こんにちは!インディアナ州に留学中の吉川ミア愛実です。あけましておめでとうございます。新しい年が始まりましたね。私の学校も2学期が始まりました!こちらはほぼ毎日マイナス気温でとっても寒いです。今週は-19°の日があるらしくて怯えています。冬休みあけて1日目にはsnow stormがインディアナ州にきて、雪がたくさん積もりました。私はsnow loverなので友達と寮父さんとその娘と一緒に雪だるまを作って遊びました。友達はかまくらも作りたいと言っていたので、またたくさん雪が降るように期待しています!今回のレポートでは文化の違いを紹介していきます!
Hi. I’m Mia in Indiana state. Happy New Year! I started a new semester in my school. In Indiana, there are minus temperatures most days. I‘m afraid that it will be -19°this week. After the winter break, there was a snowstorm and lots of snow fall. I’m a snow lover, so I went outside and made a snowman with friends and my dorm parents and their daughter. My friend wants to make a kamakura, so I expect to have more snow. In this report, I’ll write about the cultural differences between Japan and the U.S.
First difference is that we don’t stay in a same classroom and no homeroom in the U.S. Students move different classrooms for each classes, the announcement is told on short broadcast. We don’t have a place to put our bag packs, so we need to put it in a locker or bring the class tools every time. My school’s computer is heavy, so it makes me tired. Teacher doesn’t move usually, so they put their favorite things, so the classroom got a lot of personality, it’s fun to look each classroom. My English teacher in the second semester decorate a lot of sanrio and Japanese anime things, so I want to get along with her. Every student has different schedule, so of course the classmate is different. We take classes with another grade students mixed except English class. It’s so different from Japan and interesting. As I wrote in the previous report, we can talk to a counselor and take classes with your interest, even required courses they have some levels, so we can choose the one fit for you. I think class schedule for each individual is so good point. And the sports club is season system, they change the sports each season, fall, winter and spring. I’m thinking to try the tennis in the spring! Also, the U.S school have ‘‘tryout’’, it is held before the actual practice and kind of trial period. In this period, we usually do the muscle training and basic practice.
Second difference is the school events. There are homecoming and prom. I wrote about the prom in a previous report, so this time I introduce about homecoming. In Homecoming[hoco] week, we dress up according to themes every day. In my school, we have a western day, sport uniform day and BBQ dad & soccer mom day. The theme was so interesting. I heard another school has dance party on the last day, but we don’t have it, so it was sad. But I could go to the American football match at last day, then I made new friends and we all cheered up and got excited. Until that day, I didn’t know the rules, but I like the atmosphere that we all get together and have a good time! In the high school here, we have a match every Friday, football in the Fall, basketball in the winter, when the match day, we put on theme outfit, so it’s fun too.
I found another difference. Tap water is not drinkable here in U.S, so a drinking water supply is installed, and there are a lots machines for water in a canteen. The machine shows how many PET battles we could save, so I think it’s very eco-friendly. In seasonal events, we have Thanksgiving. It is an event to thank for everyone and everything. In general, we eat turkey, mashed potato and pie. In this holiday, I stayed with my friend, then I surprised the all food was so delicious! I am glad experience the traditional American events and could spend great time. Also, at Halloween and Christmas they decorate the house with the light and put big ornaments, it was large and gorgeous. The street was so sparkling and it raised me up!
There are a lot of cultural differences between Japan and the U.S. But I’ve spent six month and I am getting used to a lot of parts of it, so there are many parts I’ve forgotten. I always realize the good points of Japan and the U.S, and I am definitely having a great experience.