アメリカ合衆国アーカンソー州 に留学中の 花形 梨沙さんからの第1回目のレポートです。
Hello. My name is Risa. I live in Arkansas state. I left japan on July 20th. I have orientation in Arizona state for 20 days. I thought we can go to the USA with EIL staff but it was my mistake. We have to go there by our selves so I was nervous but I could arrive there. I had not jet rag because I slept very well in the airplane. My Arizona’s family are a mother and a father, younger brother, a grandmother. Arizona is too hot so almost house have pool. I could swim in the pool the first day. We learned about slang and sound and… in my school. I don’t like the school because not fun but to meet my friends made me happy. My parents are so busy, they could not pick up and drop off. Otone’s father always do that for me. Every week days I stayed at her house at around 8 am to 5p.m. I appreciate for her father very much. During orientation I could not go somewhere because my family is too busy. I know I have to think appreciate for my family Because they were hosting me. Around me my friends went to anywhere every weekend. I was jealously and sad. I was in something to trouble I could not use laundry. I washed my clothes to hand soup by my hands. They are nice. I learned way to live and be strong. positive thinking is most important for me lol then Otone’s father knew about my life. he thought Risa is so poor. From then he took me a lot of place to buy something and invite dinner, shopping. It was so fun. Thank you Otone’s dad. By the way my happiest time is sleep over in Grand Canyon with my friends. I always be with Hinata and Remi and Otone. We could stay in same room the time was soooooo fun. I slept at 3 am lol. I went to Arkansas only me. I was so nervous. And I have only one hour connection time. So, I ran at the airport. Finally, I got it. My host father’s grandmother dead recently. They went to Ohio. They returned here august 10th it was same day between me and them. They could not pick me up so mother’s mother and sister picked me up at the airport. They are so nice. I bought something with them. They choice some clothes for me. I love the clothes. In my school, my friends and stranger said “I really like your shirts.” I was glad to hear that. I could meet my family at 7 p.m. my family is mother and father and 2 years old sister and 0 years old brother. I have 2 brothers in japan that is 27, 28 years old. My host father is 27 years old . my Japanese brother and host father is same age. so I feel strange. They are very nice. When I am quiet, she calls out me. Recently my sister is little noisy, I am annoying. But I know she is nice girl. I want to overcame a difficult period. I was so nervous about new American school life. Everyone kind for me on my first day. I ate lunch with 5 my friends. I don’t know why increase people day by day. Finally, I ate lunch with about 12 people. It is too many, I cannot talk a lot in there because my English skill is not enough. Almost exchange students from another country whose English skill is so good. I think they don’t have to learn English anymore lol. I ate lunch in there for 3 weeks and go to bowling, watched movie with them. I know they are nice but I could not talk in there. My school has another exchange student from japan who sometimes eat lunch with us. One day we talked about “If we keep being in there, our English skill will not improve” I thought again exchange student should take precedence to improve our English. I decided eat lunch another friends. Until I did so it I had to master up one’s courage, I did my best. as the result, now I can talk more so it was good to do it. Different points are just country and environment that we are grew up between Japanese and foreign people. We have problems that happen all over the world. There is a genius in every one of us. Am I cool? lol When I changed lunch environment, I could see a lot of things it is most important for me. Because I was in there always I thought only “I cannot talk what should I do? But now, I have some extra space and more fun. I got it. I cannot understand class in English yet. We have lap top all the classes, we have to use it. the laptop has what the contents of the lesson will do, it is for me to prepare for the class. And other students and all of teacher help me. everyone is so kind!!!If we have too hard homework, my mother helps me. a lot of people talked me a lot but I was frustrated that I cannot talk the way I wanted to. I don’t want to waste another person’s goodwill so I study hard English!!! I sometimes think I want to go back japan. All of 5G students are doing them best who have similar trouble. 5G students give me vitality. Love u guys. If we don’t have something to trouble, no meaning to study abroad for me. when I will be in trouble or have rough time, I will think it is part of stairs to growing up. Sorry for writing too long. Thank you for reading. I love you! See you.