Happy New Year! I’m Rira Motoki, studying abroad in Illinois. I’m on a winter break, spending fulfilling days with my host family watching Korean dramas and doing puzzles. On New Year’s Eve, I had fun playing Mario Kart with my host family’s grandchildren and they enthusiastically talked to me about the wonders of Pokémon. Honestly, the only Pokémon I knew was Pikachu, but seeing how excited they were to share made me exited too.
In this report, I’d like to share some differences I’ve noticed between American and Japanese cultures. One thing I’ve found in America is that people often send cards to express gratitude, even for small things. Most stores here have a section that sells a variety of cards such as birthday, Christmas, and so on. I was surprised by the variety of options they had. I, myself, have received a card throughout a volunteer activity. At first, I misunderstood the area, but despite that, the locals welcomed me warmly, and I didn’t even realize that I was in a wrong place until I got a call from my host family.
As locals and I were talking, I found out that they were actually neighbors of my host family, and we had a big laugh. Later, when I got home from school, I found a thank-you card from the local people, which made me surprised. I never expected it, so I was really touched and happy.
Also, when I sent a small Japanese card to my host family for Christmas, they were delighted and said, “Japanese cards are so cute.” My host family also writes cards to encourage me whenever I feel down, and every single one they have given me made happy, and my worries naturally melt away. I think that this is such a beautiful and warm tradition. Back in Japan, I would only send cards for birthdays or special events, but now I want to practice this culture more when I return to Japan.
Another thing I find lovely is the culture of giving compliments. When my host family and I went to the beach, I was playing with my host family’s grandchild with a hand-play water gun in the warm pool, and other children gathered around and complimented me on how good I was and it took me a surprise that children who had never met would praise me for something like that. Then showed how to do it and they enjoyed it too. I’m the type of person who tends to keep compliments on someone in myself, even if I think something is great, but through this experience, I realized that I should express what I think is good with words. At school, when my friends give me a compliment on things I use or my outfits, it always makes me happy. In cheerleading club, even when I try something new and fail, I receive compliments, which boosts my motivation.
In America, it seems that expressing thoughts is part of the culture, whereas Japan tends to have the culture of “reading the air” or understanding things without saying them. My host family even said that Japan’s culture of “reading the air” is wonderful because it shows kindness and thoughtfulness toward others. I enjoy the time I spend talking with my host family and friends about our respective cultures. When I tell them about Japanese culture, they listen enthusiastically and ask me lots of questions. Thought these five months, I’ve discovered much more about American culture than I imagined. In the future, I want to share more about the wonderful aspects of Japanese culture.
Hello! This time I would like to talk about cultural differences, the differences and similarities between Canada and Japan. Firstly, I felt that Canada is really a multicultural nation. My classmates and the people I meet in shopping malls come from many different countries. My host sister is Spanish, and when we went to the shopping mall together, she often happily tells me, “The people we just passed were speaking Spanish!” Thanks to this environment, we are able to enjoy cuisine from many different countries. In Canada, there are many events that celebrate the diverse cultural backgrounds of its people, such as Canada Day and Thanksgiving Day. The climate and natural environment are similar to Japan, and outdoor activities are popular, but Canada seems to have a more extensive culture of enjoying nature. During the winter, the school organizes ski and snowboarding tours, while in the summer, we can enjoy activities like hiking and going to the beach. Besides nature, there are other similarities as well. I felt that Canadians are very calm and gentle people just like Japanese, but Canadians have a more casual atmosphere. One of the differences between Canada and Japan is the culture of enjoying events throughout the town. During the Black Friday season, shopping malls are crowded with many people. Also, during Halloween and Christmas, many houses are decorated with lights and the whole town shines beautifully. In addition, the city held a parade with illuminated fire trucks and other vehicles passing through the streets. Since came to Canada, I have felt that it is a comfortable place to be, and I am having a wonderful experience.
