

アメリカに留学中の山崎 柚奈さんから第二回目の留学報告が届きました。


最初にThanksgiving について話したいと思います。私の学校は1週間の休みがあったので、ホストブラザーとシスターの家にいきました。写真はないんですけど、そこでいろんな料理をたべました。どれも見た目もきれいでおいしかたのですが、とくに好きだったのはCandied Yamです。サツマイモなどの上にマシュマロがのっていて、最初は変わった料理だなって思ってたけど食べてみたらすごくおいしかったです。そのあとは、犬の散歩をしながらクリスマスのイルミネーションを見に行きました。とてもきれいでした!次の日はBlack Fridayで、買い物に行った人が多かったと思いますが、残念ながらいけませんでした。その代わりに、マザーの手伝いをして過ごしました。毎週土曜日にマザーは私をマザーが働いてる服屋に連れて行ってくれて、そこでお客さんと話したりできます。みんなわたしが本当にそこで働いてると思って話しかけてくるので、緊張するし少し大変な時もあるけど、英語を使ういい練習になります。なにか困ったことがあればマザーと一緒に働いてるみんなにきけば教えてくれるし、すごく親切でいつも声をかけてくれるので楽しいです。こんな経験をさせてくれて色んな人に感謝しないといけないなと思いました。

もうすぐでクリスマスですね。私の家もクリスマスツリーを飾りました。かわいい飾りがたくさんあってとても楽しかったです。とにかく量が多くて全部終わるのに3時間くらいかかりました。11月はクリスマスの準備のためにほぼ毎週モールに行きました。クリスマス当日は、ファザーの家族が来る予定です。あと、マザーと一緒にクッキーや料理を作る予定です。 二月にはブラザーの家族のために、ベビーシャワーをします。これからいろいろイベントがあって忙しくなるので楽しみです!




Hi, I’m Yuzuna. It’s already December and getting colder in Texas. We don’t have snow, so It doesn’t feel like winter is coming.

First, I’m going to talk about Thanksgiving Day. I got Thanksgiving break for a week, and I went host brother’s house and sister’s house to celebrate the day. The dinners were so delicious and looks great. There were so many food I have ever seen, but my favorite is Candied Yam. It’s a traditional dish that is sweet potatoes with marshmallows. I thought it’s weird when I saw first, but it was so good! After dinner, we took dogs for a walk and went to see the Christmas lights near brother’s house. It was nice. Next day, it was the Black Friday. Most of people would go shopping, but I helped my mother at her boutique. She takes me her work every Saturday, and I can talk with customers. They asked me many questions. It was little hard to understand and makes me nervous, but it’s good for me because I can speak and ask a lot in English. When I have problem, I ask mother’s coworkers. They’re so kind, and always say to me “Good Job!”. That is my favorite time.

By the way, the Christmas is coming soon. Finally, we decorated the Christmas tree, and I really enjoyed it. It takes three hours to finish decollating because we have many Christmas stuffs. We went shopping a lot to get those in November. At the Christmas, host father’s brothers and their families are going to come here. Also, I’m going to make cookies and dinner for the Christmas with my mother. I can’t wait it! Also, host brother’ s wife, she is having a baby in February, so we’re preparing for the Baby shower. 

Last, I’m going to talk about my school. Classes are still hard, but I feel it’s getting better. I didn’t like Economic class before because I didn’t know even what I’m learning about. But this is one of my favorite class now. I have good friends and good teacher in the class. That’s why I like now. The hardest classes are English and U.S history. I’m writing my essay, and have to read two stories to find out those parallels. It so hard to understand. When I read a new story and write essay, I always think it could be easier if it is Japanese. I know it can’t be, but I decided to study hard when I went back to Japan. My English teacher is so kind to me, she helps my essay after school.

Now, I have lunch with three of my friend. We didn’t have same class. I don’t know why we were able to be friends, but we have good time every day. Next week, I have mid semester exam on Tuesday to Friday. The schedule is little complicated and I have two hours for each test. I think it’s too much. I really don’t want to take tests, and I’m getting nervous.

I wrote this term in English and Japanese. It is difficult than I thought and makes me confused. I got used to my life in America, but I have to keep doing my best.

Anyways, I will study for my semester exam
