





学校初日に話しかけて冷たい対応をされた子は今じゃ親友になりました。怖くて苦手だったフランス語の先生は私にhonorの賞状をくれました。本人に自覚はなかっただろうけど私にシャイだねっていって地味に心をズタボロにした男子とはプロムに一緒に行きました。何が起こるかわかりませんね。でもこれだけはいえます。Cerro Gordoのみんなが大好き!北星のみんなが大好き!そして留学に行かせてくれた家族に大感謝です。春の大感謝祭です。もう春じゃないけど。パンの山崎じゃないけど。

ここまでレポート読んでくれたみなさんにも感謝です。みんなに笑顔になれる素敵な何かが起きますように!私がイリノイ州の田舎で過ごした一年みたいに!それではbye-bye, au revoir.

Hi, this is Hikari Matt. Sorry it took me forever to write this, there are just too many things I want to tell you guys and also a lot of thoughts were going over my head and I needed time to clear things up. I think now I’m ready, so yeah. Who can believe this is my last time writing report? Welp definitely not me. My stay in Cerro Gordo, Illinois was amazing. I know that after I read all the other 6G’s reports (I haven’t read all of them yet, but I will at some point) I still can say my exchange year was the best one.

Cerro Gordo is empty town with 1300-ish souls, but my life there was fullfling. Don’t get it wrong I’m not saying everything was fun and all I’ve got is sweet memories, but in reality I also had quite a lot difficult time too. I feel like this is one thing almost all the japanese exchange students experiences, but  it really hurt me when people told me “you’re shy”. In fact I was shy. I lost so much time thinking things in bad way and I literally was stuck in vain. I can’t thank enough for my friends and host mom cared me and helped me so much on those difficult days I had.

Time really flies. Now it all seems like a one big dream but it wasn’t a dream. I might wasn’t the best exchange student, and I have things I think I could do better on it  but oh well I can’t change them now. And it really really really was awesome time. To the ones who going to be in America or in Canada, or even to Australia, don’t think that everything will go well as you expected. But also don’t think you are going to do miserable. Try your best and then everyone will let you be part of their school, or their lives.

Before finishing this report, let me just say thanks to my Japanese family, American family, my friends in US and also to my friends in japan. Of course I’m not forgetting Hokusei teachers and Cerro Gordo HS teachers. Thank you so much. Wow I have wonderful teachers in two continents. One of my favorite teacher in Cerro Gordo high told me “don’t forget you have a place to come back”. Isn’t that cool now I have two place I belong to?

Ok now I really need to finish this because I can go on forever if I want to but I know y’all and Steven are not hoping that. May all the blessings come to everyone of you. Love you all and thanks;) merci beaucoup et au revoir. À la prochaine!

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