HAPPY NEW YEAR!フロリダに留学中の渡辺ありさです!2019年もどうぞよろしくお願いします!今年の冬は雪を見ずに終わりそうです(笑)さて、今回のレポートは日常生活や色々なイベントを通して感じたことを書いていこうと思います!
前回のレポートから約2ヶ月経ちましたが色々なことがありました!第2回目のレポートを提出してからすぐに、人生で初めて本格的なスモアを食べました!マシュマロを焚き火で少し焼いて、チョコレートをトッピングでそれをビスケットで挟むっていうなんというハイカロリーな食べ物!(笑)食べてみた感想は、甘すぎて私には無理でした(笑)その数日後には、Thanksgivingがありました!実は日本にいる時、Thanksgiving がなんなのかよく分かっていなかったんですけど、その日はアメリカの大切な祝日でみんなで集まって食事をする日だったみたいです!アメリカに来てから身をもって体験出来たことに感謝です!Thanksgivingの定番料理はやっぱりターキー!美味しかったです!パンプキンパイもトライしてみましたが、私の口には合いませんでした(笑)とにかくアメリカのものはなんでも甘すぎるし味が濃いったらありゃしない!甘すぎるものが嫌いな私にとってはアメリカのスイーツ系のものは全て敵です(笑)だからそういうの全然食べないので、全然太らなくてもうハッピー!(笑)
そんな傍ら、私はField and Trackに入りました!やっと部活に入れた、、今月から本格的に練習が始まるんですけど、winter break の前にConditioningっていう事前練習みたいなのが火曜日と木曜日にあったんですよ。でも、アメリカ来てからのこの5ヶ月間、体育の授業も取ってなければ、私ほんとに運動してなかったので、火曜日の練習の後に歩くのもままならなくなって、秒速0.5歩とかで、次の日の学校でもかなり邪魔者だったと思います(笑)まだ楽しいとは言えないけど、そこで友達も作って、自分なりに楽しんで、最後まで頑張りたいと思います!
winter breakはもう終わってしまいましたが、このbreakでたくさんのことがありました!最初のビッグイベントはクリスマスです!Thanksgiving が終わってから、すぐにお家の外も中もクリスマス仕様にガラッと衣替え!巨大なツリーにたくさんの飾り!日に日にツリーの下に増えていくプレゼント!それを開けたいという衝動に駆られる日々をなんとか乗り越え、やっとオープンの日!!いぇーーい!!ほんっとに楽しかったです!あの時だけは自分が17歳なのはすっかり忘れて、きっと5歳児でした(笑)アメリカのクリスマスにLOVEが止まらないので、来年のクリスマスもお邪魔したいです、、、(笑)
そんな私のクリスマスはまだまだ終わりません!なんと私たちクリスマスイブからNew Year’s Day までの1週間くらい、ニュージャージーにママの家族に会いに行っていたんですね!クリスマスイブの日に行ったので向こうもまだまだクリスマスムード全開!クリスマスの朝は、自分のストッキングにたくさん詰められたプレゼントを一気に開けて、ツリーの下にあったプレゼントもたくさん貰うことができました!!
そんなニュージャージー旅行についても詳しくお話したいと思います!先程お話した通り、24日から年明けの1日までニュージャージーに行っていました!ニュージャージーってどこだ?ってなっているそこの皆さん!お教えしましょう。あの有名なニューヨークシティから車で1時間のところにある素敵な場所です!(笑)私のファミリーはもともとそこに住んでいて、ニュージャージーにはママの家族もみんな住んでいるのでホテル代は0円!素晴らしい、、そしてみんな優しくて、すぐに私のことを受け入れてくれて可愛がってくれて、美味しいご飯を毎日食べられて本当に幸せでした!私のファミリーはブラザー君しかホスト兄弟がいないので、そこで会えたママの姪っ子の三姉妹の子達とも仲良くなれて、沢山お話出来てほんとに嬉しかったです!ホットタブに4人で入ったり、ジンジャーブレッドハウスにデコレーションしたり、What’s yours like? っていうカードゲームをしたり、、アイススケートもしました!生まれてこのかた北海道に住んでいるのに、私の記憶上では1度もアイススケートしたことないんです!でもすごくすごく楽しかったです!
