アメリカ合衆国メイン州Mountain Valley High Schoolに留学中の 大川 日菜子さんからの第2回目のレポートです。
超お久しぶりのレポートになってしまい関係者の皆様本当に申し訳ございません…。February vacation 真っ只中で比較的ゆったりとした時間を送っているメイン州、大川(17歳・コンビニの肉まんが恋しい)からのレポートです。
アメリカと日本の違いはなんでしょうね…。でもアメリカに来てから沢山考えてないと生きていけないな〜と強く思います でもその考えるというのは自分をよく見せる為に『計算する』という方ではなくて、物事に関してちゃんと自分の意見は何なのかをアウトプットする方の『考える』です。今まで自分では沢山色んな事を考えて、選択をして生きてきたと思っていたのですが、アメリカに来てから『どう思う?』ってちょっとした事を訊かれても自分が思いもしなかった所を突かれてて答えがウジウジする事が多々ありました。アメリカにも勿論同調圧力的なのも存在しますが、やはり自分とは何かが常に問われていて、各々が自分自身を個としてしっかり捉えてるからこそ、相手が自分と違うことにも違和感が無いのかな〜なんて思います。
あと4ヶ月ほどまたバッチバチに気合入れて頑張ります〜!5Gがんばろうね!miss you guys
Hi guys, it’s Hina from Maine. It’s my second report about my study abroad. First, let me apologize that my submission of the report has been really late. I just turned 17 y/o in February, and decided my resolution for this year. One of them is “don’t be lazy” (maybe I should get a tattoo of this I already forget such an important part lol), so I’ll change my ratten mind rn ….
Maine is not as cold as I expected, so hopefully I’m still alive! In Maine, we can try a lot of winter sports like skiing, snowboarding, ice skating, ice hockey and hiking… Yes, as you noticed, Maine has quite a similar climate to Hokkaido. (but in Maine, we can see more amazing night sky than Hokkaido! It literally takes my breath every time I look up at the sky!)
Anyway, today I’m gonna write about what’s the difference between Japan and America, and the part different from what I imagined before I came here.
I think the biggest difference between us is American can accept others as totally different human beings (that’s not necessary though). I don’t know what the exact expression is, but no one denies someone’s way of expressing themselves. Of course, there are peer pressures like Japan, but still we can feel free to be “myself.” People often say America has many discrimination, but most Americans are respectful to others more than Japanese people think. And the part different from what I imagined is there’s no average/typical Americans. America has more races, more people, and each area has its own tendency. So it’s hard to describe a specific characteristics of them. I think it’s not only for Americans, individuals have their own life all over the world. We can’t know their actual lives without experience by ourselves. The reality is quite otherwise!! Through such things, I feel like living in this huge country is always asking me what my identity is. I was raised in Japan, and because of that, to experience being a minority side was rare for me. Being a minority side gives me a lot of opportunity to think about things which always exist around us. To be honest, sometimes being a minority makes me a little bit lonely, but I realized that being on the minority side is actually wicked cool because we can send unique opinions minorities may not have!