まず、familyについてです。私のfamilyは農家でsingle motherと24歳のhost sister、馬2匹、ポニー1匹、ミニロバ1匹、羊4匹、鶏約20匹、大型犬5匹、猫3匹です。日本で生活していた頃とは大きくかけ離れた生活をしているので最初はいろんなことに戸惑いました。でも、今は少しずつ慣れてきています。Motherは看護師でhost sisterと一緒に働いています。Sisterは馬に乗るのが得意で馬の大会などにも出場していて、私たちが暮らしている家以外にも馬を飼っています。
次に研修についてです。研修ではNew song churchという教会に毎日通い、そこでAmericaについてや日本との違いなどを学びました。その他にも、警察署、消防署、Columbusの学校などを見学したり、Columbus zoombezi bayというアミューズメントパークへ行ったり、 marketで食材を買い教会でタコスなどを作りました。この10日間はあっという間でしたが、とても内容の濃い時間を過ごせたと思います。
Hello, everyone! I’m Momona and I will be living in Pennsylvania. This is my first report. I came to America in August 15, and I’m staying Columbus in Ohio states for ten days, so I will write just about happenings in Ohio. I will not write about Pennsylvania. When you are reading my report, I will be in Pennsylvania so I will write about happenings in Pennsylvania at next report. So I will write about my host family in Ohio and orientation.
My family are single mother, 24years old sister, 2 horses, 1ponny, 1 mini donkey, four sheep, 20 chickens, 5 big dogs and 3 cats. I’m staying far apart from when I was in japan. But I’m used to it now. My host mother is a nurse and she works with my host sister. My host sister is good at riding a horse, so she was competing in the horse, and she has other horses in other places.
Next is about my orientation. At orientation, we went to church witch is called “New Song church”. We learned about America and the difference between japan. Also, went to police department, fire department, local high school in Columbus. In addition, we went to Amusement park called Zoombezi bay and we bought foods at market and made tacos. The ten days went by so fast, but I think I could have fulfilling days.
My goal is to not to compare with others, work myself, make my study abroad that I think it was glad to go to study abroad. In addition, appreciate to my family, and even if it’s hard, try not to give up and do my best. Finally, thank you for reading my report to the last.
Then, see you again!!!!