

アメリカのコロラド州に留学中の澤田日菜 さんから第2回目の留学報告が届きました。

こんにちは前回のレポートでコロラド州と記載されていましたが、コネチカットに留学中の澤田日菜です!今回のテーマは学校生活なので波瀾万丈な私の学校生活についてお話します!私の学校は朝の810分から授業が始まります。ですが、バスが来る時間が6時半で日本で7時起きだった私にとって5時半起きはとても辛いものでした。    初登校の日は5人くらいの女子たちがいるテーブルに飛び込んで仲良くなることが出来ました。今でもランチを共にしています! 私の学校にはアジアの子が全くいなく、珍しいのか日本のことをよく聞かれるし、日本語に興味がある人が多いのか、「こんにちは」と教えた次の日にはすれ違う人みんなからこんにちは!と言われます()私の学校は理工系大学付属高校 ということだけあって数学はalgebra 2を取って楽勝だろうと思っていたら高校数学に出てくる「微分積分」と「偶関数奇関数」を急にやり始めて死にかけました。特に私が苦戦していることはスペイン語です。日本語も英語もできないのにスペイン語を週3で学び、すぐテストを受ける日々が非常に大変です。     次は私が印象に残ってる出来事をお伝えします。アートの授業中、絵を描くだけなのでみんなイヤホンをして音楽を聴きながら作業します。授業中にイヤホンというのも驚きますが、作業をしているとみんな眠たくなってしまい、1人の女の子がいビギかきながら寝てしまっていました。そしたら先生が「おい、眠気覚ましにテックトック撮っておいで」とまさかの授業中に踊りだしました。楽しく目を覚まさせるというのは日本でも取り入れてほしいです😆チートシートを使ってもいいテストがあったり、数学の時間は壁一面がホワイトボードなのでみんなが寝ないように立ってホワイトボードを使って授業をするので寝たくても寝れません。お腹がすいたらお菓子食べてもおっけーだったり、日本とは違う部分があってアメリカの子が少し羨ましいです。       最後に部活の話をします。私は日本で運動部に入ったことがないのにも関わらずバレー部でレギュラーになりました笑、リベロとしてどんな球でも拾っていますバレー部は毎日練習か、試合があります。そのおかげで友達といる時間が増えて友達がたっくさん出来て、廊下ですれ違う時はものすごい勢いでハグしてくれる子や、休みの日も一緒にお出かけしてくれる友達も出来ました。授業が終わってから練習まで2時間くらいあるのでスタバに行ったり、近くにある大学の図書館に行ったり、踊ったり、歌ったり、とにかく遊んでます!模擬国連チームに入り、本場ニューヨークの国連に行きました!模擬国連チームだとは知らずに入ったら話し合いは多いし、難しい話ばかりするし、よく分からなかったけど貴重な経験が出来てよかったと思います!!


Hello… I am Hina Sawada, studying abroad in Connecticut, although you listed Colorado in my last report!  My theme this time is school life, so I will talk about my checkered (波瀾万丈)school life! Classes at my school start at 8:10 in the morning. However, the bus comes at 6:30 a.m. and it was very hard for me to get up at 5:30 a.m. as I used to get up at 7:00 a.m. in Japan.    On the school day, about 5 girls jumped in the table and we became friends. We still have lunch together! There are no Asian girls at all in my school, which is unusual, or maybe they ask me about Japan a lot, and many of them are interested in Japanese, or they tell me “こんにちは” (hello) the next day. They tell me. lol My school is only a high school attached to a university of science and engineering , and I thought math would be a piece of cake with Algebra 2, but I almost died when I suddenly started doing “differential and integral calculus” and “even functions and odd functions” from high school math III. What I am struggling with is Spanish. It is very difficult to learn Spanish three times a week and take a test right away, even though I cannot speak Japanese or English.     Next, I would like to tell you about an incident that left a lasting impression on me. During art class, since we are only drawing pictures, we all wear AirPods and listen to music while we work. It is surprising that we use AirPods during class, but we all get sleepy while working, and one girl was falling asleep while snoring. Then the teacher said, “Hey, go take a video of TikTok to wake up from sleepiness,” and started dancing during the class. I wish they would introduce this fun way of waking people up in Japan 😆 There is a test where you can use cheat sheets, and in math class, the whole wall is a whiteboard, so everyone has to stand up and use the whiteboard so they don’t fall asleep. I am a little envious of American students because of the differences from Japan, such as the fact that they are allowed to eat snacks if they get hungry.       Lastly, let me talk about club activities. I have never been a member of an athletic club in Japan, but I was a regular member of the volleyball club. Thanks to this, I spend more time with my friends and have made many friends. I have made friends who give me hugs when I pass them in the hallway and who go out with me on my days off. I have about two hours between classes and practice, so I go to Starbucks, go to the nearby university library, dance, sing, and just have fun! lol I joined the Model United Nations team and went to the real United Nations in New York City! I didn’t know it was a Model UN team, but I joined it and we had a lot of discussions and talked about difficult things, and I didn’t really understand it, but I’m glad I had this valuable experience!








