皆さんあけましておめでとうございます!コロラド州のThompson Valley 高校にいる堀江志乃です。二回目のレポートからもう三ヶ月がたって三回目のレポートを書いているのが信じられないです。前回のレポートのあとすぐにThanksgiving、ホストチェンジ、ファイナルウィーク、クリスマス、冬休みといろいろな事が起こったので、お伝えしたいと思います。
学校が始まって一週間が立ちました。時間割りも変わってクラスも新しくなり、新しい友達も結構できて楽しいです。授業は、Interior design, Pre-AP Chemistry, English 11, Spanish 1, German 2, Pre-AP algebra 2, History, Creative Writing の8教科をとっています。今回は空いている時間がないのですが取りたかった授業を全部とっているので満足です。Interior designはインテリアを使って空間を設計する勉強をするクラスです。私は部屋をデコレーションしたりするのが好きなのでどんなことが学べるのかが楽しみです。ドイツ語は二学期から取らせてもらえました。もともと取らない予定だったんですが、スペイン語のクラスがカオスすぎて他の外国語の授業を取りたくなりました。Creative Writing は名前の通り文章を書くクラスです。私は書くのが得意ではないですが、担当の先生がすごく好きなのと、書くのが上達すると思い取りました。内容などは最後のレポートにかければいいなと思います。
Happy new year everyone! It’s Shino Horie from Colorado. I cannot believe that it has been three months since the last report. No wonder why it is 2019 already.
A lot of things happened since the last report so I will talk about that.
Thanksgiving was right after I sent the last report. Mt host mother and I started preparing for thanksgiving the day before. We made mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie, turkey, and some veggies. The next day, we started finish cooking, and cleaning the room. For thanksgiving, my host mother’s father, her boyfriend and his child, her best friend and her children came over. We talked what we are thankful for and it was a wonderful time. I wish japan had thanksgiving too.
Right after thanksgiving I did a host change in order to continue playing sports. Now I live with my cheer couch’s family. My host father is a basketball couch and he also likes to play the guitar. He is kind and funny. My host mother is a history teacher and also my cheer couch and she loves Chihuahuas. She is nice and also funny. They have three children. My host brother is an adult and doesn’t live with us, so I don’t see him a lot he talks to me a lot and he is funny. My older host sister is a freshman in a college. She also doesn’t live with us but I see her more than my host brother. She is shy I guess but once I talked to her she is really nice. They have three dogs and a cat and three goats. And guess what. They have horses. My younger host sister is a sophomore and does to the same high school. She is a cheerleader and she is really good. I haven’t talked to her that much before I lived here but she asked me to hang out with her and her friends and she is really nice. I’m enjoying living with them and to be honest I really don’t want to go back to japan. (They have horses!!!!)
Last week of first semester was the finals week. I was really afraid of it since it sounds hard from the name but it wasn’t as hard as I thought. In some classes I had to take tests but I studied for that and I got good grades. In other classes I had to finish projects. I ended up getting good grades and keeping my grades so I didn’t have to worry about school during break.
Christmas is my favorite holiday all the time. On Christmas Eve I went to grandma’s house with my host family and there were other families too. I met new people there and had fun talking with them. The dinner she cooked was amazing. I loved it and ate a lot. On Christmas day we opened presents in the morning. There were a lot of presents under the Christmas tree. After that my host father’s brother’s family came over and we sat outside and played games and it was fun. This year was the first Christmas that didn’t snow in my whole life. We had lunch together and it was delicious.
The last five days of 2018 went super-fast. I went up to the mountain from the 30th to 5th 2019 with my host mother’s sister family. We went to Granby and I was so happy to have snow up there and that I could snowboard. There was also a family from Arizona and I got friends with Liz. Me, Hayley, and Liz were together all the time and had so much fun. we skied 25 runs on average every day so it was fun (but painful haha) . I’m so glad that I could snowboard in Colorado because this was one of my dreams. I will go up there again on February and I can’t wait.
School has started this week and I have three new classes which also means I don’t have any off periods this semester. My new classes are Interior Design, German 2, and Creative writing. Interior design is a class where you can learn about interiors and room or building designs. German 2 is already my favorite class. I like the teacher and I like to talk in German with my classmates.
Only four months are left. I feel like the time is passing so fast like its running. I can feel that I’m improving not only my English but also as a human. I learned a lot and learning a lot every day. I’m so glad I’m experiencing this with my 5G classmates even we are in different states. Your reports are encouraging me!! We got this and I love you all.