私は幼稚園の頃から中学生の頃まで水泳を続けていて、今回アメリカでまた始めることができました。私の学校には水泳部があるのにプールがなく、他の2つの学校の水泳部と同じコーチに教えてもらいながら他の学校のプールで練習していました。おかげで他の学校にも友達ができました。私は正直、何年ぶりかに泳ぐので不安でした。笑 練習は多くて週に6日あってほとんどの練習が夜の7時から夜の9時で、本当にプールに入るときは水温も気温も低くて寒すぎて、風邪をひく子が多くて自分も何年ぶりかに風邪をひいてしまいました。私は何回か大会に出場することができてメダルを取ることができました!部活初日のタイムから順調にタイムが縮めることができて最近の大会までには20秒も縮めることができました!この数か月のほとんどが部活の思い出のような気がします。部員も30人ぐらいいていつも賑やかで沢山友達も作れて、時々、大会の後に部員とコーチで夜ご飯を食べにいったり、大会前にもドライブに行ったり、買い物をしたり本当にたくさん思い出が作れました。水泳部は2月の初めに終わるので来月からはトラックに挑戦しようと思っています。
アメリカの友達から一番聞く言葉が“I love you”だと思うぐらいみんなこの言葉を使っています。日本では、帰り際に大好きー!わたしも大好きー!なんて掛け合いしている人見かけたらびっくりしますよね。挨拶替わりだとしても少しくすぐったい感じですよね。でもやっぱりアメリカの人はshyっていうことがいい意味でなくて、なんかいいなって思います。アメリカにきて食事でも野菜の少なさでショック受けることもありますが、肉好きの私にはなにも苦痛じゃないですけど、やっぱりサラダ食べたいってなりますね。家での生活は食事以外ではとくにパーティーが多いぐらいしか違いが見つけられてないです笑。
最後まで読んでくださってありがとうございます。次回のレポートで会いましょう! バイバイ
Hello! I’m Kana Shimoyama, stay at Springfield in Missouri. Sorry for I’m be late to submit my report. Today, I’m going to talk about “the difference of culture between America and Japan”, but I think I want to talk about my memories from last report.
At first, this is story about my club activity. Tennis club finished in last summerL (I liked tennis club), and winter sports started. My winter sports is swimmingL the boys swimming is summer, and I think we should change the season. Hahahaha. We can join the 3 club activity in a year, but they have Try out, and if you decide the club which you want to join in America, you should check it before your host school start. When my host school was decided, I wanted to join tennis club, so, I talked about it to my host family, and I could join to practice before my host school start.
I continued swimming from kindergartener to primary school student, and I could begin again here. My host school has swimming team, but they don’t have pool. My school swimming team joins other 2 school team practice, and we go to other school’s pool, and 1 coach tell us. So, I could make friends who are from other school. I was really nerves before I start swimming, because I didn’t swim a long time. My team have many practice, and the practice is 6 days in a week (←almost) at 7p.m. to 9p.m. I had caught a cold, because the water temperature and temperature are so cold. Other team members had caught a cold too. I could join the tournament many times, and I could get the medal! And I could do shorten the time from the first day. (20 second) during this 2 month, I think my memories are almost swimming. My team members are about 30 members, and they are always fine. We often went to eat a dinner after the tournament, and we went to shopping and drive before practice. I could make good memories with them. The swimming club will finish in February, I will try track competition in next month.
I’m going to talk about “the difference of culture between America and Japan”. I really think Americans are so friendly. This is my experience recently. After the class, I went to next class. When I was walking, the girl who was walking next to me talked me. (I didn’t know her then). I was so surprised. She asked me the name, and she introduced herself. I think it is difference. It is relationship of teacher and students. We can make a good relationship with teacher, and they are like mother and father. The woman who is teacher said students “please call me your mother!” I don’t have class which I don’t like, and I don’t have teacher who I don’t like. I always think interesting the class. I think the class is free. (But a few class) One time, we watched the game of chess, movie, and play the game with teacher. Of course, we take class. The student stand next to teacher, the student go out the class room, the student take assignments in a corridor, the student call with other people, the student play game, the student listen to music, but when teacher call us, they speak a question many time. I was so surprised
I think I often hear a word to my American friends. The word is “I love you”. They use this many times. In japan, I think people don’t say “大好きー!”“私も大好きー!”, if people say it, I will be surprised. This is like greetings, but I feel to be ashamed. I think American don’t shy, it is good.
I shocked about they don’t eat vegetable many times, but I love meat, and it is not hard. I think they hold parties many times.
I have feeling that I want to go back home early a little, but probably, lifestyle in America matches me, and I feel being able to grow up.
I don’t have much time, but I will be hard to do anything. Thank you for reading my report. See you next time! Bye bye!