

アメリカ合衆国アラスカ州 Diamond High Schoolに留学中の 及川 潮乃さんからの第3回目のレポートです。



先日、Crystal Ball といってhomecomingの小さい版みたいなダンスパーティーがありました。これはアラスカ?アンカレッジ?Dimond?限定だそうです。ホームカミングよりもっとフォーマルなダンスパーティーらしいんですけどなにが違うのか私にはわからなかったです正直。ただ楽しかったです。



次!クリスマスですね。thanksgivimgの前からツリーが飾ってありました。家には人差し指程度のガラスのツリーと30cmあるかないかのかわいいちっちゃこいツリーしかないので自分より大きいツリーは夢でした。そして25日の朝、ツリーのしたにこれでもかってぐらいプレゼントが並んでありました。私のAmerican Dream1つ叶いました。日本ではこんなこと絶対なし、10個も20個あげる、もらう概念なんてほぼないのですごい嬉しかったです。何も言ってないのに欲しかったものが靴下の中からたくさん出てきて日頃観察されてるんだなとも思いました。それにしてもマザーの観察力すごいです。クリスマスだけアメリカで過ごしたいです毎年。フロリダに住んでいるマザー方のお母さんが毎年家族全員のパジャマを送ってくれるんです。それを着てリビングで川の字で寝たり、会ったこともないのにプレゼントが届いたり、ほんとに感謝です。ダブルプレイスメントとホストブラザーたちからもたくさんいただきました。(特にぬいぐるみ)ありがとうございます。




気候変動と段落のはじめに書きましたが1月に入ってから-20℃下回ることがほとんどになりました。車のドアが凍って開かなくなったり、家のドアも稀に開かなくなります。たまに上回ると半袖短パンの人が増えます。そして今日は暖かいねってママもブラザーも言います。こんなに寒いのに雪も毎日吹雪並みに降っているのに私たちにはsnow dayで休みになることはほとんどないです。もう1winter break欲しいです。アラスカの人は体感温度が壊れていて私の体が休み欲しがっているって話でした。


4つ目!これで終わります私の回想。このAlyeskaから帰ってきて次の日、30日にホストブラザー(31日生まれ)と私(29日)の誕生日パーティーがありました。友達6人呼んでプレゼント開封会やって、ケーキ食べて、Dancing Queen5,6会熱唱したり、雑魚寝する予定だったけど結局朝まで起きてて昼に起床したり。このときもプレゼント(だいたいぬいぐるみ)たくさんいただきました。話の内容はくだらないものでしたけどそれがなぜか楽しいんですよね!うん今考えたら眠かった。はい。日本では6人も呼んでパーティーしてお泊りしたことないのでこれもアメリカならではだと思いました。パーティーって楽しいですね仲のいい友達がいっぱいいると^ ^ 騒ぎすぎてマザーたちには迷惑かけた?かけてない?でひやひやしました。ごめんなさーい。誕生日だったので許してください?^ ^ あとはこの日、ムース食べました。味はジンギスカンとほとんど同じでした。かわいそうって思ってる愛理とかいると思うけど、鹿は木を根こそぎ食べちゃうから適度に人間が食べてあげないと山がハゲるそうです。天文学の先生より



1つ目。多くの人が知っていると思いますけど左ハンドルです。これはあまり驚かなかったです前から知っていたので。違うんです。私が驚いたのは信号が赤のときに横から車が来ていなかったら右に曲がっていいんです。つまり日本でいうと車が来ていなかったら左に曲がっていいんです。わかりますか?日本語下手くそでごめんなさい。日本の信号に横か下にたまにだけど矢印サインのついてるやつあるじゃないですか。つまり、信号は赤だけど左サインがついてる感じです。ただし車よく見てねっていうルールです。最初、オハイオでその光景を見たときは事故りそうでアラスカ行く前にここで死ぬと思いました。正直怖かったです。あとアンカレッジは無料ハイウェイが多いです多すぎです。これ車運転するの絶対大変です。でも地下鉄も汽車はないし、バスは中心部だけなのでナビ必須です^ ^







Happy New Year!! Is it a little bit late? It doesn’t matter! I’m Shiono who staying in Alaska. Long time no see you. Did you guys eat New Year traditional dishes and see New Year Japanese TV shows? I was living eat too much meals, see the comedy shows and go to bed every year before I came in Alaska. I’m kind of sad without this life. We don’t have homework for winter break so we always pass lazy days. Also, I had good experience in these two months. I am going to show you before I talk about the difference culture between Japan and America.


