

アメリカに留学中の山岡 ほの香さんから第四回目の留学報告が届きました。  



次に学校生活についてお話しますね。2月の最初の週まで水泳をやっていて、今はテニスをしています。私はなんとVarsity の中でダブルス一番手になりとても嬉しいです。こんな感じで私の学校生活は部活のおかげで充実しています。そして最近3学期が終わり今は4学期なのですがこの間自分の成績を見ると最初F3つついていてすごい焦っていたのですが、なんとついにすべてのfが無くなりそのうちのふたつがAにあがってて本当に嬉しかったです!授業内容に追いつくのはまだまだ難しいですが、何をいつまでに提出するべきなのか、宿題の範囲やプロジェクトは何について取り組めばいいのか、最初は全然わからなくて先生に沢山聞いていたことがだんだん分かるようになってきて本当に少しずつ英語力も上がっているのかなと実感しています。5Gのみんなの英語力がどれくらい伸びたのかはわかりませんが、私が言えることは約8か月たった今でも留学前に思い描いていた英語力とは程遠いということです。多分今留学準備をしている子の中にはペラペラに話せるんだろうと思っている人もいるかもしれません。実際私もそう思っていましたが、意見求められてもいまだに言いたいことがスラスラ言えない、知らない単語が多すぎて相手が何を言ってるのか分からない、というような経験を毎日のようにしています。正直、ネイティブスピーカーと生活すれば自然に英語力が上がっていくのかなと甘く考えていたので今は本当に後悔しかないです。ただ、残り二か月と少ししかないのでこの期間を楽しんでいきたいと思います。

Hello, I’m Honoka who are staying in Colorado, USA. Recently, my town is so warm outside, and it’s like over 20 degrees every day and comfortable for me because I hate cold and snow even though I live in Hokkaido.

Anyway, first of all, I am going to talk about the trip with my family for the first time. I went to the mountain to do snow tubing. It was awesome trip because the hotel was like a house. There were two bathrooms, three TVs, washing machine, and dryer in the room! And there was also spa outside. I had never stayed such a gorgeous hotel, so I was excited. The next day, we went snow tubing, and it was so fun. Actually, it was ninety minutes, but I only felt like thirty minutes. When I got the hotel, my host mom told me that I got sun burn on my face. I didn’t want to get sun burn, but it was so fun, so it’s ok.

Secondly, let me tell you about my school life. I swam until first week of February, and I am playing tennis now. I could be a first varsity doubles player! I was so happy to be able to be a best doubles player in the tennis team. Definitely, this activity makes my school life better than before. I want to tell you guys about my grades. To be honest, I got three Fs on the first quarter, but I didn’t get any Fs, and I got three As in six classes. I think because I can understand what I should do for assignments and projects. When I got here, I couldn’t understand everything. So I think my English is improving. However, the English level is very different from the level that I had thought before I came here. I thought I could talk in English fluently, but I can’t talk like that yet. I think if I studied English harder here, I could talk and understand more. Honestly, I have many regrets so far, but I only have two months and a half until I go back to Japan, so I have to enjoy my life here. See you guys in 2 months.

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