


           I’m Yuria Saito, I am staying in ME. Ive been in the US for a month. I felt like time’s going by so slowly. I already finished language camp in AZ, and came to ME. The temperature is going up and down, It’s hard for me. However, I am having a great time.

First, I’ll write about “Goal of study abroad”. My big goal is “Pour my all into the now”. When I came back in Japan, I want to be a person who can understand many new things, so I must study English now for that. There for I shouldn’t use Japanese, sleep all day, stay in my room. Anyway, I shouldn’t do what I can do in Japan. I must do what I can do in the US. If I can do like this, I will be a person who I want to be. I hope that.

           Next, I’ll write about “Home stay”. In AZ, to be honest I think it was little hard because my host mother was very busy person, so I often can’t see and talk. In addition, my host sister had boyfriend, they were always in their room, so I can’t talk to her. After school, I often stayed alone at home. Also, I often had dinner, and went to somewhere with another host family, but there wasn’t my host family, so I felt very sad. I don’t have memory that I did something with my host family. However, I could have wonderful time in AZ. I am grateful to those who had taken care of me in AZ. First in ME, I was confused many times. The people who met at the airport was different people who I thought host family. In addition, they were temporally host family. I thought “Who is my host family?”. Now, I stayed real host family’s house. They are really kind, so I felt happy.

メイン週に留学中の齊藤有里杏です。 英語でも述べたとおり、この留学での目標は今すべきことを全力ですることです。部屋でYouTube見たり、本読んだり、大好きなお昼寝をせず、ファミリーとなるべく居間で過ごしたり、お手伝いして会話の機会を増やそうと頑張っています。小さい目標だと英語に関するものがたくさんありますが、達成しようとするにあたってやっぱり思うのは、会話をするのがすごく難しいです。書く分には頭の中で好きなだけ考えてられるけど、会話中はそれができないし、それ以前に何を言っているか分からないです。あと相槌がうまくできないことに気づいたので、会話中に使われていた相槌表現をメモに取っています。


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