Hi. It has been 5 months since I came here, and I ‘m getting used to living here. This time, the theme is “cultural differences.” I often notice cultural differences in my daily life, whether I’m at school, at home, or downtown. Recently, we talked about culture in one of my classes. When I mentioned that I use chopsticks to eat, one of my classmates was very surprised and asked, “Can you teach me how to use them?” I was happy that they showed such interest. As I wrote in my previous report, there are so many international students from different countries here. It’s a great experience to learn about other cultures. However, while “learning about cultural differences” sounds wonderful, it’s not always easy—sometimes, differences in values and perspectives can make communication challenging. On the other hand, I believe that trying to understand cultural differences helps broaden your perspective and allows you to grow significantly as a person. I only have about 6 months left here, and time is flying by so quickly. I hope to continue growing, learning, and having fun during the rest of my time here!
Hello. This is Hana Sato from Utah. 4 months has pasted, and I only have halfway to go! I can’t believe it. This time I’m going to tell you about the culture difference between US and Japan.
My host families are Spanish and my host brother that is also an exchange student is from Mozambique. So everyday I have new things to learn. Every evening, we have dinner together and the conversation that we make and the foods that are served, I feel the culture difference. In Japan, rice is the most common thing to eat but in Spain it’s bread or potatoes. I sometimes miss Japanese food, but I think positively and feel the culture difference.
I often feel culture difference in school as well. I’m taking US history, and that class is the most different class from Japan. The way that they teach students, they teach it like America is the best and greatest. Right now, we’re learning World War 2. During that they teach like Japan and Germany are worst and mean. Also, I’m taking Japanese class as an assistant teacher in my school. In that class I can see Japan from outside and see the difference of America and Japan. I’m teaching them Japanese but at the same time I can learn something new too.
From the conversation with my friends, I can also feel the culture difference. It’s a Utah original thing but the region of them is mostly LDS. Because of that my friends talk like God is the first thing to come. It was interesting from me as Japanese because Japan is a non-religious country.
I have 4 months to go, and I’ll probably feel culture difference a lot. I’ll try to absorb all of them when I go back to Japan. See you on my next report!
Happy New Year!! I feel like 2024 was the fastest year ever. I wonder what I did last year. Anyway, the theme this time is “Cultural Differences.” I’d say it is impossible to count how many differences there are. Everything is different from ours, and I really enjoy it, but it sometimes hurt my feelings though because I do not know what to do. I’ll talk about the contrasts through the events, minds, and interests.
First of all, there are so many events that we usually don’t celebrate grandly. I was surprised that some houses started decorating for Christmas in November. At night, we can see the colorful lights and each house has their own individual characteristics, which I liked to see. In December, we bought presents for families and friends, and we put them under the Christmas tree. On the 25th, if the Christmas lights on the tree were off, then Santa had not come yet, but if they were on, then Santa had already come and left presents for us. I woke up that morning, and I saw the Xmas tree shining brightly. I was a good girl the whole time, so I got so many presents!! I love it, and I appreciated my host family for all the gifts and the time spent together. On the other hand, they don’t celebrate New Year like we do. Some people count down, and launch the fireworks at night. But they don’t do anything special. In Japan, most of us visit families or relatives and spend time together. But here, they do it around Xmas, so I found it’s sort of the opposite. This is quite interesting.
Secondly, I feel most of the people I know are carefree, and mindful. In my opinion, they can control their emotions, and know how to deal with stress. The teachers and my acquaintances are so nice to me. They show they care about our learning by carefully checking to see if we are following instructions and understanding the material. I sometimes stress out about something like an assignment, but they know what they can do first in order to help. That’s why they have peaceful attitudes in my opinion.
Thirdly, I found people that live in these rural areas like us are good at finding hobbies. Everything is far away, and it is hard to keep busy so they spend time having fun doing their hobbies. I thought knitting, and playing games are quite popular around my area. One thing I was surprised to see is that some people have authentic tools such as headsets to connect to the metaverse. I think it is a rare case to have them in Japan. The trend changes depending on the area, system, and countries.
I am sure there are more differences which I haven’t found yet. So, I’ll keep trying to discover new stuff, and enjoy them. Here’s some pictures that we took during the past two months.
Happy New Year, everyone!
We wish you a very Happy New Year! I look forward to working with you again this year. I realized that about half a year has passed since I started my life as an exchange student. Time flies by so fast, doesn’t it? And today (January 10), I turned 17 years old and climbed the stairs to adulthood.
