




アメリカでは、16歳から車の運転を認められているんです。だから年下の子が運転する車に乗ることもあります。正直すごく怖いです。こんなことで事故にあって死にたくないよ〜って思いました笑 私は毎朝一つ年上のブラザーの運転で学校に行っているんですけど、私の州は雪が札幌と同じくらい降るので、当然道路もツルツルになるんです。この前の朝、大きい通りに出る曲がり道で車が滑って死ぬかと思いました…

そしてアメリカは、行事にすごく力を入れているな〜と思います。ハロウィンとクリスマスは、たくさんの家がデコレーションをしたりするので、街中とかはすごいと思います。クリスマスは、Thanksgiving Dayの次の日にクリスマスツリーを切りに行くところから始まりました。当日には、ツリーの下にたくさんのプレゼントが置いてありました。私は謎にバスケットボールとカードゲームを貰いました笑。



Hi I’m Kurumi. I’m staying in New Hampshire. I can’t believe it’s 2019 because I didn’t watch the TV show which is for new year’s day. Obviously I had school on January 2nd, it’s unbelievable. I wanted break until January 13th or something like that. Anyways, I will talk about CULTURE in this report. Please read this to the end!

What do you guys think about American culture? I would say they don’t take shoes off or their food is high calories. But my host family don’t wear shoes in house and we have salads as dinner every day. So i was like ”Omg I was imaging about America but it’s wrong!” And I was thinking that Americans are very loud and not shy. Obviously there are shy kids in my school. So I think there is really no difference between Americans and Japanese. But when they are at the dance party, they’re like very American. Like very lol Even if she came herself, she is gonna dance herself.

American can start driving when they’re 16. Honestly, it’s very scary. I don’t want them to drive because I don’t wanna die for such a stupid thing. My host brother who is 18 years old taking us to school every morning. When it’s summer, it’s okay but when it’s winter, it’s too dangerous. Last week, we slipped on the huge road. I thought I’m gonna die lol

And I think American events are awesome! Especially Halloween and Christmas. I’m living in mountain so I don’t know about the city, but I think that’s amazing. We cut the Christmas tree the day after thanks giving day which is crazy. On Christmas Day, there are tons of presents under the tree. I got a basketball and card game. I don’t know why.

The time goes so fast. I can’t believe it’s already January. And I can’t waste the time. There were a lot of fun stuff and hard stuff. I laughed a lot and cried a lot. But I’ll do my best! Thank you for reading. See you guys at the next report!

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