アメリカ合衆国テキサス州 Central Heights High Schoolに留学中の 大舘 和奏さんからの第1回目のレポートです。
私は7月20日に日本から出発してアリゾナ州で3週間研修しました。アリゾナのファミリーは日本人のファザー(アメリカに19年住んでる)と中国産まれアメリカ育ちのマザーと4歳、2歳、0歳の3人のブラザー達でした。ファミリーと初めて会った時、私は”よーし!ここからがスタートだ!めっちゃ頑張ろ!!”的な気持ちで挨拶したら、ファザーから”最初の説明は日本語のほうが分かりやすいと思うから日本語で話すね”って言われて、正直英語脳に切り替わってた私はすごいびっくりしました笑笑 でも今思うと凄い助かったんですよねこれ。初めての海外で、右も左も分からなかったので。
とにかくアリゾナでの生活は日本で溢れてました。朝は納豆ご飯、ファザーとブラザー達は日本語で会話しますし、ブラザー達は全員日本産まれなので日本語を喋れる人には日本語で話しかけちゃうんです。だから私にも日本語で話してきました笑 最初、私は英語だけでブラザー達と会話しようと思ったんですけど、それだとプイってそっぽ向いて話してくれなくなっちゃうんです。だから日本語を先に言って、その後自分の為だけに同じ事を英語で言うようにしてました。 そうしたことで可愛いブラザー達と楽しく過ごせました。工夫って大事ですね笑 最終日の夜はファミリー全員でタピりに行って、そこでお別れ会をしました。本当に温かいファミリーで大好きです。また絶対会いに行きたいです。平日は同じ留学会社の子20人くらい(半分ちょいは北星)と教会の1室を借りて勉強しました。みんなでグランドキャニオンなどに行ったのも良い思い出です。
翌日、テキサスに移動しました。ファミリーはファザー、日本とアメリカのハーフのマザー、そして最近10歳と1歳になった二人のシスター達です。ファザーはアウトドア好きでアーチェリーや銃を教えてもらったりしました!料理も上手なので、ファザーの肉料理が好きです。鹿肉も食べました!あと、アメフトや野球を一緒に見たり、釣りをしたり、今度ハンティングにも行こうって言われてます!少しグロいのが怖いけど楽しみです。マザーは日本とのハーフだし、日本に住んでいた経験もあるので、分からないことは日本語を交えたりしながら教えてくれます。日本食も作ってくれます!!やっぱり日本食って神ですね。食材から調理まで世界一だと思います。笑 私はアメリカンフードを食べすぎると、おなかを壊して動けなくなるので日本食を沢山食べれる環境がものすごく有難いです。1歳のシスターは見た目白人だけど、海苔も納豆もご飯も大好きな中身日本人な子です。最近、私のことを“ナナ”って呼ぶようになりました(和奏って言えなくて、最後の文字の“な”だけになってるの)。尊い…。毎日の癒しです!! 10歳のシスターはいつも家にいるわけじゃないんですけど、結構会います。お喋りが好きで好奇心旺盛な子です。いつも私に話しかけてくれるので、私も英語を話すいい練習になっています。ファミリーのことが好きなので、もっと私もファミリーに近づけるように頑張りたいです!
学校なんですけど、私は学校が始まるまでに二週間程時間があったので、Houstonに行ったりして楽しく過ごせました。学校初日はほんっっっとに緊張してて、ガッチガチでした。今も少し固まってますけど笑 なんにもわかんなくて、とりあえずみんなを見て行動してました。ランチに誘ってくれる優しい子もいてなんとか1人ぼっちにならずに過ごせました笑 今では歩いてたら名前を呼んでくれたり、すれ違いざまにハイタッチしてきたりする友達もいます。授業は相変わらず難しくて特に英語が死ぬほど難しくて1時間目から泣きそうになってます笑笑 それでも先生が優しいのでなんとかしがみついてやってます。笑 西先生と約束した、『授業中寝ない』も継続できてます!!!成長!! てか、私の友達ほんとに良い人ばっかりなんですよ。”和奏の英語上達したね!最初はHiくらいだったのに今は会話のキャッチボール出来てるよ!凄いよ!”って言ってくれたり、日本についてスゴく興味を持って質問してくれたり。私が言うの遅くても、うんうんってちゃんと聞いて待っててくれたり。How was your day? って聞かれて、いつもgood!って答えてたら、”それだけじゃなくてもっと具体的に言ってみて!”って私に練習する機会を与えてくれたり。凄く友達に恵まれてると思います。差別も今のところされてないし、むしろランチは堂々と日本食食ってます。笑 あと、中学時代ぶりでテニス部入りました!硬式は初めてなので軟式の時の感覚で打つと見事にアウトしますが、やっぱりテニスするの楽しいです。シーズン来るのが待ち遠しいです。
私の学校のHome comingは1月末らしいのでみんなみたいにドレスでイエーイ!みたいなのはまだ載せれません。私も早くドレス着たい…!!