This time, I would like to talk about the cultural differences I have felt during these six months. I currently live in a very small town in West Texas. It is a place with the kind of western landscape that Mia imagines. Horses, buffalo, zebras, peacocks, and rattlesnakes are commonly seen on the roadsides. At first I was surprised every time, but now I am completely used to it. This is the first cultural difference. There are so many animals in this area; cows, goats, chickens, cats, and dogs are everywhere. People here are very knowledgeable about animals because they have been in contact with them from a very young age. At school, we have an agriculture class, and I heard that they raise horses on campus, but I have yet to see one in person. We have also bought three dogs, five puppies, two cats, and a snake. There are more animals than people, so every day is lively. The cats come up and relax with us when we are relaxing on the sofa. The dogs are greeted with a grand welcome by the big dogs every time they come home. Despite the fact that we are in Texas these days, the weather is getting colder and colder, and it is a difficult season for the animals. They are preparing for the cold by eating a lot and getting a lot of exercise.
Next, I would like to talk about what I felt about the difference in religious beliefs. There are a great many Christians in this area, and my family is also of the Christian faith. We go to church every Sunday and pray at every meal. As a Christian myself, I am not too uncomfortable with these customs, but in a rural environment, Christian beliefs have long been strong, and I sometimes see enthusiastic statements made in the hospital. Even in school, there are religious activities initiated by students and teachers sometimes bring up topics related to Christianity in class. Once, I was surprised when the teacher remarked that she could not imagine anyone believing in any religion other than Christianity. However, I understood that strength of faith is common in the countryside.
What I realized in this environment is the importance of expressing one’s religious views and values. There are various types and depths of belief in Christianity, and the situation differs from region to region. People in this region are basically warm, kind, and tolerant, accepting of all people. Their statements are not meant to denigrate others, but simply to openly express their own way of thinking.
A few final words about myself recently. American food is so delicious and boldly flavored that I tend to overeat. This year was the first “no snow,” “no Osechi,” and “no Kohaku” New Year’s Eve, which made me feel a little sad, but there were fireworks being displayed in my neighborhood. I heard that fireworks in winter are especially beautiful, but I didn’t notice much difference.
My goals for this year are to manage my weight and regulate my autonomic nervous system. I am now in the second half of my study abroad experience, and I will continue to enjoy and learn as much as I can. Thank you for reading to the end!
こんにちは!インディアナ州に留学中の吉川ミア愛実です。あけましておめでとうございます。新しい年が始まりましたね。私の学校も2学期が始まりました!こちらはほぼ毎日マイナス気温でとっても寒いです。今週は-19°の日があるらしくて怯えています。冬休みあけて1日目にはsnow stormがインディアナ州にきて、雪がたくさん積もりました。私はsnow loverなので友達と寮父さんとその娘と一緒に雪だるまを作って遊びました。友達はかまくらも作りたいと言っていたので、またたくさん雪が降るように期待しています!今回のレポートでは文化の違いを紹介していきます!
Hi. I’m Mia in Indiana state. Happy New Year! I started a new semester in my school. In Indiana, there are minus temperatures most days. I‘m afraid that it will be -19°this week. After the winter break, there was a snowstorm and lots of snow fall. I’m a snow lover, so I went outside and made a snowman with friends and my dorm parents and their daughter. My friend wants to make a kamakura, so I expect to have more snow. In this report, I’ll write about the cultural differences between Japan and the U.S.
First difference is that we don’t stay in a same classroom and no homeroom in the U.S. Students move different classrooms for each classes, the announcement is told on short broadcast. We don’t have a place to put our bag packs, so we need to put it in a locker or bring the class tools every time. My school’s computer is heavy, so it makes me tired. Teacher doesn’t move usually, so they put their favorite things, so the classroom got a lot of personality, it’s fun to look each classroom. My English teacher in the second semester decorate a lot of sanrio and Japanese anime things, so I want to get along with her. Every student has different schedule, so of course the classmate is different. We take classes with another grade students mixed except English class. It’s so different from Japan and interesting. As I wrote in the previous report, we can talk to a counselor and take classes with your interest, even required courses they have some levels, so we can choose the one fit for you. I think class schedule for each individual is so good point. And the sports club is season system, they change the sports each season, fall, winter and spring. I’m thinking to try the tennis in the spring! Also, the U.S school have ‘‘tryout’’, it is held before the actual practice and kind of trial period. In this period, we usually do the muscle training and basic practice.
