

アメリカ合衆国ミネソタ州 Rogers High School に留学中の 眞鍋 ひよのさんからの第3回目のレポートです。





まず、「食」についてです。アメリカの食べ物はとても甘く、脂っこく、量が多いです。私は料理のクラスを取っているのですが、デザートを作るとき、めっちゃ砂糖を入れます。最初は胸焼けがする甘さなのですが6ヶ月も経つと慣れて美味しく食べられるのが恐ろしいです。汗 そして揚げ物が多いです。アメリカの食べ物は大きいというイメージを持っていたのですが大きいというよりはサイドメニューの量が多くて全体的に大きい印象があります。ハンバーガーをレストランで頼むとサイドも含め1000カロリーを超えます。これを夜ご飯に食べたらそりゃ太りますよね、そこまで大食いじゃない人もこの食生活をすれば太るのは簡単です。イタリア人との違いとしては、イタリア人は毎日トマトを食べるらしいです。そしてピザやパスタが大好きなのですがピザに肉はのせないと言っていました。彼女もアメリカンフードが大好きなので二人で爆食いして明日からダイエット始めるって何回も繰り返しています。笑








Hi, I’m Hiyono Manabe. Recently, I hear the news about coronavirus in Japan like wvry day and I am worried about it. I really hope everyone is fine.

The term of this report is about differences of culture. I am going to present to you from 2 points; foods and characters. Because I’ve lived in another exchange student from Italy, I think this term is exactly given to me. I’ll do my best to report this time too, so please read until the end of this report.


Firstly, about foods. American foods are too sweet, greasy and too much. In my culinary arts class, when we make desserts, we put too much sugar for me. At first, I felt bad because of the sweetness and I couldn’t eat all, however, I’m used to be the sweetness, I can taste good these and I like American deserts now. I’m scared that.haha And there are many fries here. I had imagined that American foods are big, but I noticed that American foods have bunch of sides and they make to the image. In restaurants, some burgers have more than 1000 calories. If we eat them for dinner often times, we are going to gain weight definitely, right? If you spend this kind of lifestyle, it’s very easy to gain weight even you don’t eat foods very much. For deference with Italian, I would say whether to eat tomatoes every day. And she loves pizza and pasta, but she told me that Italian doesn’t put meat on pizza. Although she also loves American foods, we eat too many foods and declare “I’m gonna start diet from tomorrow” to our host mom after that.

Next, I’ll present the characters. It’s very hard that we represent each country and explain the difference because each person has a different character even in the same country. However, I think people in the U.S. is frank. They can tell “yes or no” and “I want or I don’t want”, and don’t read the other person’s mind. So, they don’t help me without being asked to help by me. And, Italian has confidence clearly and do things at their own pace. Japanese has lots of good cultures and I could understand other culture or opinion at first, so I had felt conflicted.


So, how was this report? The differences of culture are a big problem for me and I have considered what to do so far, but I can enjoy it eventually and spend wonderful times here. However, I have to start diets to wear a prom dress nicely now. lol


Can you believe that the next report is going to be my last one? Time passes so fast.

Now, see you in 2 months. Be careful about coronavirus!!!

14 Hiyono③ #1 14 ひよの③ #2 14 ひよの③ #3 14 ひよの③#4