これは私が一昨年くらいに先輩のレポートで見たことなんですが、私も同じことを言おうと思います。実際楽しいことと、辛いことの割合は3:7くらいですヨ。最初は不安と心配で、慣れてきたころと最後である今、ストレスが溜まって泣くことが数え切れないくらいありました。むしろ日本に帰ることに不安や心配があるのかもしれないです。(笑) 帰ったら待ち受けているのは受験勉強ですよ。(泣) …今はあと1ヶ月楽しむことだけを考えます。
さて、3月と4月ですが、これまた色々なことがありました。前回書いたように春休みはディズニーとカルフォルニアアドベンチャーに行きました。東京のディズニーと全然違いましたよ!乗り物系がすごく多いところや、まさかのホーンデッドマンションが落下系のものじゃなかったこと、カルフォルニアアドベンチャーで落下系のものに乗って写真を見たら私だけ魂抜けてた(なんか悟り開いた人)みたいになってたこと、crazyなジェットコースターに乗って見事に酔って気持ち悪くなったこと。濃い春休みでした。(笑) 4日間の滞在予定だったのですが、ホストシスター(実際はホストニースですが)が結構深刻な風邪にかかり、3日目に帰宅。すべてのエリアを周ることなく帰宅、という事実にホストシスターに少し怒りを抱きましたが、エンジョイできたので良しとします。そんなこんなで3月はあっという間に過ぎていき、4月。私のホストマザーは実はgreen heart(私達の留学会社)で働いていて、短期留学生のエリアコーディネーターをしています。ということもあり、4月の初めに、フランスからの留学生グループが来ました。私達はそのうちの男の子、トーマスを一人ホストしました。私を含め4人の子供、それぞれの学校ということもあり、momもdadも大忙し。そんな中、最初の土曜日、念願のグランドキャニオンに他のホストファミリー×2(生徒の名前はジョーとノエミ)&中国からの留学生、レイラと行くことができました。写真を撮りすぎて携帯のストレージはフルになりました。何度目かわかりませんが、パソコンにデータを移行しました(笑) 次の土曜日はファームに行きました。今回は朝に行ったので、動物たちもお腹が空いてた様でたくさんふれあいました。私はウサギが断然お気に入りです!あのふわふわ感はやみつきですよ!あっという間に2週間が過ぎ、彼らは帰国。ああ2か月後は私だぁなんて考えながら涙の別れ。トーマスとは今でもメッセージのやり取りをしています。いつかフランスに訪れるときはトーマス、ジョー、ノエミにガイドでもお願いしようとホストブラザーのピーター、レイラと話しました(笑)そしてあっという間に4月下旬、皆さんお待ちかね、プロムがやってきました。もちろん誰かからプロムポーズされるなんてロマンティックなことはなく、友達グループと行きました。三時間ほど時間をかけ準備し、ご飯へ。友達のうちの2人は男の子からプロムポーズ的なのをされていたみたいで写真を撮るときなんてもうハートが飛び交ってましたヨ(笑)はよ付き合いなさい、という私にいやただの友達だからと言い張る彼女。見るからにカップルなんですよ!プロムの場所はどこかのホテルでダンスゾーンに行くと人々の熱気で暑くて暑くて…。一番驚いたことはまさかのほとんどの女子は運動靴orサンダルということ。ヒールはただの写真用なんですね。もちろんそんなことを知らない私はヒールで踊りましたよ。足が死んだと思うくらい痛かったですよ。後輩のみなさん、プロムに行くときはなんか楽な靴を持ってっていくことをおすすめします。ヒールはただの写真用です!
Hi guys. How’s going? This time the report gonna be final. It is too early to gone time. That so sad for me…. I’m not ready for leave. One year, sounds like long, but if you feel that, it so short. Well, this time the theme is free, so I’m gonna write down about review or something memory from this study abroad. It will be longer, I’m happy if you see it all.
Honesty, there is not a lot of fun that your imagen. I could get fun, but I had trouble more than fun thing. One day, my friends quarrel about gender problem, because two of them are Bisexual. I wanted reconciliation them, but this culture is not in our culture, so I didn’t know how to do that. Like this, the culture is totally difference. I am high school student, but in here I was not high school student. These things and thinking grow up my mental and mind.
Let’s talk about fun things! March and April, I had a so many events. In spring break, I visited California, and enjoyed Disney land and California Adventure. It seems bigger than Tokyo Disney land and had different rides and shows. There was a crazy roller coaster. I got sick. I was screaming all day so my throat hurt so much. We were planning stay there 4days, but my host sister got serious sick. Finally, we had to back 3rd day. I was so mad and sad, so I decided to back in future. In beginning April, we got exchange students group from French. Because my host mom work in Green Heart that is our study abroad company, and local coordinator of short study abroad. We hosted one boy, Thomas. Then there were 4 children, each school and each time. It was so busy for mom and dad. The firs Saturday, we went to Grand Canyon with other two host family. Noemi and Joe from French and Rella from China. We translate the original song that someone made for own country language. There were 4 language, Japanese(me), Chinese (Rella), French (Thomas, Joe, Noemi) and Vietnamese (my host brother Peter). It made me confuse. We took picture many times, so my stage was full. I moved pictures for my computer. I don’t know how many times I did it while I stay here. Next Saturday, we visited the Ostridge farm. That was second time for me. but last time we went to it afternoon, so almost animal was full. But this time we went to there morning, so all animal was hungry, so we could feed all animal. My favorite is definitely bunnies. They were so fluffy and soft. So cute! I never forget the texture. Like this, this two weeks was gone really quickly and time to go back for them. When I went airport, I thought I will be there two months after. I still not ready for leave. I felt like that, so we farewell with tears. I still have connection with Thomas. If I go to French, I will ask guide for Thomas. Well…end of April and prom coming. Unfortunately, I didn’t get prom pose. Then, I was regret not to make close guy friends. I went to that with my friends. Two of my friends bring boy…looks like really couple. They never said like that, but I think they should be couple. That is not jealousy! After take pictures, we went to prom place. That was not in school. Seems hotel or something nice place. While went to there, my friends changed their shoes, heal to tennis shoes or foot slaps. Almost girls wore like this. But I didn’t bring these shoes so was dancing with heel. Next day my leg was hurt so much. I suggest bring something rough shoes. The heel was just for pictures!! (certainly, the shoes were more expensive than shoes that I usually buy)
Finally, my mental is most grow up in this study abroad. I understand how much I was pampered for my parents. In 6G, everyone said me “you have a great communication! you can do it!” … however, I couldn’t do well. Only change country and language, I didn’t made communication. I faced many trouble and broken emotion. Host family, family, teacher, friends, coordinator, counselor…etc so many people supported for me. I really apriciate them. I can stay there about 1 month. I’m going to enjoy the remaining time! Meet you 1 month later in Japan. Thank you for reading! See you later.