アメリカ合衆国ミシガン州 Carlton High Schoolに留学中の 佐藤 一花 さんからの第2回目のレポートです。
私は6時間目にBandの授業を取っています。中学校の時に吹奏楽部でパーカッションをやっていたので、パーカッションをやりたいと言うと、すんなりとパーカッションに配属されました。バンドの授業を取ることはできたけれども、クラブのバンドに入れたわけではなかったのでどうすれば入れるのかと思い一度カウンセラーに聞きに行きました。すると、バンドの先生に聞いてみてと言われたので、次に日に聞こうと思ったら、次の日に先生の方からバンドに入りたい?と聞いてくれたんです!私は速攻でYes!って答えました。相当バンドに入りたかったのでしょう、前の日は気分だだ下がりだったんですけど、その日はパーーーーーって元気になりました。ユニフォームなどは1年しかいないので貸してもらうことにしました。バンドの費用も本来みんなが払うお金よりすごく安くて半額くらいで済んだと思います。今までここで暮らしてきて思うのは留学中ってすごい情緒不安定になるということです。(私だけかもしれない)ちょっとのことですごく落ち込むし、ちっちゃなことですごい喜びます。そして、正式にバンドメンバーになったということで大会で演奏する楽譜を渡されました。最初は入ったばっかりだし、大会には出させてもらえないだろうと思っていました。しかし!なんと1週間後の大会に私も出るらしいということがわかりました。流石にそれは無理だろうと思いました。だって大会の曲だからそれなりに長いんですよ。それを全部覚えてできるようにするってそんな無茶な話ないと思いました。でもやるしかありませんでした。なのでその日から猛練習しました。バンドは火曜日と木曜日の夜に練習があったので夜もびっちり練習して、放課後に残ったりもしました。そしたら意外とできるものですね、ちゃんと暗譜して大会に出ることが出来ました。大会が終わるとたくさんの人がgood job!って言ってくれたんです。練習が終わるたびに言ってくれる人もいました。とても嬉しかったです。バンドに入れて良かったと思いました。その後も毎週のように大会が続き、どんどんクオリティが上がっているのを感じて楽しかったです。週末以外で、平日の放課後にも色々なイベントがあったりして忙しいけど楽しくて、シーズンが終わってほしくないと思うばかりでした。シーズンが終わると言えばですね、Band Banquetという今年のシーズンもお疲れ様でしたみたいな食事会がありました。ここで一つ言っておきたいことがあります。次に留学に行く人とか、本当に一つはフォーマルな服装持っていたほうがいいと思う!夏も冬も。なぜならいつフォーマルな格好してって言われるかわからないから!私は急にそんなこと言われて困りました。出発前にも言われていたことだけど、冬用っぽいのを持っていなかったため、焦りました。でもBanquetはすごく楽しかったです。そのシーズンの振り返りをしたり、シニアの人たちが後輩に向けてスピーチをして、シニアに指名された人は前に行って、メッセージが書かれた紙を貰います。私は2回呼んでもらえて嬉しかったです!さらに、そのシーズンで特に頑張った人にawardをあげたりして、なんかとにかくすごかったです。そしてなんと!私もawardを貰えたんです!!本当に本当にびっくりしました。そのあとは色々な人がおめでとう!って言ってくれて嬉しすぎました。バンドに入って良かったと改めて思いました。
1つ言い忘れてました!この間snow dayがありました。11月にsnow dayがあるのは珍しいことらしいです。こんなちょっとの雪で学校休みになるのか!と思いました。北海道だと臨時休校になるということは猛吹雪で外に出られないくらいってことじゃないですか、でも私は普通に買い物に行って服とか見てました。でももう全部雪は溶けちゃいました。
Hello! I am Ichika Sato in Michigan. I’m writing report now, but this report due today lol This time, I’m going to talk about school! I’m so excited because I had been wanted to talk about my school!
