最近になってアメリカで生きる留学仲間と電話することがチョコリとふえました。フル英語でするときもあるんですけど、本当に、自分でいうけど成長を感じます。日本にいたときとかこっちに来たての時は英語を話すことに対する変な恥じらいみたいなのが絶対頭の端っこにはちょっとはあったり、相手の言っていることがちょっとよくわかんなくても「Yeah∼?」 みたいな、かぶれ返ししかできなかったんですよね。でも今はもう話すことに楽しみしか感じなくて、「RとLの発音なんて両パターン試せばどっちか当たるべ」とか「ここにいる人たちとは4か月ちょっとで別れるんだから、チキってないでBroとか言ってみようぜ自分」とか、なんか自分の英語会話力に対するプレッシャーとか恐怖心?かなんかが格段に薄れて捉え方が楽観的になった気がします。いいこと!いいことですよね?そんな成長もあって、今までは一日を何とかやり過ごすので精いっぱいだった自分に、少しだけ、自分の思い描くことにチャレンジする余裕ができました。チャレンジといっても別にそんな大したことじゃないんですけど、でもやりたいことがやれるって、youtuberの決まり文句じゃないですけど、確実に充実するし自信にもなりますよね。
Hello form Petal, Mississippi, it’s Miina. How are y’all doing right there? So, this is about my last report, but I turned in it super late, and eventually Mr. Steven skipped to put it on to the Hokusei girls’ report page. I got to see it on that page later, so that was all good, but so I literally decided to do my report work earlier than usual… but I don’t know, I’m trying! Haha. It’s already end of the February. Here, Mississippi, we can stay alive even if we wear T-shirt already. What about the Hokkaido?
Recently, I call my “exchange student” friends often. Sometimes we call in English all the time, but I feel like I got some progress about English. First few months since I came here or before I came here, I felt lots of embarrassment for speaking English for some reason. Sometimes when I don’t understand someone’s saying, I always said ‘yeah’ to make myself cooler or something? Which mean is, I was technically acting. That was super tired and feels always ‘looser’. But look at me right no. I only feel happiness or excitement for speaking English, and I got to have ‘let’s do it, just do it, challenge whatever I want to do’ mind. Through these improvements, I can have my time to do some things that I want to challenge. I’m pretty sure that will be my power and self-confidence.
Challenge, so, I’m doing little things recently, they are just like ‘don’t miss the opportunity even if it’s super small’ or make them by myself. Past me was really chicken, so there was always weak and cowardly thinking in my mind. If there was the thing that I really wanted to do, my first thinking was always ‘ I’m an exchange student, not a normal students in here, if I do this right now, I will get bad attention from everybody. I can’t do this’ or some like that. I knew that was really dumb, but I was actually doing it. I hated it! Eventually,( I don’t know what was the actual cue for this even now, but probably this is the one→) I realized that I don’t have enough time and my current improvement, and then thought, ‘man, I gotta do this’. So, I’m trying right now. It’s really important to have hungry spirit, I think. I realized it like so late. Haha.
I’m sorry but I don’t have any mind to write things along with the theme this time… But I’ll tell you one thing, that American Christmas is the HEAVENAEST event in the world. Bunch of fancy food, bunch of presents, bunch of lights up, bunch of songs… I think this event is the greatest time when people can think about someone else. You have to think about somebody when you choose presents, when you put the ornaments to the big Christmas trees, you may think about someone’s smile or happiness who you love. I really really liked it. On the other hand, I got New years day sick. Here, in America, people doesn’t care about this event that much as Japanese people does, I knew it! I knew it, but that was just little sad. You know. But at the night of 1/1, I did pretty big fireworks party with my host family members and some neighborhoods, so that was really great time.
What am I doing recently, is band, band, band… Really hard! I can’t take the study time so easily like I did last semester, but I don’t want to make it as a excuse if I get bad scores on my test, so I’m thinking I have to do this. I got this! So, I got those changes in my American life, but also I have some things that I got used to. One of them is Mississippi weather. Here, Mississippi, we’re already getting humidity. It’s February. Isn’t it crazy? And I got used to this temperature, so I can’t imagen that how to survive in Hokkaido when I go back to Japan.
December, I got the hardest homesick. There were lots of stuff that I could remember my family inside of the package from Japan. I cried so much as like as a water fall. But I thought, I can see my family soon, like 3 month-ish, but what about the family and friends in here? I noticed that I don’t have time to feel lonely form thinking about Japan. Actually my American life is only about 100 days left. I can’t imagine about the leaving day, and if I can, I don’t want to imagine, but I really don’t want to feel regret during I’m in the airplane on the way to go to Japan, so next 100 days, I will be 100% Me for the future.
It’s already graduation season. I can’t believe! I feel little wired to be 3rd grade sooner, because this semester will end at May in America. Anyways, I wish your happiness and please keep smiling!