アメリカ合衆国ミシガン州 Sparta High Schoolに留学中の 大屋 沙緒さんからの第1回目のレポートです。
アリゾナに滞在中私の誕生日がありその朝 ドアを開けると信じられない光景がありました。そこにはたくさんの風船がありました。本当に感動しました。
到着した翌日にはマザーのお父さんとお母さんマザーとファザーの子供、たくさんの人が集まってくれました。 私のマザーとファザーには5人の子供と6人の孫がいて大家族です。私のファザーは空手教室をしていて毎日たくさんの人が家にやってきます。 毎日たくさんの出会いがあって、本当に楽しいです。 空手着もファザーからプレゼントしてもらって挑戦してみました. 空手は複雑で私にとってすごく難しいです。
三日間のバレーボール部のトライアウトにも参加してきました。 みんなすごく優しくて私のことを応援してくれたり、私の名前を呼んでくれたりするのですが、
やっぱりすごく緊張してしまいます. 同い年の子とどんな会話をするべきなのかわからなくなってしまうけれど、笑顔で話しかけていきたいです。自分から行動しないと何も起こらないと思うので積極的に行動したいと思います。学校が始まると練習も多くなってくるので勉強との両立も頑張りたいです。
そして最近テキサスからファザーとマザーの子供の家族が来ました。 その家族には子供が四人もいて毎日忙しいですが、賑やかで楽しいです。 一緒にしばらく住むことになりました。 5人も妹と弟ができた気分です。 6人家族が来たので私の家は10人家族の大家族です。
Hi, everyone. My name is Sao Oya. I am staying Michigan now.
This time, I will write about my Arizona and Michigan memories and my goals.
During my stay in Arizona, there was my birthday and there was an incredible sight when I opened the door that morning. Blessed my birthday with so many balloons, My mother got up early in the morning and prepared for me. I was really impressed. I made Japanese food and eat with my family. My family took me to various places.
After 3 weeks of training in Arizona, it’s been 14 days.
I can’t contact with my Michigan family before I came here. So, I was so nervous.
But, they hugged me when I meet. So, I am looking forward to spending my life in US.
My family is my host family, my host mother and their grandchild’s Anthony. He is 10 years old. And 5 years old girl dog. I’m having a really fun day that we can decipher each other.
The next day after I arrived, many people gathered in my house. There were my host parents, Anthony, my mom’s parents, my mom and dad’s child and his girlfriend. My parents has five children and 6 grandchild.
My dad runs his KARATE class. Many people visit there everyday. I have a new encounter every day. I’m so excited. My dad gave me KARATE clothes. I tried sometimes play KARATE. But it is difficult for me. I joined volleyball try out. My teammate is so kind. They cheer up me. And they call my name. But, I’m so nervous. Because I don’t know how to have a conversation with my teammate. But, I can enjoying to play volleyball. I want to act positively because I think that nothing happens if I do not act. I have to balance playing volleyball and studying. And recently a family of father and mother children came from Texas. The family has four children and is busy every day, but it is lively and fun. We will live together for a while. I feel like I have 5 younger sisters and younger brothers. My family is a large family of 10 people because a family of 6 came. Finally, my goal in studying abroad is to challenge various things and improve my English skills but also mental aspects. I’m living in the United States now, thanks to my family and people around me, so I want to live without forgetting my gratitude. I’m looking forward to starting school life.