アメリカ合衆国ミネソタ州 Rogers High School に留学中の 眞鍋 ひよのさんからの第1回目のレポートです。
皆さんこんにちは!ミネソタ州に留学中の眞鍋ひよのです。今回のテーマは「家庭生活と留学目標」です。1年前は私がこのレポートを書くなんて考えられなかったので不思議な気持ちです。笑 まだ未熟な英語ですが最善を尽くすので最後まで暖かく見守ってくれるとありがたいです。
最初に家庭生活についてお話しします。私はミネソタに来る前に隣のウィスコンシン州のEau Claire(オークレア)で研修に参加しました。そして、Menomonieというところの同性愛の女性2人のお家に滞在しました。最初同性愛ということを知った時正直驚き動揺して10日間の生活が不安になりました。元々LGBTについて理解はあったと思っていましたがいざ実際に会うと本質的には理解していなかったことに気が付きました。しかしそんな心配もあっという間になくなりました。結婚、愛に性別は関係ないのです。好きだから、愛しているから一緒にいる。それだけです。このことに気付いた時初めて理解出来ました。日本でももっとLGBTへの理解が深まることを願っています。
研修は教会の一室を借りてアメリカ史や政治、英語の文法を勉強したり、教会の周りの警察署や大学を見学したりしました。またミネソタにあるMall of Americaというアメリカで一番大きなショッピングモールに遊びにいきました。
そして今となっては大好きな2人に別れを告げて25日にミネソタ州へ移動しました。ミネソタではマザーとイタリア人の留学生の3人で暮らしています。あと猫のベラとソフィ。笑 はじめダブルプレイスメントとの生活は先輩から聞いていた通りめちゃめちゃ大変でした。笑 なんせ3ヶ国の見知らぬ人達で一緒に暮らし始めるので習慣、文化がバラバラで…(^^;; でもマザーが私たちそれぞれと面談みたいに話してくれてルールなどが決まり今は統一された生活を送っています。またこの間からItalian nightとJapanese nightという日を設けディナーをそれぞれのレストランで食べて家でそれぞれの国についてYoutubeなどで紹介をするという文化交流の時間を設けています。イタリア人は既に英語が困らないくらい話せるので負けないように日々頑張っています。
最後まで読んでくださりありがとうございます。私は月一の部活にしか所属していないので帰国後ダンス部に復帰出来るか心配です。笑 毎日大会のダンスを家で踊ろうかな…笑
Hi, everyone! I’m Hiyono Manabe and I’ve stayed in Minnesota since on August 25th for study abroad. This theme is about my family life and goal for studying abroad.
It’s strange to think that I’m writing this report because I couldn’t think about it a years ago. My English skill has not been perfect yet, but I’ll do my best. So, I would be happy if you go easy on me until the end. Let’s start!
At first, I’ll talk about my family life. I went to Wisconsin next to Minnesota and joined the camp in Eau Claire. And, I had stayed a house which two women who are homosexual have lived in Menomonie until the camp finished. I had been worried about the stay for 10 days when I knew they are homosexual. I had thought I understood about LGBT until I experienced it, but I realized that I haven’t really understood it so far at that time. However, my worries were gone very fast. The gender doesn’t relate to get married in the love. They have been together because they love each other. That is enough. I could really understand them for the first time when I realized that. I hope the Japanese understand about it more in the future.
I studied about us history, us government, and English grammar and visited the police office and the university around the church in Eau Claire. In addition, we went and enjoyed in Mall of America, the biggest shopping mall in the US, in Minnesota.
Then I said goodbye my lovely host moms and moved to Minnesota on August 25th. I’ve lived with my host mom and an exchange student from Italy. And two cats, Bella, and Sophie. At first, it was so hard for me to live with a double placement. I thought it was a rumor, but it was true. Because we started the life with people from 3 countries. However, my host mom had figured out the best ways to spend times by talking one by one each other and we’ve spent the unity life so far. Also, the times called Italian night and Japanese night have started recently and we have understood each culture by going each restaurant and watching Youtube about each hometown. The Italian double placement can speak English without help yet. So, I have been studying so that I won’t lose to her.
Finally, I’ll talk about my goal for studying abroad. My goal is “not to waste this precious chance and experience that means studying abroad.” I could experience my former goal, “to be a person who can think by learning different cultures and values and broadening my horizons,” without a lot if efforts and I felt that I have been decreasing to make efforts because I got used to the life and spoiled kindness people and environment around me. That’s why I changed my goal. Studying abroad is precious chance and it isn’t chance like everyone can experience, so I won’t make times I’m free and I’d like to learn always in limited times because I don’t want to waste this chance. It’s important to even communicate, therefore I’ll cherish a lot of meeting and mingling with people in MN and I’d like to do my best to enjoy from bottom of my heart without feeling guilty and regret.
Thank you for reading until the end. I‘m worried if I’ll back to dance club because I don’t belong to a club activity except activities which have twice a month. Hmmm, shall I dance work that I danced in the competition at home every day? Lol
Let’s meet in 2 months. Bye!