Hi, everyone.
I’m Wakana Odate. I’m staying in Nacogdoches, Texas now. finally, it’s my turn to write this report‼I’m not going to write a stiff style. I’m grad if you feel free to read it.
I left from Japan at July 20th to go to Arizona. I stayed there three weeks. My host family at there is Japanese host father (he lives in US 19 years), host mother is American, but she born in China and grow up in the US and 3 host brothers (4,2, and baby). When I first time to meet them, my felt “This is start line of my study abroad!! I’ll do my best!!” like that, but my host father said to me, “First explaining I going to speak in Japanese. Is it good to understand it for you, right?” Honestly, I was very surprised. Because my mind already changed Japanese to English, but looking back, it’s very helpful for me. Because it’s my first time to visit out of Japan, So everything was fresh and stimulating.
Anyway, my life in Arizona is overflowing with Japan. Every morning, I ate natto on the rice for breakfast, they talk in Japanese between host father and brothers, and brothers were born in Japan, So they talk in Japanese who can speak in Japanese. of course, I tried to talk in English with them, but when I talk to them in English, they turn away from me. I try to different way to talk with them. First, I speak in Japanese and then I speak in English just for me. I can spend a wonderful time with them to do that. Last night of stay in Arizona, I went to Boba tea shop with my host family and we did a farewell party. I love them. I definitely want to see them again. On weekdays in Arizona, I studied with about 20 exchange students from Japan who are the same study abroad company at church’s room (half of those are my classmate in japan). It’s good memory to go to Grand Canyon, Sedona and so on with them.
Next day, I was moved to Texas. My host family at here is host father, host mother (she is a mixed of Japanese and American), and two sisters (they just turned 10 and 1). Father is outdoor t person. I learning shoot a gun and do archery. He is good at cooking. I like his dishes. I ate deer meat that he was cooked. Also, we watch sports (American football, baseball etc.), went to fishing, and he told to me, we will go to hunting next time. I’m little bit scary to see died animals, but I’m looking forward to it! Mother is used to live in Japan. When I can’t understand some things, she teaches to me mixed in English and Japanese. She usually makes Japanese food. After all, Japanese food is the best all over the world!! When I eat too much American food, I have a stomachache and I can’t move, So It very thanks full for me to eat Japanese food a lot. My youngest sister appearance is white, but she loves rice, seaweed and natto. Recently, she called to me “Nana”. Soooo sweet!! She is my therapy. 10 years old sister is not always stay at this house, but I meet her pretty often. She like to talk and she is a very curious person. She always talks to somebody include me. It’s good practice to improve my English to talk with her. I love my host family so much. I’ll keep getting better to strengthen the family bond!
By the way, I want to tell you about my school life. I had 2 weeks to begin the school since I arrived here, so I enjoy long vacation to go to Houston, relax in the house and so on. First day of school, I was extremely nervous and petrified. I’m little bit petrified still now. lol I can’t understand everything, so I just follow other people. The girl who invite to me to sit same table. Thanks to her, I was saved from be all alone at lunch time. Now, when I walk in the school, someone call my name, try to do high-five etc. Classes are still difficult for me. Especially, English class. During this class, I feel I’m going to cry every day. But teacher is kind, so I struggle to do it. Also, I can keep a promise with Mrs. Nishi (she is my homeroom teacher in Japan),” Do not sleep during class.” Anyway, my friends in here are awesome!! They are told to me “Your English is getting better! When we first time to meet, you said just Hi, but now, you can have the conversational ball rolling!”, they ask me a question about Japan, when I’m talking slowly, they wait for me without irritated, and I always response “good!!” when someone ask me “How was your day?” So my friend told me “Do not say just good, can you be more specific?” and give me a chance to practice English. I’m grad to have a great friend!! I have never experienced racism so far, or rather, I ate Japanese food at lunch time openly. lol One more thing, I join in the tennis club for the first time in 3 years. It’s my first time to play regular tennis, so when I hit the ball like same as play soft tennis, absolutely my ball will be out, but I like to play tennis, after all. I can’t wait to tennis season coming!
My aims during this program is improve my English skills on the premise that I’ll know about American way of thinking. I always have doubts why do American people do that? I think all of this answer is based on American culture and surroundings. If you just hear about it, you might think “It strange.”, but if you know the base of American way to thinking, you can understand it. So I want to know about America more, Also I want to know about Japan more too, and I keep on trying to make people who around me like Japan.
Thank you for read it!
Those pictures are when I go to the Grand Canyon, Fair, and Halloween.
By the way, my school homecoming the end of January. So I can’t post a picture with wearing a dress like other people on this report…. I want to wear a dress!!
See you next report! Bye