The other day, we had a party called “Crystal Ball” that smaller than Homecoming. This is only for Alaska or Anchorage or Dimond. Sorry, I’m not sure. It is the dance party more formal than Homecoming but to be honest I have no idea. However, it’s just fun! Kanan who from Chitose came our house and we could enjoy the process of going Crystal Ball, like we winded our hair, the dress was very thin so we was going to die, couldn’t enough shopping, made some joke the climate made our face so dry, rip color was too much dark, someone said “If I eat now, make my tammy thick so I’m not going to eat.” Actually, gave up. ^ ^ it was so much fun! I envy America there are big, made us happy party. But on 25th December, Kanan have gone back to Hokkaido. Thank you Kanan for three months! It’s too short study abroad for both of us. I don’t want to take History and English like “alone”. Also, we started new poem on 6th. Do you remember the poster under the whiteboard? That’s for AP Language. I relieved. ^ ^ ok See you later after about six months.


Next! The Christmas. Our Christmas tree was decollated before Thanksgiving. In my home, there are a glass, cute small tree so the tree bigger that me was one of my dream. Then too many present lined under the tree on 25th morning. I wished my second American dream. I want to spend Christmas in America every year. Our Host Grandmother who live in Florida sent us pajamas. Please someone hosting me on Christmas only Christmas just Christmas. We wore that and slept in living room that make our back so hurt but. I am appreciated for them. Thank you for everything.


Next! Alaska is influenced by climate change so snow is less than Hokkaido. I disappointed not will be able to do skiing this year. However, we got snow on Christmas! Then my host mother reserved the biggest ski resort hotel in Alaska called Alyeska on 28th to 29th. Also, that my birthday I mean I had a really great birthday. Thank you for my sweet host mother! The surface was kind of icy so it was scary me and my hair frozen because it was -4. crazy. But it was so much fun!! Thank you mom. There is pool in this hotel. That’s so much fun too! But cold ok everything is cold in Alaska. I disappointed before because Dimond doesn’t have downhill ski team. I was so happy!


The last one! A day after came back to home, we had me(29th) and my host brother’s(30th) birthday party. We invited our friends, opened present, ate cakes, sung Dancing Queen 5,6 times, were going to sleep at living room but couldn’t. As a result, we slept at 6 and woke up at noon. We talked a lot about the story of 2019 and goal of 2020. I’ve never invited my friends a lot on birthday party also sleepover. The party make us so happy! My 2019 was so great wonderful year.


OK, then I’m going to talk about the difference culture between America and Japan.

First one. Car has left handle. I wasn’t surprised because I knew before I came in America. Not this part. I was surprised when the signal is rad, you can turn to right if other car doesn’t come side. So in our case, if the car doesn’t come side, you can turn to left you know? I can’t explain exactly. Do you know we have the signal with sign like go straight, left, right? I mean the signal is rad, but the sign always turns on left. Like that you know? Moreover, please look side way, be careful. And we have too many free high way. That is so complicated. Before we changed host change, we drove three free high way to go to school. It is difficult for us to drive a car on this way. I’m really sure because I don’t remember any way. Also, there are not subway, train. We have a few bus, but they drive just downtown like only center part. I can’t live here without my driver.


Second! Everything so big. Food is big so grocery store ought to become big. Then refrigerator become big too. If our normal refrigerator is Small size, American refrigerator is Large kind of like that. We have convenience store next to gas station. That is big too. My host mother bought orange juice for us. In our case, the biggest one is 2L you know? But she bought two 4L once a week. Is this bottle usual? Also mike too. I dislike mike so I just use when I eat cereal. It doesn’t go away soon. OK, my point is everything so bigger that Japan.


Third one! The school totally different. ①American public school doesn’t have uniform. ②We don’t have to buy three shoes ③If the school far from your house, they absolutely have school bus. ④We have to decide classes. ⑤We can’t take a bags in classroom. ⑥We have emergency training twice a month. ⑦School start at 7:30 ⑧We only have six minutes break between the class and class. ⑨We can go back to home at 2:00. ⑩If we have club activity, we absolutely can go buck to home at 4:00. ⑪In my High School, we only have six periods. ⑫We always get too much homework. ⑬ We don’t have homework on winter break, but this break is too short. ⑭My High School’s Japanese classes is high education. The students who take Japanese can speak well etc… I really like American High School better than Japanese one. I think we need to introduce uniform because I don’t have to worry about clothes also, I miss uniform. But my American life is so fun! I’m satisfied!


This is so long report. Sorry about that. Thank you for reading!! I’m in almost half way. I don’t want to leave here! Do my best…ya… OK bye see you two months later~

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