My school doesn’t too far from my house, but I don’t walk, so I take a bus or ride a car to go to the school. I took a bus at 7:00 in the morning on first day of school. It’s very early. I have to leave home before 7:00 that is a little dark. However, I didn’t take a bus after school that day because my friend drove me to my house. The girl who lives in diagonally in front of my house, so I knew her before started school. I already knew her even in Japan because my host family talked about her. She is in my 2nd hour, and she said, “We’re going to back to home together after school, so you can wait for me after 6th hour.” I was confusing, but I rode her car, and then we arrived the house. We decided go to the school together tomorrow morning. I’m going to and from school with her every day from that day. I’m very appreciate. She and I are also Junior.
I’m taking Band class at 6th hour. I played the percussion when I was junior high school student, so I told my teacher I want to play the percussion, then my teacher allowed. I could take a Band class, but I couldn’t join the Marching Band club. I went to my counselor, and I asked how to join the Marching Band. She said you can ask band teacher, so I thought ask the teacher tomorrow. My teacher asked me whether I want to join Marching Band or no. I said, “Yes!” I really wanted to join the Marching Band, I was so sad before the day, but I was so happy that day. I borrowed band’s uniform and other band’s staffs because I stay in here only for 1 year. Costs were also cheaper than everyone. I think I cannot control my mind very well during study abroad. I’m very sad when I have very small problem and I’m very happy when I have something to like. I received the music that was music for competition because I became to band member. At first, I thought I don’t participate the competition because I just joined the Marching Band, but I knew I participate the competition too. I thought I cannot do that. That music was longer than normal music. However, I had to do that. Marching Band has practice at night on Tuesday and Thursday, so I practiced really hard. I have practiced after school too. Then, I could memorize and play the music. Many people said to me, “Good job!” after the competition. Some people said that after every practice. I was so glad. I thought it was good to join the band. I had competitions every week after that and I was feeling the quality goes up. I had some events during a week. I was busy, but I had fun time, so I wished Marching Band’s season would never end. When it comes to end the season, I had dinner with Band members that is called Band Banquet. I want to say one thing to people who will go to study abroad next year. I think you really need formal clothes for both of summer and winter! My teacher told me I have to wear something formal, but I don’t have formal clothes for winter, so I was really upset. That’s why I think formal clothes are important. I was told about it from my teacher and ISA before came to here, but I don’t have winter one. I had great time though. Band teacher talked what we did in this season. Senior students read their speech for their favorite person, and the person who is chosen from senior student go to the front and receive a paper that is message from senior student. I was called twice. I was so glad! Moreover, people who worked very hard can get an award. I could get an award!!! I was so surprised. A lot of people said to me, “Congratulations!” after that. I was so happy, and I thought it was good to join the band again.
I apologize about too long report. Please allow to write about only Homecoming.
Homecoming was fun honestly! I had Homecoming Parade and Homecoming Game at Friday night. In the parade, Band members and cheerleaders walked to the school, so I walked too. It was very difficult for me to play the instrument while walking. Really. I thought keep walking to the school is hard, but I felt very fast. Football game started after parade, game was not different from the usual game. I always played the instrument because of band, but I liked. There were a lot of students in there because it was Homecoming Game, so Bleacher was filled up. My school got 61 points and won. However, another school got 0. We couldn’t believe it! Next day was Homecoming Dance. It was a little cold to wear the dress. We said,” You are so pretty!”, each other when I met my friends. It was like American lol I went to dinner with my friends after dance. I went back to my house very late. I experience many things that I can do only here. It is really interesting! I want to more experience here!
Thank you for reading all of my report! I believe I submit a report by deadline next time. See you!
Wait! I forgot about it. I had first Snow day in here a few weeks ago. It was rare to cancel the school in November, but there wasn’t a lot of snow. If in Hokkaido, we can’t get out a house, but I went shopping with my host mother. Snow already melted.