こんにちは!カリフォルニア州ロスアンゼルスから車で一時間のところにあるQuartz Hill に留学中の渡邉まどかです。このレポートの提出日は私がアメリカに来てからちょうど三か月記念日なんです!そしてこの三か月間アメリカに来てから一度もまだ雨を見ていません、、。
まずオレゴンで4週間の研修がありました!アメリカに着いた初日は緊張しすぎてなにも英語話せなくて一番下のシスターに完全に馬鹿にされていましたね~。(笑)オレゴンのファミリーの家はマザー、ホストシスター三人、犬二匹という構成で、お世辞にも家はきれいとは言えなかったと思います(笑)でもめっちゃ楽しかったです!一番上のシスターがCrafting が好きだったから毎日のようになにか作っていました。そして最終日は空港で号泣(笑)お願いだから泣かないで~ってシスターに言われるほど(笑)そしてファミリーと別れた後も研修中にできた友達と電話で号泣(笑)あ、研修すっごい素敵な友達と出会えたんです!今でもたまにSnap chatを使って英語で会話しています。結構北海道から遠いところに住んでいるけど帰ったら会いたいな~なんて思ってます。(笑)
そして学校について!私の学校はとっても大きくて全校生徒で3000人くらいいて、気が付けばSpanishが聞こえてくるし、いろんな国の人がいるけど共通でみんな英語は話せるから、私にとってとってもinterestingな場所です(笑)私はP.E. dance、US history、Biology、Algebra2、Intro film、English film/litを取っていますがUS historyとEnglishは難しいです!正直最初の三週間、学校にいる男子が怖くて、特にEnglishの時間は全員がシニア(私もシニア)で女子が6人とかしかいないし、隣の男子はタトゥー入っているし、逆サイドの隣の男子は鼻ピしてるしでもう嫌だ~って最初は思ってたけど今は彼ら、とっても優しいです。たくさん会話するわけじゃないけど最近は、「日本って自販機いっぱいあるんでしょ!?」って聞かれたり、「今週の水曜日は学校来なくていいからね!」とか教えてくれます(笑)だからEnglishの時間が今は一番好きです!授業内容は難しいし、宿題は辛いし、毎週のVocab testは意味わかんないけど好きです!
Hi, everyone! This is Madoka, and I’m staying in Quartz Hill, CA. Deadline of this reporting is the day that I will already have passed just 3 months from I leaved Japan, and I haven’t seen rain from I came here!
At first, I must tell you somethings. I believe some people already knew about that. I had to go to see a doctor and used clutches, because I got a deep bruise on my foot. I had never used clutches even during I joined badminton club! We went to magic mountain and the boy who was behind me picked me up, then he slipped, and we rolled down from stairs. Next day, I tried to use my insurance, but my insurance is Japanese one, and almost important things were written in Japanese, so, it was too hard to use. My host father and I talked with many people and companies. After that we tried to go clinics, but they refused me, because they don’t take care about my insurance.
Anyway, I’m going to write about my school so far. (I’ll write different things with my reporting in Japanese ver. )
First school day, I was so nervous to go to school, and I didn’t wanna go to school. At that time, I still didn’t know what class I will take, and I believed I can take other languages classes like everyone. I really wanted to take the class of other languages. However, it was just dream. Our host family told me, you don’t need to take other languages because you are staying here to learn ENGLISH. I can understand that now, but then I couldn’t understand, because I was looking forward to learning other languages in English. I was so sad. And, I took the Civics what the class we learn about the US financial and government. I tried to keep taking and understand that but, it was too much hard for me, so finally I dropped that class after a week from my school started.
So now, I am taking PE dance (honestly, I wanted to take normal PE), US history, Biology, Algebra2, Introduction film, and English. US history is for junior, but of course, it’s not easy. In some classes, I have to watch the movie and write the sentence without subtitles. It is still hard for me, but I hope someday, I can do that easily.
By the way, I went to watch the football games twice! I love watching sports, so it was so interesting for me! I couldn’t join the any sports clubs yet, but I will be able to join the softball team from December (it’s not school). I can’t wait that! And our school had the senior sunrise and homecoming. It was too much fun! Fortunately, I could make good friends, and went to homecoming with them. Lucky me!
To be honest, I know my English skill is not enough, and the places around my area don’t allow exchange students who got the ELTiS score that is less than 230. So, every exchange student (except me) can speak English fluently. I studied harder to pass ELTiS, but no one studied for ELTiS and they got more than 230. I believe almost people had 240 or around that scores. BUT! I don’t care about that, because I’m sure I will be good English speaker until I go back Japan! One of the my friend who is from Ukraine, she can speak English so well, and she is so nice, but she said me “ I can’t make friends in my high school”. So, what I want to say, it’s up to me and you whether we can get success for our study abroad life! Oh, I was too serious haha!
In my high school, they ask me” WHERE are you from?” Of course, I answer “Japan” Then, almost people say, “I LOVE JAPAN!” to me. I’m glad when I hear that. I know some people don’t like Japan. But, I’m proud that I am Japanese and in US as an exchange student.
Anyway!!!!!! I’m going to finish my too long reporting!
I will go to Magic Mountain (again), Disney Land, Universal Studio, LA, and San Francisco, and until next reporting, I will spend the time of Halloween, Thanks giving. So, I mean plz check next reporting, too 😉 Thank you for reading! See you soon!