

カナダに留学中の佐伯美胡さん から第1回目の留学報告が届きました。

こんにちはカナダに留学中の佐伯美胡です。今回は初めてのレポートなので少し緊張していますが、よければぜひ読んでくださいね!そして私は研修についてと新しいファミリーについて、少しだけ学校についても話したいと思います。そして出発前私が5Gの中で一番不安視されていたと思いますが皆さん、安心してください。何とか過ごせていますし、なんと 太ってないと思われます!!!!!










ファミリーは、マザーのカレン、ファザーのアダム、そしてダブルプレイスメントの中国人のジャスパーがいます。家に初めてついたとき、マザーが私にカナディアンネームをくれました。そしてご飯もとってもおいしく素敵な部屋を使わせてもらっています。問題のパクチーはついたその当日にまたマザーとファザーは特に優しく、特にファザーが銃で撃たれてマザーは胃の手術をしたにもかかわらずとってもきづかってくれ、話しかけてくれ、そのまま私のような留学生を受け入れてくれたことには感謝しかないです。マザーと買い物に行ったり、家で映画を見たり、ファザーやマザーの友達や近所の人と会ったり話したりするのは私にとってとても勉強になりますし楽しい時間でもあります。ファザーとマザーのジョークにはきづかないこともありますが、だんだん 早くて、若者が使いそうな言葉を聞くのにも慣れてきました。ダブルプレイスメントのジャスパーはなかなか謎で私には理解できかねぬところがとてもありますが、なんとか仲よくなろうと思います。


9/5から学校が始まりました。マザーと二人で学校に行ってレジを済ませた後に授業を取りました。ESLという留学生の集まるクラス、tourisum, 数学、英語を取りました。数学はもしできれば難しいので数日中には変える予定でいますが、仲のいい友達がいたので少し寂しいです。そうなのです!この間、初日に出会った子で毎日お昼ご飯を食べている子の家に遊びに行ったのです!カナダの高校生の部屋はとってもおしゃれでした。。マザーも家具にはこだわって季節ごとに装飾を変えるらしく、たくさんの買い物をしてきて、マザーの友達の家に行った時も素敵なおうちばかり、、、、カナダの人おうちの中をきれいに自分らしくアレンジ好きなのかなとふと思ってしまいました。

そうです、授業、、簡単ではもちろんありませんが、すごく難しいわけでもありません。単語を聞き取ってやっと何をするか知ったり もはや先生にめちゃめちゃ聞いたりしてます。英語の先生は特に字が汚くて略語も使うので、、そして英語の授業はだいたいは理解できないので先生を頼り切っています。




Hi, I’m Miu. Today I want to share my experience of Canada. (also about orientation and new family)


First, I want to talk about my orientation family, my family was mother, father, brother, sister and person who is from France. They are Indian so I must eat a lot of Indian (spicy) food every day. And I send an e-mail to my old host mom “I want to try a lot of things in Canada” so any kind of food I must eat. Sometimes I can eat English dinner, but there were some nan or something of Indian food. I also every day ate Indian curry, and it’s so spicy I have never eaten before. I went to a lot of place. (but just weekend) Like: CASA LOMA(It’s kind of a house but looks like castle and It’s built by two person because it takes a lot of money and first person who built the house doesn’t have enough money. Now Ontario government managing this house), As you know Niagara Falls, Parkwood (it’s a house who lived a kind of spy in Oshawa) Oshawa mall (It’s so huge) and Ontario Museum.  

 I had three difficulty things in this house. First, I don’t like coriander very much, but I lost a time to say, “I don’t like it.” So, I though “I want to go new house now!!!!!!!” every day.

Second, I can’t join family. France people be able to speak English very well but I’m not so I try to explain some of Japan, but I can’t say. (cause of my vocabulary)

Third, I can’t be friendly with my host sister and brother. When Justine go back to home country we went to Parkwood and go to mother’s friend’s party. Then my host brother took picture of Justine but it’s my turn, my host sister wakes up by host father and just say good-bye and go back to own bed. Even my host brother didn’t wake up for me. It’s so sad. I thought I don’t want to see them again.


My new host family … Karen who is my host mom and Adam who is my host father is so kind. There two reason why I think so. When I stay 4days, and I and Karen watched some movie at midnight and I went to be and fell sleep. It was a sad day, because when I wake up, I heard but things. “Adam shouted his leg by gun in Niagara Falls.  he is okay and he come back to home same day. I thought I must give up staying this house. However, Karen doesn’t do that.

And after 1 weeks later Karen had surgery for her stomach, so I thought same thing, but my family don’t do that. We have four dogs and everyone is not same kind of dogs. Dogs are so cute and funny. And Jasper … exchange student from China.

I can get my own room, not spicy foods and my Canadian name(Macy)


My school was starting by 9/5.

First day, I was so nervous, but Karen stayed with me when the class was started. And this day I could get a Canadian friend and last week, I went to her house and went to shopping by she’s bicycle. (I could borrow)!!!  She’s house was amazing! There are two hammocks in the garden. I love that so much.

I take ESL class, Tourism class, English class and Science class. I can change math to science. Because I can’t write graph.

ESL class is easy for me because everyone can’t speak English very well. Tourism class is so difficult, but I like travel so I take it. Science class is so interesting. We are learning about light and color with using I pad. English class is so-so but, I want to try writing so many words.


I think that’s all, so I’ll finish.

Next report will tell you my club. See you!

MiuS1-3 MiuS1-2 MiuS1-1