Hello everyone. My name is Mako Tsukada and I am attending a school in Canada. There are many international students at this school and various events are held. For example, on Halloween, a party was held from noon and everyone had fun. Afterwards, we sometimes went to a haunted house. There are also events such as skiing, skating, and the Vancouver Market.


All classes are conducted in English, which can sometimes be difficult. However, when we consulted with the teachers, they would give us hints or make new easy problems for us. This support is very helpful.


Furthermore, I am able to take classes in ceramics, which I could not experience in Japan, and I am learning new skills. During lunch time, we sometimes get together with other international students and have a pizza party, or enjoy a game of musical chairs or participatory games in the cafeteria. This gives them the opportunity to interact with many Canadian students and other international students.






It has been three months since I came here. The theme is “school life.” My day begins with the school bus picking me up near my house at 8:30. After arriving at school, I head to my classroom for the first period and listen to the national anthem before starting the lesson. At my school, each class is 75 minutes long, which feels longer than at Hokusei, but I only have four classes a day. I always spend lunchtime with my friends and enjoy being with them. After finishing the last period, I go back home. My school is accepting a lot of international students, this is the best part of studying abroad. I’m still getting used to my school, but I believe achieving my goals or trying new things will help me grow. Adjusting to a new environment and taking on unfamiliar challenges is difficult, but I’ll keep doing my best.




Hi. I’m Mia in Indiana state. Recently, it is getting colder and it starts snowing. I’ve been here for about half year. I feel time flies so fast. This report’s theme is school life.

Class starts at 7:30. I go to by School Bus. I feel so sleepy every morning, but riding School Bus was my dream, so it raises me up. First, I’m taking math, English, U.S. history, astronomy, art and Spanish. At the math class, I’m taking algebra. It is easier than math in high school in Japan, but I’m terrible at math, so it’s still hard for me. But my first school day, I made a friend at the math class, and she is good at math and very kind, so she always teaches me. At the English class, I write essay and read book. I think English class is the most difficult for me, and makes me so tired. My favorite class is astronomy. At this class, we learn the constellation and we do presentations or group activities. I am always nervous when I give a presentation, but I accomplished it somehow. Also, the astronomy teacher is unique and kind, on the Halloween, he was wearing fired up costume. It was so funny, so I like that class. In my school we have some elective classes, for example orchestra, drama, and class of welfare. They have a lot of useful classes for the future. Another thing, they don’t use a PC more than I expected. They gave me a lot of prints, and I have to handwrite so many things. So, it’s more tiring.


In the U.S. high school events, we have a dance party called prom. In general, it held between April and June, but my school has it in November. At the prom we wear dresses and dance with loud music in turn with the song. In Japan, we don’t have party like this, so it was so fun. The prom has 4 hours, so many people took the heels off at the end of the prom. I went to 4 shops and found a blue dress. Going to the prom was my dream since before, so I was so happy.


