almost the level of junior high school in Japan and had already learned at most, so I could solve a problem easily. In Japan, I didn’t like math so much, but I didn’t dislike that in here. All English I class students are younger than me. But, American English is difficult and I was desperate to keep up with class every day. I talked to teacher this problem. Transition English, one level below English I, she gave a different grade than other students. I was grateful that. This semester was finished recently. My grade had almost improved than first. I was happy because I often worked hard to get grade.
In club activities, I join Red Cross Club and Multicultural Club. Red Cross is the International Red Cross Society in America. In the club, we learn about rescue operation. Activity is irregular, not frequent. Last activity was the American Red Cross Center visit few months ago. In Multicultural Club likes cross-cultural exchange, so we make foreign country’s traditional somethings every month. Last month, we decorated Mexican cookies. It was delicious. This month, we made Christmas cards. Also, during clubs are asked about my country too. I was asked from teacher, How do you write Merry Christmas and Happy New Year in Japanese? After that, everyone seemed so surprised when I wrote that. Of course, I was dizzy when I saw other languages. But, it is interesting to can be various discoveries. Actually, I wanted to join any sports club, but I haven’t found and liked it. I wanted to do that after winter vacation, but I was told that it is probably late. I regret a little. We can’t understand without trying anything and it’s wasteful not to do it. I’m always slow action. In the next semester, I will do my best to lower my regrets and not at be own pace.
Next, I’ll talk about some of the events that impressed me.
First, homecoming! This is one of the events I was looking forward to. I was reading my senior’s reports and longing for it, so I felt at long last it’s my turn. Party was the night, but everyone was high spirits. I was excited again because there was a DJ. Everyone danced with the songs, so I danced give up shame. My friend was shy, but I invited her to an invitation and finally danced together. I could talk students never talked before and made new friends, so it was really great time for me. Next, birthday party! There was Anna’s birthday party and Louie’s birthday party a few weeks ago. Their birthday are different days, but everyone can’t come on weekdays, so we did it on the same day of the party. Louie was the first birthday party for him! He was so cute when eating cakes. Many relatives came and celebrated him together. At Anna’s party, almost exchange students, but many friends came our house. We played the game, talked a lot, made a noise and laughed a lot. I laughed a lot after a long time. Anna was hugging who gave her presents, but she didn’t do that I gave it. I thought in my heart that she wouldn’t do that. But, she said me to I used the present you gave me a few weeks ago. I was happy to be honest.
About five months left for finish study abroad. It’s over all to soon after finish Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. It really is. At first, I thought one year is long, but the rest only half year now. The flow of time is quick and quick. I’m on a Christmas break now, so I’ll do my best to make sure it’s not still on break when school starts. It’s the first year of my life without watching Kohaku and going the first visit of the year to a shrine. You can spend a leisurely time because no one is the loudest in my family. I’m going to have a big Happy New Year in here!
Thank you for reading until the end.
Have a great new year!