

アメリカ合衆国ミネソタ州 Rogers High Schoolに留学中の 眞鍋 ひよのさんからの第2回目のレポートです。


こんにちは。ミネソタに住んでいる眞鍋ひよのです。気づけば提出日からしばらく経ってしまいました、すみません〜!!汗 今回のテーマは「学校生活」についてです。私のアメリカンスクールライフをご紹介します。今回も頑張るので最後まで読んでいってください。




私はseniorとして過ごし、今学期はculinary arts1(料理), English/Speech(英語/スピーチ), senior strategies(生活), algebraⅡ(代数), aerobics(体育), us history(アメリカ史)、次の学期は英語/スピーチ, 生活, 体育の代わりにsenior composition(英作文), jewelry(アクセサリーを作るクラス), college intro to psychology(心理学)の授業を取りました。どの授業も先生の話を理解するのが大変です。特に英語とアメリカ史は努力しても良い成績を取るのは難しいです。

部活に関しては英語の自信の無さと宿題の時間を確保するために参加するのを躊躇してしまい、月1回のworld language clubとボランティアに所属しています。なので平日は主に宿題を含む勉強の時間として過ごし、週末に友達やファミリーと出かけるようにしています。


アメリカの学校は北星と違って凄く緩く、メイク、髪染め、授業中のスマホや飲食は普通で任天堂スイッチをしている人もいてそれはさすがにやばいなーって思いました。笑 でも良いところもあってそれは成績が随時見られ、勉強の優先順位が決めて悪い成績を救うことができます。このシステムはとても良いと思うのでぜひ北星でも導入して欲しいです!






Hi, I’m Hiyono Manabe, has lived in Minnesota. I realized that it passed for a while since deadline, I’m sorry~!! This theme is about school life. I’m going to talk about my American school life. I do my best this time too, so please read my report until end.


Alright, let’s talk~!! lol


I’m a senior in my school and I took culinary art, English/Speech, senior strategies, algebra, aerobics and us history class this semester and I also took senior composition, jewelry and college intro to psychology instead English/Speech, senior strategies and aerobics next semester. It’s hard for me to understand every classes. Especially it’s difficult to get good grades of English/Speech and us history even I studied hard.

Also, because I didn’t have confidents to speak English and I need time to do my homework, I was hesitant to join club activities, and I’m belong the world language club and volunteer which has some activities about once a month. So, basically, I do studying include homework during the week and go somewhere with host family or my friends on the weekend.

Although, 4th grade students might be worried about problem of racial discrimination, there isn’t it for Asian include Japanese and I think you don’t have to worry about it. However, my friend who is black told me she still feels it a little bit, so I can’t say “there isn’t it definitely.” Because just I didn’t understand, I might have been said it. I have never felt it rather than I think they are cool and not interested in me very much. So, I can spend comfortable without feeling the problem, but it’s very hard to make friends. If I didn’t have any topic to talk even I tell them I’m an exchange student from Japan, they don’t become my friends. I need to make efforts. Because I couldn’t make new friends very much, so I’ve been thinking I need the efforts next semester too.

I think Hokusei is strict, on the other hand, my school is loose, and the girls make up and dye hair. Also, the students can use the phone and eat foods during the class and I saw some students who were playing Nintendo switch. I thought it’s disrespectful for the teacher and terrible. However, there are some good point which Hokusei doesn’t have. One of the pints is to be able to see grade any times we want to see, decide priority and save bad grade. It’s good system, isn’t it? I think it’s very good, so I want to Hokusei to adopt it.


How was my report about my American school life for this time? Basically, I had to turn in due December, but I did on January, so next report is going to be in a month. Yesterday (1/25) was halfway point to stay in U.S. I could become to speak English with confidence a little bit, however my expectation is far away and I have been frustrated. I will go back to beginner’s spirit and enjoy the leftover American life. Therefore, I have to start losing my weight…


Alright, see you in a month. Bye.

14 ひよの②#1 14 ひよの② #2 14 ひよの②#3