Happy New Year!! I’m Arisa Watanabe, staying in Florida. I really appreciate all your help in 2018, and I hope everyone will be able to have a great 2019! May this winter will be finished without snow. I miss snow a little bit lol. But now I want to talk about my feelings about America’s culture through my daily life in this two months.
Two months have passed since my last report, and I had a lot of fun in these two months! After I submitted my second report I ate real “Sumoa” for the first time in my life. A few days later, thanksgiving was coming. I actually didn’t know what thanksgiving is, but i know it an important holiday for American people. In the evening people sit down and have a nice meal with family and friends. I’m very appreciative that I could experience it for myself in America.
In this report I will talk about the cultural differences when it comes to America and Japan. Respectfully both countries are completely different, however I would like to focus on “appreciation for food is important” as this topic sparks my interest more than others. We all know American cuisine is big. They put so much on one plate at the restaurant and sometimes even at home, Eventually if they couldn’t finish it all, the rest of the food goes into the trash. Do you think what a waste? I always feel that is, and I cannot understand why people throw away the food, I must admit sometimes do it, but it’s definitely not frequent. To my surprise almost every native person here doesn’t eat it all because they are full. If you know you can’t handle the amount of food or if you’re not really hungry, you shouldn’t be taking such large portions just to waste it later. Also restaurants shouldn’t provide a lot of food. We have to eat for myself to arrive. Our food used to have a life before they died. So we must not forget about it as consumers. Japan has word what we say before eat. It’s “Itadakimasu” for food. Seriously I love this word because it’s really important to tell we appreciate that they’re dead for our consumption. We should appreciate them.
Let me talk about my school life a little bit. The third term started last week, but I was not feeling good. I had headache and was nauseous for five days. so I couldn’t go to school for two and half days… I don’t know what happened to me. I think my body’s immune system is getting lower… lol By the way Wrestling season is coming this term so my host father and host brother have meetings almost every Friday and Saturday. Even they have practice every day… it seems like it’s really hard. Sometimes they have big fights at home. So when they are fighting I quietly go to my room lol Anyway I have found that I belong to the track and field! My first practice was so much harder than I thought because I hadn’t done any physical activity since I came here. I know I should have done moderate exercises even a little bit. Practice is hard, but it’s good for my health. I try to do my best at the end.
I told you my winter break is over, but I had pleasant experiences on my break!! The first, Christmas was amazing!! There was a big big tree, beautiful ornaments and lots of presents under the tree. I was looking forward to opening these presents! I love America’s Christmases more than Japan because I can get a lot of presents lol I want to come here next Christmas too. My winter break was not finished only this event. I visited New Jersey with my family to meet my host mom’s family. I met great people. They were really nice to me. I experienced Christmas, morning cocoa, hot tub, gingerbread house, card game(what’s yours like?), ice skating, NYC, and great meal there. I want to tell all details about these things I did, but I can’t. So please look my pictures below, and think about what I did, and my feeling was in there!
My third report is nearly finished. I want to talk about my English. I hope my English is better than when I came here, but I’m not satisfied with my English skills just yet. I’m so nervous about my English. I have just four months until I go back to Japan. It’s stressful for me to think about. I’m always thinking, thinking and feeling bad, and thinking… I know it’s a bad routine. I should just do my best and spend quality time with my family and friends. I feel like time is going really fast lately. I’m grateful to my host family. They always help me when I feel bad or I have things I am worried about. I can’t thank enough to them. Also I’m grateful to my Japanese family for all their support. They are always supporting me from Japan. I need to thank to them when I go back home. My family in America and Japan, and my friends are indispensable for me to live in here. I think study abroad is worth doing because it reminds me that people who around me are always support and help me. Also I can know how important they are for me. I can’t do anything without them. Thank you for all you do.
Thank you for reading my report! Next report is in March. I’ll do my best not to regret this program as an exchange student! See you next report!