Thank you for reading.














High school life in the America is fresh and new every day. At first, the language barrier and cultural differences were so confusing  but I gradually made new friends and enjoyed every day.
It was very difficult to understand the classes because they were conducted in English but I did my best with the warm support of my teachers and classmates. There were also many events at the school and in the community that I had the opportunity to interact with students from different countries. I was able to experience not only American culture but also the cultures of many other countries and deepen my understanding of different cultures.












Hello! My name is Rira Motoki, and I am studying abroad in Illinois. In the area where I am studying abroad, it is gradually getting colder like Sapporo. From my host family’s house, I can often see deer, rabbits, squirrels so I can feel some scenery like Hokkaido. I like it very much because it is a rich and beautiful place of nature.

 Last month, on Halloween Day, I dressed up and went to trick or treat with my host family’s grandchildren. By-the-way, I dressed up as a reindeer at the suggestion of my host mother, and another Taiwanese international student dressed up as a hunter. It was a lot of fun to go around to various houses and get a lot of sweets while chasing grandchildren who are running with all their strength. In addition, I was able to spend a very fulfilling day all day carving a pumpkin and competing bingo in school English class.

  The school I commute is a small school with about a hundred students in total. Lunch in the cafeteria is delicious, and I look forward to it every day. In the morning, school starts about right a.m., and when lunchtime ends before twelve o’clock, I spend about twenty minutes outside, then return to class, and go home before three p.m. When I take tests, I use a computer to solve the problem in a game format, so I take the test while having fun.

 Last month, there was a homecoming, and there was a day when students dressed up under the theme of soccer mom.It was a very fun day for one student who borrowed their mother’s bathrobe and nightcap to go to school.

 My favorite class is Algebra. I’ve never faced math before, so my family and me when I was in Japan would be surprised to heat it. In Algebra class, the math teacher is very kind and at first when I was not used to teaching in English, she looked at me. When I get a good score in the test, she gives me sweets. When I was in trouble, my friends would help me quickly, and I think I would be in a very blessed environment. In addition, in agriculture class, I studied horse judging, and I actually saw houses up close and judging them. To be honest, it was difficult for me to judge because all the horses looked perfect, but it was a very good experience.

On the first day of my school life, I was so nervous that I couldn’t talk to him well, and I was full of anxiety and tension because I only laughed back when I was talked to. But a friend of mine spoke to me like that. I made a very kind and wonderful friend who asked me a lot of questions about myself and Japan, listened to my fluent English to the end, and used a translator to explain what I didn’t understand.
Also, until recently, I couldn’t talk to friends well because I didn’t have my English skills, so I regretted it many times when I got home and said, “I should have talked to you at that time.” Out of that regret, I was able to get advice from the host mother, talk to them little by little, and gradually increase my friends. If we don’t talk, we won’t know each other forever, so I realized again that talking is very important to get to know each other.
Recently, I joined two clubs, the interact and cheerleading. Unfortunately, the interact club has been canceled continuously and has not been able to operate recently. Cheerleading is always my first time, and it can be difficult to keep up, but my friends and coaches teach me until I know them, they take frequent breaks, and during this time, the coach is going on a date, so it’s faster than usual. I’m having a lot of fun practicing, such as finishing.
The host family listens to me sincerely, encourages me, and helps me with my homework, even if I have any worries about my school life or when I feel depressed because it doesn’t go well.
 Thanks to a lot of support, I enjoy my school life! Sometimes it’s hard, but sometimes it’s more fun than many times that feeling. Today, the host family has carried a huge caddy cane, so I’m really looking forward to seeing what Christmas will be like with the host family!









 On August 26th, it was a sunny day. The first thing I realized about American high school was that even if it’s extremely hot outside, it is always freezing cold inside the school. When I arrived here, one week had already passed since school started. It made me feel very isolated and alone in classes. That was the beginning of my school life in West Virginia. I used to spend every class by myself. I felt like it would never end. That all changed after about a week. I finally made a friend with a girl from Philippines who is taking 2 of the same classes as me. I spent a lot of time with her. That made me excited to go to school every day.

