




そしてついに私、ホストチェンジをしたんです:)今のホストファミリーは3人のホストブラザーがいます!もともと一番上が私たちの友達で引き受けてくれました。でもこの兄弟、三人ともLAZY ASSESなんですね(笑)まじほんとに(笑)でもそんなおかげで英語を話す環境が増えてうれしいばかり。そしていま私はYouTubeにはまっています!YouTubeで私の大好きなスウェーデンについて学んだり、ファッション系のユーチューバーをみたりして!もちろん英語ですよ、そこは馬鹿にしないで(笑)

そんなこんなで!もう割と話すことがないので、これで終わりにしますね!ラストのレポートはONLY ENGLISHでかっこよく決めたいななんて思ってます、今は(笑)ではみなさん、読んでくださってありがとうございました!また次回のレポートで!Adios amigos:)(遅れてすみませんでした!)

     Hey guys! How are you guys all doing? Hope you have been fine with the new grade, and new classmates! I can’t believe I am a senior already ( even though I’m a senior here lol ). 6F has one of the huge event which is an English Play this week! I really want to watch that but I can’t. I’m wishing it is ganna be a really great show. Good luck!

Okay, so this theme is what made you grow up since you got here. If you ask about it, it’s kida difficult for me to answer because I still don’t know what is the right things to do and I feel like I am still in suffer. Hopefully my English has been improving at least. When I first got here, I was so afraid to talk to people (and still) and I thought everyone bullies me because I’m Japanese, and I’m Asian. However, it never happened to me. Lucky me:) Everyone is like “heeeey what’s up guys” so I mean everyone is kind (mainly sometimes not)! Oh, I have learned how to run away, avoid the things that make you suffer. You think you shouldn’t run away from the things that make you uncomfortable? Haha. I think that’s totally wrong. You are not supposed to face it because you might kill yourself and you are burning, hurting your heart by yourself if you do face to them too much. So you need to learn how to avoid it, how to protect yourself. I decided not going to the prom because of that. I wanted to enjoy and experience the prom, but I don’t want myself to suffer. I think I can talk about this when I get back as one of my souvenirs.  But I’m happy that I can see 6G members are enjoying and wearing freaking cute dresses.

By the way, I changed the host family and now I have 3 brothers! They are really lazy boys, but they are so funny and good boys so yeh, I guess they are fine! Lol JUST KIDDING. I love them so much. The oldest brother is my friend and he offered to host us. How nice he is !? hahaha. Thanks to them, I have more time to speak English, and I am so glad about this opportunity. AND NOW! Guess what! I’m totally into YouTube and watching something every day. (for sure it is in English) I really like learning about my favorite country SWEDEN and clothes on the YouTube. Anyway, there are nothing to talk about anymore, so I’m just ganna finish this report here. I believe I will write next whole report in English so wish me luck! I thank you all who have read my report and see you guys in next report. Adios amigos:)

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