前、友達のイタリア人のホストマザーの親のビーチハウスに3泊4日で止まりました。おばあちゃんとおじいちゃんの二人暮らしで2人のことが大好きでした。帰るときに、そのおじいちゃんに”I love you “って言われて泣きそうになりました。このままの私のことを大切に思ってくれる人がアメリカににもいるなんてなんと幸せなことなんでしょうね。
そして今日は学校最後の登校日だったのでMr.ブラウンという大好きな先生にありがとうとお別れを言いました。そしたら「また帰ってこないといけないよ!」って言ってくれました。超 見た目怖いけど超優しいんですよ〜(笑)
私のことを大切に思ってくれてる人が世界のいろんなところにいるなんて本当にすごいことじゃないですか!?私が想像してたよりこの一年はすごく辛かったです。でもそんなことがちっぽけに見えるくらいいい経験ができた最高な一年でしたね。だからやっぱり楽しかった分お別れが辛い!!!! まあでもそのくらい濃い関係が築けたし、みんなに会えるのが人生で最後って決まったわけじゃないですよね!ありきたりだけど最後まで笑顔でいれたらなと思います。
Hi! How are you all doing? This is Toko staying in North Carolina. I still can’t believe that this is gonna be my last report!!
I’m going to write what has improved about myself through the exchange program. Before I came here I didn’t have confidence in myself at all. I always thought like “I can’t be grown as a person”. But now I think the way I thought is rude to me and also to my parents who have raised me with love for 17 years. And plus I came here without any people I know and made friends at school. There are so many reasons that I can have confidence in myself, I mean “why not?”. Mentally I was stronger and at the same time weaker than I expected. But I have a strong mentality now because I got over tons of problems or stress. My English is so much better than before so that everyone will notice it.
Last month, I started at the beach house with my Italian friend and her host mom to meet her grandparents for three days. They are so nice and I loved them. When I left them, Jack, the grandpa said” I love you” and I almost cried.
Today was the last day of school, surprisingly. I told Mr. brown which is my favorite teacher goodbye and thank you to him. He said “Toko, you need to come back“ omg he was the best.
Isn’t it amazing that there are many people who love me not only in Japan but also in some countries!! This exchange year was much harder than I expected BUT I don’t care because I had so much precious time here. And now it’s really hard to say goodbye to the people who made my year. Who knows if this is not gonna be the last time to see them, so I’ll try to have good time with joy until I get in my airplane. Anyway thank you so much for letting me be an exchange student for a year, mom and dad!!!!!
Did you guys enjoy my final report? See you in a week in Japan!!