 Three weeks passed. People were jumping with the loud music in fancy dresses. It was Homecoming Day, one of the biggest events of the year. I went to homecoming with 4 friends. We enjoyed the party and also had dinner together after that. We left school 30 minutes before the party ended, and walked through downtown in the dark. Fancy shoes hurt my feet a little, but it is now one of my best memories here. To be honest, after the party was more fun than just jumping in the crowd for me.

 Fall came. I’ve been doing well for now. I wake up at 5:30 every morning, leave home at 6:45, and head to school by a school bus. Each class lasts for 80 minutes, and then I rush to the next classroom in 5 minutes. Repeating it for 4 times, I will be in the bus #369 again.

Winter will come soon. I’m very excited to spend all seasons here.







Hello! This is Hana Sato from Utah. It has been almost 3 months since I came to America. Time flies so fast. Today I’ll share you about my school life.

My school is called Wasatch high school and it’s the only high school in my town that I live. They are planning to make a new high school right now. Because it’s the only high school in the town, they spend lots of money. We have a pool; everyone has a MacBook and end of the year they give out cars to students! It’s almost like a private school. My school life is never easy. It’s hard to make friends more than you think, but people are nice and if you talk to them, they’ll pretty much answer. Still, you need to start a conversation. No one will know you’re an exchange student. With my courage, I have some friends to talk to now. Our school has lots of activity, like school dance, sports games and plays. It’s fun to have these kinds of things. I still have 7 months to go, so I’ll enjoy this life and communicate with more people.

See you at the next report!



It is now November. Time goes fast. We can see snow already, but it is not sticking to the ground yet as well as doing small preparations for Christmas. November 11th was Remembrance Day. People gather on this day when the peace treaties were signed to end the first world war to honor the men and women who fought and died during those 4 years of war, as well as honoring those who died in World War 2 as well as any other wars that have been fought in recent history since. I saw traditional costumes worn by police officers and pilots. That was fascinating. I heard a new instrument I have never heard before. They are called the bagpipes. I also enjoyed Halloween night. I went trick-or-treating for the first time with my friends who are also international students. I dressed up as a cat and I got a lot of candies and chocolate bars. I ate a lot of them already, and I think I am getting a little fat☹.

This time, the theme is “school life.” There are a lot of differences between school here in Canada and school in Japan, and a lot of these differences might surprise you. Let me share a few with you. First of all, we go to school every day by school bus. I think this is a really good system. Our school starts at 9:30am, and ends at 3:30pm. Secondly, there are some good programs here that I think Japan should adopt. There is a food cart in the morning for students that do not have enough time to eat or do not have enough money to eat breakfast. I like getting the cinnamon bagel on mornings I wake up late. Thirdly, students are free to choose classes based on their interests and requirements for tertiary education, so there is a wider variety of subjects to study such as philosophy, yoga, child studies, oceans, and so on. As you know, I love jellyfish so I will take Oceans second semester.

Our school has about 60 international students. I made friends with people from different countries like Vietnam, China, the Philippines, the Czech Republic, Poland, Spain and Brazil.

I love this school, my new friends, and my teachers. I’m learning new things every single day at school, and I would like to continue learning. I hope it helps my future. Here’s some pictures that I took at school.