Second difference is the school events. There are homecoming and prom. I wrote about the prom in a previous report, so this time I introduce about homecoming. In Homecoming[hoco] week, we dress up according to themes every day. In my school, we have a western day, sport uniform day and BBQ dad & soccer mom day. The theme was so interesting. I heard another school has dance party on the last day, but we don’t have it, so it was sad. But I could go to the American football match at last day, then I made new friends and we all cheered up and got excited. Until that day, I didn’t know the rules, but I like the atmosphere that we all get together and have a good time! In the high school here, we have a match every Friday, football in the Fall, basketball in the winter, when the match day, we put on theme outfit, so it’s fun too.
I found another difference. Tap water is not drinkable here in U.S, so a drinking water supply is installed, and there are a lots machines for water in a canteen. The machine shows how many PET battles we could save, so I think it’s very eco-friendly. In seasonal events, we have Thanksgiving. It is an event to thank for everyone and everything. In general, we eat turkey, mashed potato and pie. In this holiday, I stayed with my friend, then I surprised the all food was so delicious! I am glad experience the traditional American events and could spend great time. Also, at Halloween and Christmas they decorate the house with the light and put big ornaments, it was large and gorgeous. The street was so sparkling and it raised me up!
There are a lot of cultural differences between Japan and the U.S. But I’ve spent six month and I am getting used to a lot of parts of it, so there are many parts I’ve forgotten. I always realize the good points of Japan and the U.S, and I am definitely having a great experience.
ニュージーランドにきて6か月がたちます。すごく時間の流れが速く感じます。今回のテーマは「文化の違い」です。ニュージーランドにきてホストファミリーと過ごしていて文化の違いはあまり感じません。けれど学校に行くといろんな国の人がいてそこでたまに文化の違いを感じることがあります。まずは、こっちの学校は教科ごとに生徒が教室移動しないといけないので、教科のクラスごとに新しく友達ができます。それでニュージーランドの男の人たちはクラスの移動中に友達を見かけると絶対にハンドシェイクをするんです。それがかなりおもしろいなと思いました。また、授業が全体的にゆっくり進みます。私のデザインの授業は一年かけてコンピューターの中で机を組み立てるという感じです。いつも日本だったら一ヶ月くらいで終わらせるスピードでやりそうなのにな、、。と思いながら授業を受けています。そして数学にもびっくりしました。日本の数学のテストなどは計算問題中心で最後に文章問題がある感じですよね。けれど、私のいっている学校の数学のテストはすべて文章問題なのです。文章の中から自分で計算に使う道具などを探さないといけないという、数学なのに!!とびっくりしました。ですが、あまり人と人の文化の違いを感じるということはあんまりないです。強いていうなら食事かな?って感じです。みんなのlunch boxをみて、アジア系の子たちにはご飯が入っていることが多いです。キーウィの人たちはサンドイッチが多いです。それとニュージーランドの人たちは本当のお寿司を知らなさそうです。こっちにはびっくりするほどそこら中にお寿司屋さんがあるのですが、そのほとんどが巻き寿司なのです。しかも中に入っているのが、チキンだったり、サーモンアボカドだったり、、、。それはお寿司ではないですよね。びっくりしました。そこでキーウィの友達にお寿司って知ってる?って聞いてみたらまさかのニュージーランドに売っている巻き寿司のことを日本のお寿司だと思っていたみたいです。まあ、お寿司ではないことはないですけど日本人がお寿司を思い浮かべたらご飯の上に海鮮ですよね。お寿司食べようって言ってチキンはほんとにびっくりしました。今思えばこれも文化の違いなのかなって思います。今は2週間のホリデー中なのですが来週から今年最後のタームが始まります。Year12としての最後のターム4楽しんでいきたいと思います。
I have been in New Zealand for six months now. Time feels like it’s passing really fast. The theme today is “cultural differences.” While living with my host family in New Zealand, I haven’t felt many cultural differences. However, at school, there are people from many different countries, and sometimes I notice cultural differences there. First, in New Zealand schools, students need to move from classroom to classroom for each subject, so I make new friends in each class. I find it interesting that New Zealand boys always do a handshake when they see their friends while changing classes.
