





 さて、日本とアメリカの違いについてですが、まず最初にこっちには時間にルーズな人がいます。もちろんみんながみんなそうってわけじゃないです、でもすくなくても私の周りには時間ぴったしに来る人はあまりいません。(笑)日本ではいつも寝坊して待ち合わせに遅れていたのにこっちでは友達に時間にきっちりしてるねって言われました!!びっくりしました。学校面での違いは、まず教科書が比にならないくらい重いです!!本当に重いです、でもロッカーにおいてけるときもあるのでそこには感謝です。私が通っている学校は比較的大きいので本当に迷路みたいでしたし、最初のころは毎日サバイバルしている感じでした。短すぎる休み時間の廊下は本当に混みすぎですし、ロッカーがたくさんある通路?みたいなところにでるのにも一苦労でした!!今はちょっとコツをつかんだきがします、人と人の割れ目にサッと移動するみたいな(笑)(笑)あと!!外にも教室があってしかもすごく微妙な位置に屋根があってここ必要ですよねってところに限って屋根がないのがちょっと残念です、、。でもこっちではceramicという陶芸みたいな授業とかバンド、クワイア、留学生とれるかわかりませんがstudent governmentという学友会みたいなやつも授業の一つです!また他の言語を選択することもできます!例えば、フランス語とかスペイン語とか!!すごい素敵ですよね!留学生のわたしたちの特権はとりたいクラスをとれるある程度の自由があると思います!!例えば、こっちではたぶんfreshmanbiologysophomorechemistryjuniorphysiologyをとるのが普通みたいですが、留学生の私たちは成績悪いのとらない限りこの3つの中から選べる気がします!biologyをとるのが安全だと思いますが!!でもカウンセラーさんが何を言うかはわかりません、、、。また、授業中に携帯を使う時間をくれる先生がいるんです、あなたたちはここを終わらせたから携帯タイムみたいなことを言う先生がいて最初は正直軽すぎじゃない??って思いました、でも今はその時間に携帯使っています、、、。生活面では、違いか何かって言われるとすぐにはどれが違いか思いつきませんが、こっちのシャワーはたまに使うのが難しいです!古いタイプのやつだとなかなかちょうどいい温度が出てくれないときがあって、びっくりします。

 もう2月に入って、本当に時間が過ぎるのが早いなあって感じがします。今は実は休み中で学校好きな私にとっては早く休み終わってくれって感じです(笑)残された時間無駄にしないようにチキンな私だけどできる限りの勇気を振り絞って次回のレポートでよい報告できるように頑張りたいと思います!!あ、小さな目標ですが、次回のレポートまでにがんばってtwilightシリーズ読み切ります!今まだnew moon読んでいますが、、、汗。ではまた!インフルエンザに気を付けてください!!

 Hello everyone!! How have you been? It’s Tamami staying in California! This is going to be my third report and I’m going to talk about my new life with a new host family and cultural difference between Japan and America. I’ve heard that flu is being epidemic in Sapporo, so please take care of yourself with warm clothes!

 I moved to a new host family’s house on January 1st!! I can’t believe that it’ll be almost two months since I started staying with this family! So many things happened during these 2 months makes me feel like I have stayed with them since school year started in August. Especially in January Daisy which is Boston Terrier had six new puppies, my sister’s car was broken into, microwave got out of order, and so on. January was crazy!! It really was crazy!! But now it’s February and there are only almost 6 months left for us, it’s super short. There are mother who teaches psychology and AVID at school, sister who is in the same grade as me and plays volleyball for more competitive team, and brother who plays basketball. They are all nice and this family is so sweet. We are loving each other no matter what happens, that’s what my new host mother told me and I felt so blessed and loved. They are much more awesome than I could ever describe! My new host mom loves watching football, so because of that now I know the rules better than before, I’m still struggling to understand what’s going on during the game though,,, My sister often has a volleyball tournament on weekend, so we often go see her playing volleyball. I don’t know why, but the game is usually in bay area so that I could go to San Jose on last weekend which is little bit down from San Francisco. By the way the reason why they decided to host me is because that when my mother was young, her parents hosted an exchange student from Japan called Tomomi who had had to change host family due to problem with them, and she thought the circumstance I was in was  quite similar to Tomomi’s and it’s a destiny. I think my name is quite similar to hers too. My school life actually doesn’t have any big change and it’s been good. It became a routine for me to check grade on the internet evert single day.

 First, let me talk about the event surprised me recently. Actually I have thought that there are people who don’t care about being on time, and I was wondering whether many people are like that or not. I think it depends on people and I can’t define that American people are lazy about time, but relatively they’re lazier than Japanese people. My friend tola me that I was always on time and neat about time though I used to oversleep and be late to meet up with my friends every time I hang out with them in Japan…. This is what surprised me at most recently! Also textbooks are very heavy, so

heavy!! But hopefully I can put them in my locker unless I have homework or have to review or prepare for the next section! The time between classes was too short for me at first, there were so many people walking the hallway and I thought I wouldn’t be able to go to narrow path to get to my locker. Fortunately I got use to walking through the super crowded hallway though! Moreover there isn’t enough roof for us to go to classroom outside, it’s like there are some spaces between the roof, so when it rains, I have to get wet! That’s sort of disappointing,,, Next, let me talk about some interesting classes you can take here! In Japan, we have no way to choose classes which we want to take by ourselves, however in America we can choose almost every classes which we want to take! Actually there are some rules to obey like we have to choose at least one class from scientific field, language field, and the field of history and geography. Except that, we can choose whatever classes we want!! For example, here we can take ceramics,

band, choir, and student government which I’m not sure if an exchange student can take though,,, Also there are other language classes like French, Spanish, which is pretty cool. The counselor gives us advice about which classes to take as exchange students, and according to their advice we can choose classes by ourselves!! By the way, it’s a usual classes in scientific field to take in each grade; freshman (9th grade) takes biology,

sophomore (10th grade) takes chemistry, and junior takes physiology. Also some teachers let students use their phone during classes!! First I thought students were spoiled and the teachers were too nice. That was unbelievable for me at first, however now I do enjoy using the time. In daily lives, sometimes I don’t know how to use shower and I used to endure very hot shower or super cold shower.

 It’s already February and almost 7-8 months have passed since I left Japan, my exchange year has passed over halfway and I feel more growth than before. However, I still can’t get satisfied with my English, so just keep trying hard and hopefully I will be able to tell you all good news!

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