11月になりました。カナダでは雪も降り始め、クリスマスの準備が始まっています。1111日はRemembrance Dayという第一次世界大戦終戦を思い出すための記念日となっています。警察や操縦士の方々はみな、伝統的な衣装を着て参加しています。また10月にはハロウィンなど、様々な文化にふれることができました。初めてのトリックオアトリートでは両手いっぱいのお菓子を手に入れることができました。今回のテーマは「学校生活」、日々たくさんの発見があるので皆さんにも共有したいと思います。





ニュージーランドにきて6か月がたちます。すごく時間の流れが速く感じます。今回のテーマは「文化の違い」です。ニュージーランドにきてホストファミリーと過ごしていて文化の違いはあまり感じません。けれど学校に行くといろんな国の人がいてそこでたまに文化の違いを感じることがあります。まずは、こっちの学校は教科ごとに生徒が教室移動しないといけないので、教科のクラスごとに新しく友達ができます。それでニュージーランドの男の人たちはクラスの移動中に友達を見かけると絶対にハンドシェイクをするんです。それがかなりおもしろいなと思いました。また、授業が全体的にゆっくり進みます。私のデザインの授業は一年かけてコンピューターの中で机を組み立てるという感じです。いつも日本だったら一ヶ月くらいで終わらせるスピードでやりそうなのにな、、。と思いながら授業を受けています。そして数学にもびっくりしました。日本の数学のテストなどは計算問題中心で最後に文章問題がある感じですよね。けれど、私のいっている学校の数学のテストはすべて文章問題なのです。文章の中から自分で計算に使う道具などを探さないといけないという、数学なのに!!とびっくりしました。ですが、あまり人と人の文化の違いを感じるということはあんまりないです。強いていうなら食事かな?って感じです。みんなのlunch boxをみて、アジア系の子たちにはご飯が入っていることが多いです。キーウィの人たちはサンドイッチが多いです。それとニュージーランドの人たちは本当のお寿司を知らなさそうです。こっちにはびっくりするほどそこら中にお寿司屋さんがあるのですが、そのほとんどが巻き寿司なのです。しかも中に入っているのが、チキンだったり、サーモンアボカドだったり、、、。それはお寿司ではないですよね。びっくりしました。そこでキーウィの友達にお寿司って知ってる?って聞いてみたらまさかのニュージーランドに売っている巻き寿司のことを日本のお寿司だと思っていたみたいです。まあ、お寿司ではないことはないですけど日本人がお寿司を思い浮かべたらご飯の上に海鮮ですよね。お寿司食べようって言ってチキンはほんとにびっくりしました。今思えばこれも文化の違いなのかなって思います。今は2週間のホリデー中なのですが来週から今年最後のタームが始まります。Year12としての最後のターム4楽しんでいきたいと思います。

I have been in New Zealand for six months now. Time feels like it’s passing really fast. The theme today is “cultural differences.” While living with my host family in New Zealand, I haven’t felt many cultural differences. However, at school, there are people from many different countries, and sometimes I notice cultural differences there. First, in New Zealand schools, students need to move from classroom to classroom for each subject, so I make new friends in each class. I find it interesting that New Zealand boys always do a handshake when they see their friends while changing classes.

Also, the pace of lessons is generally slower. In my design class, we are spending the whole year making a desk on the computer. I often think, “In Japan, we would probably finish this in about a month.” Another thing that surprised me is math. In Japan, math tests usually focus on calculations, and word problems come at the end. But in my school in New Zealand, the entire math test is made of word problems. You have to find what tools to use for the calculations from the text, which was a big surprise for me. It’s math, but it feels like reading!!!

I don’t feel many differences in people’s beavior or culture, though. If I had to mention something, it would be about food. When I look at everyone’s lunch boxes, I notice that many Asian students have rice in theirs, while Kiwi students mostly have sandwiches. Also, it seems like people in New Zealand don’t really know what real sushi is. There are a lot of sushi shops here, but most of them sell only sushi rolls. The fillings are often things like chicken or salmon and avocado, which surprised me. That’s not the sushi I’m used to. When I asked my Kiwi friends if they knew what sushi was, they thought the sushi rolls sold here were Japanese sushi. Well, it is sushi, but when Japanese people think of sushi, we imagine seafood on rice. When they said, “Let’s eat sushi!” and there was chicken in it, I was really surprised. Now, looking back, I realize this is also a cultural difference.


Right now, I’m on a two-week holiday, but next week the last term of the year will begin. I’m looking forward to enjoying the final term as a Year 12 student.