

アメリカ合衆国アーカンソー州 Russellville High Schoolに留学中の 花形 梨沙さんからの第2回目のレポートです。








そしてアメリカの大きな祝日、Thanks giving break と Christmas breakがありました。ホストグランドマザーがフロリダにいるためthanks giving break はフロリダに旅行に行かせてもらいました。めんどくさいので以下グランドマザーをジュージュー、その旦那さんをパピーと書かせていただきます。ディズニーやユニバーサルスタジオ、パピー&ジュージュとのthanksgivingどれもとても楽しかったです。でも私にとって一番大きかったのはパピー&ジュージューとの出会いで本当に良くしてもらいました。私のシブリングは小さいので私,乗り物もほとんど乗ることができなかったんですけど私が少しでも乗れるようにファミリーが帰っても夜のディズニーを楽しませてくれました。本当に出会えて嬉しいよとあっちも言ってくださり感動の嵐でした。ここでは語りきれないくらい大好きです。いつかまた、フロリダに彼らに会いに戻ってきたいなと思っています。













今年はもうみんなに会えます、来年じゃなくて今年になりました。楽しみだねみんな!それ糧に頑張ろう大好き my girls 5G笑笑




Hi, My name is Risa Hanagata who lives in Arkansas as an exchange student. Happy New Year!!! 2020 is here already… We were supposed to be in 10 th grade 2 years ago but we are gonna be 12 th grade soon  wow lol


Yes, I had a lot of experiences for this 4 months.

First of all, I had a dance party in my high school that is called Sadies. Actually, It is different from Homecoming dance but I guess these are much the same thing. Before the dance, I wore the dress to eat dinner with my friends. It made me happy because Normally, I cannot wear it. Everyone had partner so I got upset lol.


We had two biggest break that are thanksgiving break and Christmas break.

During the Thanksgiving break, we went to Florida states to travel and see my host grandparents.

From now on, I am going to call them pappy and juju. We went to Disney World and Universal Studio spend time with family and grandparents on thanksgiving day. Every event was fun but I could meet pappy and juju that is the most important event for me who did care me very much. I have little sister and brother so I couldn’t ride a lot of attractions. They did care about it so the took me Disney world in the night that was so fun and wonderful memories. He said “ I am so glad to meet you, You are very nice person” to me. I love them so much. If I can do that in the future, I want to go to Florida to meet them again.

I knew it that Christmas in America was great. I received a lot of Christmas presents from family. I really appreciate it. I spent time of Christmas with relative. All of my host cousin and siblings are little children. Oldest age is 3 years old so I could play with them that is a great time because I love children. My host mother and father gave me folder that for put recipes with American home meal recipes. Because they want me to make American homemade foods. It is  so nice present isn’t it?


To be honest, studying abroad is very hard for us. Especially, beginning of this program. Of course we have fun things. Everything is not hard things. Before I came here I thought I understood that about during this program, I will be home sick kind of mental illness because I read report and talked with my friends who are already experienced study abroad last year or two years ago.

But that was harder than I thought it was. I am proud of them who are already experienced  it. I had a training term in Osaka then I asked all of OBG “What did you notice when you were studying abroad?’’ They said I noticed about Japan is the best country it means food and people, something are so good. If I did not come here, I definitely could not notice about that so I want you enjoying life with your best friends in Japan who are going to study abroad this year.


We have only 4 months more and little bit days it is very short. We should enjoy life in here too.

I learned we have to thanks to everything and we are blessed. But, I miss everything in Japan.

If you got something easily, you lost it immediately. If you tried to fulfill to get something that you want or necessary, you can keep it forever.


I do not want to say goodbye to my host brother and sister. I sometimes feel annoyed them. But, I know they are the most adorable kids. One day, they stayed them grandparents house for one weeks. When they got home, first she say “ I have to find Risa” and brother wants me hold him. You know they love me? Recently, they were in my dream the situation was when we have to say goodbye. It made me sad.


Finally, I used to be this life in America. I am worrying about something that I cannot open my mind to new friends. I need time. Of course I want to be close with my friends I cannot give oneself up to them, hmmmmmm. But, my friends always very kind to me. Especially, I really appreciate one of my friend who is eating lunch with me. She is doing a lot of things for me. But, we did not each other till November because we don’t have the same class and opportunity to talk together. Normally, I was supposed to can’t talk to someone. When I was waiting for something, she was next to me. I don’t even know why I could talk to her. This was our first meeting. I was surprised my action too. I feel it was destiny lol.


If you shame about something that you did or will do, you don’t have to worry about that because except you, nobody cares about it. Please don’t be afraid to initiate action. You can be as an exchange student only one years.


I can meet you guys this year. It’s not next year!!!!!!! We got this, 5G.

Thank you for reading my report.

See you 2 months later.

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