




学校は友達にも先生にも恵まれてとても楽しいです。私は、AerobicsVideo ProductionEnglishAlgebraⅡ、US HistoryESLを2コマ取っています。Algebraの授業では、数学が大嫌いで大の苦手な私は、わからない問題が多々あるんですが、友達がその度に丁寧に教えてくれます。その子はよく日本語で、「わかりますか?」、「かわいい」、「おいしい」と言います。これがめちゃくちゃ可愛くて、私の癒しです。もっと日本のことを教えてあげようと思います。友達はよく私を気にかけてくれたり、うまく聞き取れなくても、もう一度わかりやすく言ってくれる本当に優しくて素敵な人ばかりです。何度聞かれても嫌じゃないから、遠慮しないで!いつでも頼って!と言われたときはとても心強かったです。そして私はESL(英語を母国語としない人たちが英語を学ぶための科目)の授業にとても助けられています。その授業の間、私は大抵他の授業の宿題をやります。宿題の文章や本の内容などを、要約してわかりやすく教えてもらえるので、自分で読んだときより理解度がグッと上がります。また、宿題だけでなくとも、発音を教えてくれたりします。例えば「キャラメル」のようなカタカナ英語には、正しい発音が分からなくてよく困らされています。先生は私のエッセイを褒めてくれたり、相談をすると、私の拙い英語を最後まで聞いてくれて、私を頼ってくれて嬉しいわ、とアドバイスをくれたり、うまくいったことを伝えると自分のことのように喜んでくれる大好きな先生です。私はここにきて本当に色んな人の優しさに触れています。それは友達や先生に限らず、友達の家族や、知らない人でさえもです。今はまだ聞き取れないことや、うまく話せないこともあり周りの人に助けられてばかりですが、その優しさを当たり前だと思わず日々感謝を忘れずに、その人達には私の成長で恩返ししたいです。




Hi! I’m Nanami Tomita staying in Nevada. I’ll write about my life and the goal of study abroad in the first report.

In America, I feel the sky wide because there are no tall buildings around. When I look at the sky, I feel America wide and also the smallness of Japan. At night, the stars are spread all over the night sky. It’s so beautiful. That is one of my favorite part in America. Also, here is too cold in the morning, so when I shivered with cold, my host father said,“You came from snow country….” If you think people of Hokkaido are strong to the cold, that’s greatly mistaken. My host family is Vietnamese, and they are father, mother and thirteen years old sister. My family’s staple food is rice, so I really like her cooking. Host sister is good at teaching my homework and cooking. We sometimes cook together. I’ll positively try to cook because host father asked,“What is your best dish? Cup noodles?”, and made fun of me. Also, I have some rules that put my phone on the first floor until 9 p.m. and on weekends it’s 10 p.m. In addition, I have to get up until 8 a.m. on weekends. I didn’t like getting up in the morning but became to be able to go to bed early and get up early thanks to these. Besides this, there are many advantages to the rules, so I don’t bother it at all. I became to be able to do my own things by myself here, and that’s one of my growth.

I’m blessed with friends and teachers, so my school is fun for me. I’m taking Aerobics, Video Production, English, AlgebraⅡ, US History, and two ESL. In Algebra class, I often have questions I don’t understand because I hate math, but my friend kindly teaches every time. She often speaks in Japanese,Cute!”,Delicious!”, andDoes it make sense?” She is so pretty and healing for me. I’ll tell her more about Japan. My friends are really kind people who always care about me, and even if I can’t catch what they say, they tell me again. I was very glad when my friend said I don’t care even if you ask me many time, so you can always rely on me!” Also, ESLIt’s a class for students who don’t speak English as their first language.always helps me. In this class, I usually do my homework. As my teacher summarizes contents of homework or books and tells me, I can understand them more than when I read them myself. Not only my homework but she also teaches pronunciation. Especially, Katakana English such as “caramel” troubles me because I don’t know correct pronunciation. My teacher praised my essay, and also when I consulted her, she listened patiently in spite of my poor English and gave me advice. When I told her that it went well, she was happy as if it happened to her. I love her. I feel people’s kindness here every day. It’s not only to my friends and teachers, but even my friend’s family and strangers. People around me always help me because I can’t still catch what they say and speak English well, but I want to return the favor to them by my growth without ever forgetting the feeling of gratitude.

Finally, my goal of study abroad is to be confident in myself. One day, host father asked me,“What is it you’re good at?” I couldn’t answer anything because I don’t have anything I can proud of, but I think it’ll lead to my confidence to be able to use English as a second language. Also I think I can grow up through that process. In addition, another goal is to become to be able to make good lasagna. I ate lasagna for the first time in America. It’s so delicious. I like lasagna the best at school lunch, so I’ll get the recipe and try to make. Now I have a trouble, hesitation and anxiety, but I’ll do what I want to do to make me think that it was a good year at the end. Thank you for reading my report.