




コロラド州でのホストファミリーはジャマイカの歌を歌いながら仕事をしてるファンキーなママと、シャイと見せかけて仲良くなったらでっかい声で大騒ぎする可愛い娘の2人家族でした。ホストマザーがダンスを習っていたのでその間、私とシスターは2人でプールに行ったり、お買い物をしたりしていました。休みの日はダウンタウンに行って有名な美術館に行ったり、研修の時の友達とテーマパークに行きました。私とホストシスターは奇跡的に誕生日が同じだったので2人で祝いあいました!ホストシスターとは今でも話していますし、一人っ子の私にとって初めての妹だったので本当の妹のように思っている大好きで可愛い妹です。   続いては長期のホストファミリーについてです!私のホストファミリーはホストシスター2人、ホストブラザー2人、お父さん、お母さんの6人家族です。みんな20歳を超えているので家にはほぼいません。でも、私の学校終わりにみんなで集まってレストランに行ったり、土日は絶対どこかしら行きます。遊園地に行ったり、私のホストファミリーはニューヨークに家を持っているのでタイムズスクエアや、ブロードウェイにミュージカルに連れて行ってもらっています。ホストマザーは日本が大好きでいつもお買い物に行くと日本食を買ってくれたり、材料を揃えてくれて一緒に作っています!ホストファザーはあまり家にいませんが、いる時はよく話しかけてくれるし、冗談を言ってくるので可愛いし面白いです。普段は静かで何にも干渉をしないタイプのお父さんが初めて頭をポンポンしてくれて本当の娘のように思ってくれていると感じました。日本では何も感じなかったこともアメリカに来てから些細なことも嬉しく感じられます。 



スペイン語と数学のテストに追われてレポートの提出が遅れました。ごめんなさい!そしてレポートを読んでくれた皆さんありがとうございます!また次のレポートで会いましょう!BYE                                                      Hello♪ My name is Hina Sawada, and I am studying abroad in Connecticut. It has already been two months since I came to the United States. It feels very short. We were told that the plane was not going to fly, so we were left at the airport in Seattle to find our own hotel, and we got lost dozens of times.


The theme of report 1 is “Family Life and Goals of Study Abroad!


For the first three weeks, I studied in Colorado with a group of Japanese kids. Here are some photos from that time! During the program, we had classes from 9:30 a.m. and sometimes went to the university for extracurricular activities or went to the mountains for fun. I will never forget the memories of the friends I made during this program, even if hundreds of years pass. The American kids I studied with were scary at first because they had nose piercings and were tall, but they were all kind and I realized that it is not good to judge people by their looks.


My host family in Colorado consisted of a funky mom who sang Jamaican songs while she worked, and a cute daughter who appeared shy but became loud and boisterous when we got to know each other. My host mother was taking dance lessons while Sister and I went to the pool and did some shopping. On our days off, we went downtown to visit famous museums and went to theme parks with my friends from the training program. Miraculously, my host sister and I had the same birthday, so we celebrated together! I still talk to my host sister and she is my first sister as an only child, so I love her and consider her like a real sister.   Next, I would like to talk about my long-term host family! My host family is a family of 6 people: 2 host sisters, 2 host brothers, a father, and a mother. They are all over 20 years old and are almost never home. However, we all get together after school and go to a restaurant, and we definitely go somewhere on weekends. My host family has a house in New York City, so they take me to Times Square and Broadway to see musicals. My host mother loves Japan and always buys me Japanese food when I go shopping! My host father is not home much, but when he is, he talks to me a lot and tells me jokes, which is cute and funny. My father, who is usually quiet and doesn’t interfere in anything, patted me on the head for the first time and made me feel like he thought of me as a real daughter. I am happy about even the smallest things since I came to the U.S., even though I didn’t feel anything in Japan. 


Finally, I would like to talk about my goals for studying abroad! It has been a month since I came to Connecticut, but I still have a lot of homework from school, club games and practices every day, walking to the bus, then taking a cab for an hour and a half to get home, and many things I am still not used to. But the biggest problem is conversation. Although I have improved my listening comprehension to some extent, I feel again recently that it is really difficult to convey my intentions in English. My friends talk to me a lot, but I can only reply with a few words, which is really frustrating. So from now on, I will become an American girl who doesn’t mind if I make mistakes and challenges everything with confidence in myself! I have a lot to tell you about school, such as how I am struggling with Spanish at school and how I joined the volleyball club in the U.S. and became a regular member, even though I never joined an athletic club in Japan.

I was so busy with Spanish and math tests that I was late in submitting my report. I am sorry! And thanks to everyone who read my report! See you again in the next report, BYE!