私は今本拠地のニューハンプシャー州のbritolという小さな町にいます。ファミリーはファザー・マザー・年上のブラザー2人・年下のブラザーとシスターです。彼らは町のダウンタウンでコーヒーショップを経営していて毎日働いています。私の平日の流れは、朝起きてファザーの車で店に行って自分のラテを作りご飯を食べ、登校。授業は、english・space and earth science・drawing・ceramic・cooking・civic and NH governmentをとっています。放課後はサッカー部で汗を流し、帰って宿題をしてファミリーと夜ご飯。平日は忙しいですが週末は部活動がないのでゆっくり出来ます。
Hello everyone! I’m Hikari and staying in Bristol, NH. I can’t believe that I’m making report and my report is going to be read by many people. First, I’ll talk about the English camp in Ohio. I did a lot of fun things in Columbus. I went to Ohio state university, downtown, library, zoo, pool, German village, camp, church’s youth group etc… Especially, the German village was marvelous!! When I went to there, I felt I was in European city. I love it. My Columbus host family was really nice. They took me many places for three weeks. They gave me a lot of opportunities to have experiences. I’m deeply grateful to you for their love and kindness. Now I miss them but I don’t want to contact with them because it will make me sad. When I finish my study abroad, I’ll visit them again.
Next I’ll talk about my life in Bristol, New Hampshire. My host family is mother, father, two older brothers, one younger brother and sister, dog, and kittens. Last week, we had five new kittens and they gave me one. I named him my younger sister’s name. Because his cry is very high tone and it sounds like my sister’s high voice. In high school, I’m taking English, space and earth science, drawing, ceramic, cooking and NH government. The English class is difficult so every day I’m studying hard. I was going to take US History but I asked the guidance then I chose NH government class. The class is not easy but I like the teacher. I join to soccer club. Girl is only four including me in their team so I have to play with many boys every day. It sounds like paradise for everyone. Of cause they are very nice and kind to me so I like practice. The practice is only on week days so I can be relax on every weekends. On weekends, I usually spend my time in my host family’s coffee shop. These days I’m practicing to make latte. It’s not too hard than I thought. Anyway I’m enjoying my study abroad life!! I miss my family and friends so much! Thank you for reading my report.