Also, the pace of lessons is generally slower. In my design class, we are spending the whole year making a desk on the computer. I often think, “In Japan, we would probably finish this in about a month.” Another thing that surprised me is math. In Japan, math tests usually focus on calculations, and word problems come at the end. But in my school in New Zealand, the entire math test is made of word problems. You have to find what tools to use for the calculations from the text, which was a big surprise for me. It’s math, but it feels like reading!!!
I don’t feel many differences in people’s behavior or culture, though. If I had to mention something, it would be about food. When I look at everyone’s lunch boxes, I notice that many Asian students have rice in theirs, while Kiwi students mostly have sandwiches. Also, it seems like people in New Zealand don’t really know what real sushi is. There are a lot of sushi shops here, but most of them sell only sushi rolls. The fillings are often things like chicken or salmon and avocado, which surprised me. That’s not the sushi I’m used to. When I asked my Kiwi friends if they knew what sushi was, they thought the sushi rolls sold here were Japanese sushi. Well, it is sushi, but when Japanese people think of sushi, we imagine seafood on rice. When they said, “Let’s eat sushi!” and there was chicken in it, I was really surprised. Now, looking back, I realize this is also a cultural difference.
Right now, I’m on a two-week holiday, but next week the last term of the year will begin. I’m looking forward to enjoying the final term as a Year 12 student.
This time, I would like to tell you about school life, which is very different from that in Japan and very enjoyable! First of all, I would like to write about the differences between school life in Japan and that of Japan. First of all, as you might imagine, the Disney Channel is a typical example of American school life, with singing and dancing, and girls sometimes start shouting from the stands, “Troeeeeeee! and girls sometimes start shouting from the stands, but unfortunately, nothing like that. However, there are daily events that are more hommoney fun than you can imagine. My favorites are the dress-up days and the Friday football game. First of all, dress-up day is a day where you get to wear clothes that follow a certain theme for that day. For example, there is pajama day. Some stiffs came with comforters and pillows, and others came to school in slippers. The most memorable dress-up day is Halloween. People dressed up as mummies with toilet paper wrapped around them, some wore forward tights, and some even dressed up in stuffed animals. My friend who wore a costume had to stand all day because she was too big to sit on a chair. Teachers also get into the groove and participate in dress-up days. The teacher who was dressed up as Rolex even painted his beard orange and wore full body tights. It was very high quality. Another teacher who likes Star Wars dressed up as Darth Vader and I don’t know if he could see in front of him, but he said “Shukoh. It is my favorite. By the way, I did a kpop idol called “New Jeans” as a pair with my host sister. Next is the football game on Fridays; the season runs from August to the beginning of November, and there is a game every week at that institution. One day is a pink day and the whole school is dyed pink, and another day is a neon day and the whole school is dyed in shiny neon colors. During football season, we often dress up according to the Peparoli theme. After Peparoli is over, it’s time for the long-awaited game. Sometimes it’s at school, sometimes it’s at another school, but I’m in the band and I go to every game to cheer for the team. I didn’t know a single rule during this season, but I had tremendous fun playing instruments with everyone, buying food at the concession stand, and making friends with people from other schools. When we go to other schools, we take the bus, and we enjoy the long drive by doing karaoke, thanking Beyoncé, and taking pictures with tiktok. The return trip is always after 10:00 pm, often crossing the day. The ride home is the exact opposite of a breath of fresh air, everyone is exhausted and sleeps like a bomb. It was very interesting to see some children sleeping on the floor and others upside down. I have only told you about my favorite events like this, but there are many, many small fun things to do on a daily basis. School life is the complete opposite of Japan, so every day I make new discoveries, which is very fulfilling. I can only whisper, but I feel that American school life is better suited for me. I guess I must have been an American in my previous life. I will continue to enjoy every second and every moment to the fullest!