


 こんにちは、あと一週間で日本へ帰国をする中村遥です。留学って本当にあっという間ですね。辛いことも楽しいこともたくさん乗り越えたからこそ、今はやりきったという気分です。いまの自分なら、どこに行っても生きていけるような気がします。この留学を通して、私は自信をもつことができました。それも、私がいろいろなことに挑戦する機会がたくさんあったからです。今は残された時間を充実させるためにだけfocus しています。




Hello. I’m Haruka Nakamura. I have 1 week left to back to Japan. This study abroad was really short. I could get through hard time and good time, so I’m done to this. No matter where I stay, I think that I can do very well right now. It is because I got confidence by these experiences. I had a lot of opportunities to try, it makes me strong and independence. Right now, I’m focusing to spend time with my family, friends, and teacher.

When I get back to Japan, I have to get through new things. Therefore, I’m kind of scared to back to home LOL However, I could meet my family and friends, so I will be alright.

To 5G, you guys are going to experience hard time. Bad things tend to happen one after another. I sometimes think that I’m done and lonely, but there are always nice people around us.  When you want to cry and talk, you should share your feelings with them. You don’t have to keep it by yourself. When you shared it with them, you are going to be feeling comfortable, so it’s also going to be good way. I have an advice to you. It’s smiling. You should smile no matter when. People likes positive people, so you should just smile. Smiling attracts everyone.

Finally, I got most important things through this study abroad. It’s relation with people. I can’t tell how much I appreciate to my families, friends, and teachers. Thank you for supporting me.

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