私がアメリカに来たのは約2ヶ月前の7月21日で最初は研修地であるコロラドに3週間ステイしていました。コロラドのファミリーは、とっても優しいファザーとマザー、いっつも元気な7歳と11歳のブラザー、おちゃめな3匹の犬、、、優しくてとても素敵なファミリーでした!今は7歳のブラザーが誕生日を迎えて8歳になったみたいです!コロラドのファミリーとの思い出は今でも忘れられないかけがえのないものになっていますし、この家族のおかげで私の研修期間は1度も重いホームシックになることなく楽しく過ごすことができました。Thank you so much:)
さて、3週間の研修を経ていざフロリダに出発!!!ですが、私はアメリカに来て初めて大きい壁にぶち当たり、フロリダに来てすぐの時にホストチェンジをしました。ホストチェンジをするにあたって本当に色んなことがあり、そのことについてコーディネーターと話をした時は、私は一生懸命話してるのに、Your English is really really really bad. と言われたり、Your English is too slow. と笑われたこともありました。新しいファミリーが見つかるまでの期間は本当につらくて、毎日クローゼットの中で泣いて、人生でこんなに流したことないだろうってくらいの涙を流していました。いくら泣いても、助けてって言っても日本の家族に会うことなんてできないし、泣いたって仕方ないのに涙は止まらなくて本当に辛かったです。
パパはジョークが大好きで、この前はゆで卵なのに生卵と嘘をついて、catch! と言いながら卵を投げてきたり、よく私をからかって大爆笑しながら楽しんでいます(笑)また、とても綺麗好きなので、夜ご飯の後はかならず掃除機をかけたり、洗濯をしたり、毎日お風呂にも入ります(笑)私たちにはお風呂に入るときに言うある特別な合言葉があって、意味はよくわかりませんが、その合言葉はHop in!! です(笑)外から家に帰って来たらHop in!! です(笑)毎日お互いに言い合っています(笑)
ママはとても優しくて料理が上手で、いつも私を助けてくれます。また、何かあるたびに、I love her. やshe is so cute. とたくさん言ってくれてたくさんの愛を注いでくれています!
私のファーストスクールデイの前の日にフットボールの試合があり、そこでたくさんの友達を紹介してくれました!でも、ブラザーの友達なので男の子が多く、女子校通いの私には挨拶のハグでさえ緊張していました(笑)学校で会うとhi と言ってくれる優しい人たちです!US historyはマジでむずい!!先生なんて言ってるか本当にわからない~(笑)勉強の毎日です~~~(笑)
Hi I’m Arisa stayed in Florida.
I came to America about two months ago. I stayed Colorado for three weeks for studying English with my CCI members from Japan and Thailand before I came to Florida. My Colorado’s family is father, mother, two brothers and three dogs. They are so kind and cheerful. I think they are wonderful family. I never forget a lot of memories with them. This three weeks were good experience for me. I really appreciate them. Thank you so much:)❤︎
After this three weeks, I left Colorado for going to Florida. However I had big problem for my life when I came to Florida. So I changed host family. I had various hard things for changing family. For example, when I tried to talk hard to my local coordinator about my problem, but they said to me like “Your English is really really really bad.” and “Your English is too slowly (and they were laughing).” I was so sad to hear that, and I said “I came here for studying English.” to myself many times. I had painful memories until my new host family is find. I cried in the closet every day.
However, now, I spend the time with my new host family, and I enjoy my life every day!:) My family is dad, mom and brother of same age with me. My dad has allergy of many animals, so they don’t have any animals in the house. However my dad gave me a doll of dog because he knows that I have two dogs in Japan. My family likes sports and beach. My dad is wrestling coach and my brother wrestling at school. They also likes watching sports, so we go to the school for watching sports. I’m not bored after school because they go to the various place. We have plan to go to the NY at Christmas!! My dad likes joking. He also likes cleaning, so he always use vacuum cleaner and laundry machine after dinner. I think American people are not always taking a shower, but it’s not true in this house lol We have watchword when we take a shower. It is “Hop in!!” I don’t know the meaning about this, but we always say this word when we have take a shower. We have to take a shower after go back to home from outside. My mom is so kind and good at cooking. Also she always say “I love her.” “She is so cute.” She give me many loves. My brother is very shy, so we can’t talk a lot. But I try to talk more!lol
We are usually watching movie at night, so I will know many movies until I go back to Japan. I hope that my English skill is better than now by movies. I think “Titanic” is the best of all movies now.
I could meet many brother’s friends at the football game before my first school day is start. So my first school day was so good for me because my brother’s friends who met at football game said “hi!:)” to me when we met at the school. They are so kind. However they are almost boys, so I was little tension because I’m going to girls school in Japan, and I forgot how to talk with boys…lol US history is difficult for me to understand. I don’t know what teacher says, so I study hard every day.
Two months has passed since I came to America. I have already had many experiences, so I wanna write all of them which was happened, but it’s too long, so this report is done… Thank you for reading to the end. See you next report.