




 話はゴロリと変わりますが、研修と研修中のファミリーについてお話します。「CHIの研修は勉強付け」とか「監禁」とかいう夢のない情報を握りしめて研修に飛び立ったわけですが、実際めちゃんこ楽しかったです(勉強付けは否定しないけど)。5Gのオナゴ達が私含めて5人だったんですが、ただひたすらに心強い存在だったし、良きライバルでもありました。でもやっぱつらいこともあって、私の短期ファミリーはファザーマザーネコドラゴンチキンの5人家族だったんですが、朝ファザーマザーが仕事でいなかったので毎日一人で朝ご飯を食べていたんですね。日本にいたときは毎朝うるさい弟妹とそれを注意する父母がいて、サイレントタイムなんて一つもなかったから、強がってもいざ一人になるともう寂しくて寂しくて。今だから言えるけど、日本の家族とファミリー、他の5Gメンバーと自分の置かれている状況を何回も何回も比べて落ち込んでいました。「一人じゃないよ」って根拠もなしになんでそんな簡単に言えるの?絶賛私一人ナウじゃねーか?とか最低なことも思っていたし、Welcome Partyの時に割と同じ状況に置かれていたマットと一緒に木の陰で泣いたりもしました。何回も死ぬんじゃないかって本気で思ったし、これ乗り越えた先輩ってやっぱすごいなあとずっと考えていました。でもそのあとチキンの私が頑張って思っていることをファミリーに伝えたんですよね。そしたらなんかネガティブ思考が薄れて、やる気が出ました。ファミリーとの仲も深まったし。やっぱ伝えるって大事だなー、うじうじタイムもったいないなーと心から思ったし、このホームシック(?)第一弾を通して自分自身ちょっと成長したかなって思います。とにかくオレゴン研修は結果的に最高でした。








 Hello from Mississippi! How are y’all doing? I’m Miina. Finally my study abroad report started. Because it was my dream, I’m super excited to write this report. I have bunch of things to tell, but I have some themes, so I’ll talk about my life in America with some of those things.

 By the way, were y’all ok about the big earthquake? As you know I was not in Japan, but because of that I learned lots of thigs like how important my family and friends are or, you know, a lot. Because of the earthquake, I want to meet y’all more.

 I’m going to write about many different topics, and first one is about orientation in Oregon and my host family there. Before the orientation, I had some “no fun” information like “The CHI’s orientation is only study” or “confinement”, but the actual orientation was super fun. (I’m not being sarcastic). There were 5 5G girls include me, but they were just super helpful and also super great rival. But of course there were some struggles. My host family consisted of a father, John, a mother, Lenne, a cat, two dragons, and five chickens. Because my host father and mother have to go to their work every morning, I was always eating breakfast alone. In Japan, I have super noisy siblings and parents who stop them and there was no silent time, so I felt so much lonely. I always compared friend’s situation with my situation and America with Japan, and I felt depressed. I was also thinking some bad things like “why can you say YOU ARE NOT LONELY without any basis? Now, I’m lonely!!” and I cried with Matt (she was also in the similar situation) behind the tree. I thought that I’d die seriously and I realized that SENPAI who have overcome those situations are role models. But after that, I tried to say what I thinking to my host family. (As you know, I’m a chicken, but I tried!) Then, my negative thinking was better and I got a little courage. I really thought that the time that I didn’t do anything was wasted and through this, I think I grew up a little bit. Anyway, the orientation was great experience.

 Next, I’ll introduce about current host family. This family consisted of a father, Jimmy, a mother, Darlene, 5 brothers, Clay, Cody, Layne, Logan, Ethan, and a dog, Sydney. Mother has a perfect sense to choose anything, funny and super warm person. She tries to know my anxiety or thinking and give me a lot of courage. And her English has strong southern accent, so I’ll get those accent when I go back to Japan. I’m looking forward to have a conversation with Mr. Joe who likes the southern accent. Father is super good at cooking and says lots of jokes (Even though I can’t understand almost all of them, I can tell they are super funny). The all actions what he does are funny and perfect, and I feel like that he is a little bit smiler to my Japanese dad. Also he is kind as mother. In my first few weeks, I felt like a little Oregon sick and I cried a lot in front of my hos father, and then I became to talk anything with less stress. Ethan, who is 2 years younger than me is belonging to the same band as me and play base drum. I was thinking that that’ll be difficult to be familiar with each other because our age is pretty close. But now, we can throw pillows without any considerations. That’s really great progress for me. Late September was his birthday and I gave him a Japanese stationary, and his eyes were like kitten. He is super cute and I can’t believe that he is a high school student. Logan, who is 5 years older than me is really nice guy. He helps with my homework or study every single day. Sometimes we do star watching and talk a lot. Also he can’t read music, but he is really good at to make songs. So if we have some time, we play piano together. It’s a big support of my mind to have same interest. Layne, who is 7 years older than me has lots of interest about Japan. Usually he isn’t in our home, but he comes to see his family once in almost every 2 weeks. He always gives me some gift when he comes back to home and listen my school life or something like that. Also he can play drum. There are two more brothers and their wife who I haven’t met yet, but this family is really, like, music family. Which is super good and really comfortable for me, and I’m enjoying every day with them.

 Finally I’ll talk about kind of my goal for this experience. It’s really difficult to explain this as a word, but I touched bunch of new things since I came here, and found a lot of difference between Japanese and American thinking. I don’t know, probably it could be a quite simple thinking, but I came up with the idea that is like, “it’s really useless to throw away these thoughts, I have to do something with these things.” and think about my future. This is super big progress for me, you know! But I need more time to see more REAL including of course good things but also bad things, too. And I want to be able to divide those things only with my understandings. Ah, I mean, the final goal is just, not to waste every single day.

 Thank you fore reading my messed up report. I really hope your happy and safety life. I loooove your smiling face, so keep smiling! Your smile give me lots of power. Love Y’all!

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