最後に、学校の話をしたいと思います。一番伝えたいのは、私の学校の生徒は本当に留学生に対して親切です。学校初日に緊張で上手く話せない私に今日からベストフレンドねと言ってくれた友達がいて、とても心が落ち着いたのを覚えています。ですが、ミシシッピに来てから、綾音と、私の本当の名前で呼ばれたことが一度もありません。最初はあやねだよと教えるのですが、誰も正しく覚えてくれないのでもう、諦めました。みんなは、私のことをあやに、あやな、あやの、あやん、あいなどと色々な方法で呼びます(笑)日本人からしたら全部違う名前ですけどね!それでも、日本の担任の先生はクラスの中にあやね、あやな、あやの、あやという名前の人がいても呼び分けられてたのですごいなと思います。あと、私の学校は制服があるので、毎日何を着るか決める必要がないのがすごく私にあっています!少し厳しい学校なので、携帯も使えないのは残念ですが、日本と同じだと思えばなんてことないです。授業は、4時間制で、前期と後期で時間割が変わるのですが、前期はAlgebra 2と、Theatreと、Spanishの授業をとりました。最初は、英語だけでも大変なのにスペイン語まで手が回らないと思っていましたが、今ではSpanishは私の一番好きな授業です!学校初日、一番心配だったのはお昼ご飯の時間だったのですが、なんと私の学校は3時間目の途中にクラスメイトと食べに行くので、なんの心配もいりませんでした!3時間目はSpanishだったので、そのせいか、Spanishのクラスメイトとはすぐに仲良くなれました。私はマーチングバンドに入ったので毎日の4時間目と火曜日から金曜日の放課後は練習があります。特にマーチングバンドのメンバーは本当に優しくて、そのおかげで一気にたくさん友達ができました。マーチングは外で練習するのですっかり日焼けをして真っ黒になってしまいました。本当にくっきり、服のラインに沿って日焼けをしてしまったのですが、マーチングのシーズンが終わって冬になったら元の色に戻ることを願っています。
Hi! I’m Ayane Sakurai from Mississippi. It’s still hot and humidity outside in here. I finished my orientation without any accident, and it’s already been 6 weeks since I started my American school life. Well, time passed so fast and it made me so worried whether if I could improve my English in this 6 weeks. In this report, I’m going to write about my orientation’s host family, my host family in Mississippi and my school life.
First, I’m going to talk about my four-week orientation. I took the orientation in the small town, Lebanon, Oregon. There was father, mother, 7-year-old brother, 5-year-old sister, and 3-year-old brother in my host family. My family was always lively, and they talked a lot. Especially, my host father was a cheerful person, so I could stay really comfortable. During the orientation, there was my youngest host brother’s birthday. So, I went to the beach and stay at the house looks like a log house. My family really liked Japan and I could eat real Japanese rice and real Japanese food. On the last day, I made a curry and rice with my host mother. They were really kind to me so that was so sad to say goodbye to them.
Next, I’m going to tell you about my host family in Mississippi. There is mother, sister, and four dogs in my family. My host sister is living in an apartment and doing room-sharing to go to the university, but she comes back to home almost every weekend. My host family in Mississippi is really opposite to my orientation’s family. They’re like real American (of course they are!) and they eat fast food like almost half of a week. I might unbelievably get fat by the time of me going back to Japan!
Lastly, I’m going to tell you about my school life in America. One thing I really want to tell you about is that the students in my school are really kind to the exchange student. I remember my first day of school and I could not talk well because of the strain, but one girl talked to me very nicely and told me that we’re best friend from today. And that made me feel better. I never being called with my actual name in Mississippi, people call me like Ayan, Ayani, Ayana, Ayano, Ai and so on. I think it’s kind of a hard pronounce for southern people. And also, I’m really proud of my homeroom teacher in Japan, he always tries to call my name in a real way even though there were Aya, Ayana, Ayano, and Ayane in my class. Also, I have school uniforms so I don’t have to care about what to wear. But my school is pretty strict and I cannot use my cell phone at school. About the class, I have 4 classes in each day and it changes in the 1st and 2nd semester. I took Algebra 2, Theatre and Spanish for 1st semester. At first, I thought that it’s already hard to learn English and I didn’t think it’s going to be fun to learn Spanish. But now, my most favorite class is Spanish! On my first day of school, I was worried about the lunch time, but we eat lunch during the 3rd period in my school, and I have Spanish class in the 3rd period. So that made me easier to get close to my Spanish classmate. I joined the marching band and I have practice every 4th period and Tuesday to Friday’s afterschool. The member in the marching band is also really kind to me, and I could make many friends in the band. I practice outside, so I already got suntan. I really got a great suntan along the line of clothes and I hope it turn back to original skin color when the marching season finishes and turns to winter.
My first month passed by so fast like this. I know that my report was like a diary, but I’m really grateful to you for reading my report. I want to tell you more about my life in America in the next report! Please take care yourselves!