


こんにちは。アメリカのミズーリ州に留学している下山栞奈です。ミズーリ州は北海道とあまり気候が変わらず、寒くなってきています。雪は少し降りましたが本当に少しです。北海道と比べたら積もる量とか少ないですけど、関東生まれ育ちの私にとっては幸せです(笑)今回のレポートでは私のホストスクールでの学校生活について話したいと思います。長いですよ~(笑)まず部活動ですね。こっちの部活動って日本と少し違います。私は10月までテニスチームに所属していて、今はシーズンが終わってしまい、スイミングチームに所属しています。私の学校のテニスチームには元々2人しかメンバーがいなくて部員を募集していたので入ることができたんですよ!部活動は入れるチャンスがきたら絶対はいるべきです。これから話しますが本当に友達もできていいですよ(笑)友達の話の前に教科について簡単に書きますね。私はホストスクールで政治経済、歴史(アメリカ)、美術、地学?(Earth Science)、音楽?(choir)、数学、家庭科(cooking)、英語2を取っています。政治経済と英語は特に難しく、沢山先生の力を借りてなんとか頑張っています。私の学校には留学生が私を合わせて4人います。タイと韓国の男子ともう一人のノルウェーの女子です。ノルウェーの子とはクラスがかぶっていなくて話す機会があまりないですが、韓国やタイの子とは授業などもかぶっていて、この前は韓国の子に韓国語を教えてもらえ、タイに友達もできました。他の留学生がいたら絶対話すべき!(笑)


もう一つ学校生活で起きた素敵な話をします。これも読んでください!私は今このレポートを書いている合間に英語の授業の宿題のようなもので“coming to a new country is scary”という題でessayを書いています。私はこの機会に日本とアメリカや韓国、さまざまな国とのことをアメリカ人に伝える機会だと思い、正直に私や他の留学生が思っている、アメリカ人は日本や日本人のことが嫌い。このことが特に怖かったことと他のideaと理由を紙にまとめて、英語の先生に下書きとして授業のときに見せました。私は先生のほかにもホストファミリー、他の生徒に見せました。私は本当にその人達からもらった言葉に驚きました。先生は“私たちアメリカ人は日本人のことを嫌っていないよ。日本人がそう思っているのが歴史のせいならごめんなさい。”ホストファミリーは“歴史はあると思うけど、日本人は嫌いじゃない。好き!今は歴史に対する目は変わっている。”他の生徒は“日本人ってだけでかっこいい!好きだから心配しないでほしい。”友達は“日本は面白そうだし美しい。一度は行ってみたい国!”こんな言葉が実際に返ってきたんです。私はアメリカ以外に韓国とのことを友達の同じホストスクールの韓国からの留学生に日本のことどう思ってる?と単刀直入に聞きました(笑)。その子は“歴史もあるけど、ほとんどの人は日本のこといいって思っているよ。僕の友達にも嫌いな人はいないよ。”と返ってきました。すごいこのことを他の留学生やいろんな人に伝えたくて長々と書いてしまいました。結果、私の学校生活は充実しています(笑)


               Hello. This is Kana Shimoyama from Missouri. Here is becoming cold, but here and Hokkaido are not difference to the climate. Here is not many snow like Hokkaido, but I’m happy, because I born in Kanto. I’m going to talk about school life in my host school. First is club activities. It is different with japan. I joined the tennis team, but now, the season finished, and I’m joining the swimming team now. I could join the tennis team, because the team recruited the member. I think the exchange student should join the team, because I could make many friends, and make a lot of good memories. I’m going to talk about my taking subjects. I’m taking government, U.S history, art foundation, earth science, choir, algebra 1, cooking, and English 2 in my host school. I think English 2 and government are difficult for me, but my class teachers help me many time. My host school have 4 exchange students ( 3 other students and me). A boy is exchange student from Thailand, and other one boy is exchange student from South Korea, and a girl is exchange student from Norway. I don’t have time to talk with Norwegian student, because we don’t have same class, but I have same class with Korean student and Thai student. So, Korean student tell me about Korean, and Thai student introduce me his friends from Thailand. I think if your host school has other exchange students, you should talk with them.

              I’m going to talk about my friends in my host school. It is heavy story, but I’m glad you read this story. I couldn’t make good relationship with one girl, and I ate lunch alone. It was so painful. I consult to Tiana who is my same tennis team member, and I and a girl became good friends, and I’m eating lunch with Tiana, other tennis member, and new good friends. I appreciate to Tiana. I am from Japan, and I can’t speak English well, but Tiana said me “If you ever need help with anything or need to talk or want to hang and go do something, I will try my very best to make it happen. I promise you I’m here for you. We are friend!” when I read this message I was crying. I told to my friends about I want to hung out, come over, and spend night to my friends. So, my friend came to my host house and spent a Friday night. She said me “we should make many memories! Let’s come over and spend night next weekend too.” My tennis member is 7 members ( 6 other member and me). We spend almost time together every day. We are best friends. We have many plan. I think I became to say my opinion. I could say to help to my friends, and I could say my feeling to my friends. I felt to grow up myself.

 I’m going to talk wonderful story. Please read this story! I wrote essay about “coming new country is scary”. It is my English class’s assignment (like homework). I thought I can convey about relationship between japan and other country to American student. I wrote about “American don’t like Japanese.” I think many other exchange student and Japanese is thinking about this. I wrote draft about this and other my idea and reason, and my English teacher read this draft, and I showed the draft to my host family, my friends, and other English class students. I surprised the word which the teacher and other people said My English teacher said me “It is not right. Americans like Japan. If this cause is our history, I’m sorry.” My host family said “We have history, but American like Japanese. I think our thinking is changing.” Other students said me “American like Japanese. You are Japanese. It is so cool! Don’t worry.” My friends said me “japan is interesting and beautiful. I want to go to japan.” It is the real word. I asked a Korean student about “how do you think about Japanese?” I thought Korea and Japan have history and I heard news about opposite activates many time. Korean student said “We have history, but it is not right about we don’t like Japanese. I don’t have friends who don’t like Japanese.” I wanted to convey about this to other exchange student and Japanese. I like my host school.

                I have many other troubles, but it solved. I became to not change Japanese in my brain, and listen to music lyrics. Thank you for reading my report. See you next time! 


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