





私は2つのスモールグループのメンバーになりました。1つ目は、学校の友達の教会のユースグループで、毎週月曜日に誘ってくれます。20人くらいのメンバーで、キリスト教について学んだり、話したり、遊んだりしています。2つ目はユースグループではないので私はただ1人の10代ですが、このグループを楽しんでいます。このグループでは”Good life”をテーマに皆んなで話しています。たくさんの方のキリスト教や教会への想いを知ることができるので、とても興味深いです。これらのグループに入ってから留学が良い方へと進みました。少し前には、ホストファミリーとコーディネーターから、「15枚あった生徒の書類の中で、クリスチャンはあなただけだったんだよ!」と言われました。もし、私がクリスチャンではなかったら、このホストファミリーと会うことも無かったですし、これらのグループに入ることも無かったです。つまり、ずっと悩み続けていたのかもしれません。キリスト教を教えてくれていた家族に本当に感謝しています。

すみません。学校のことで話すことは特にないです。多分、前回のレポートよりは少しだけ頭が良くなったと思います(笑) あ、そういえば後期から科学捜査という授業を取っています。授業中に、撃たれたり刺されたりした人を見ました。本物の血や、臓器、死体を食べる虫、血だらけの犯行現場などを見なければなりません。お昼ご飯や夜ご飯を食べるのがキツイです…。なぜ私がこのクラスを取っているのかは分かりませんが、なぜかこのクラスが大好きで、とても楽しいです(笑)



Hello. This is Mariko. How are you doing? I’m great! This is the last one! We will meet soon. I’ll talk about my feeling now, on end of the report.

I went to Florida with my host family during spring break to attend the memorial service. It was for my host mother’s brother. This memorial service is for talking about the good memories of the deceased and what the person to meant to us. I love attend this service. When I will die, I want to have this service for me and I want to hear about(of course, it is not possible) what they will talk about me. Florida was hot and humid. We went to beach, Disney spring and the Sea World. The host father and I played tennis two times. I’ve never played tennis before but I did enjoy it. I swam all night. I hope to lose my weight. You know I love summer so Florida is perfect for me. When we leave Florida, I was so sad.

I became a member of two small groups’ member. One of the groups is youth group of my friend ‘s church. She invites me every Monday night. We have about 20 people in this group. We are learning the Christianity with playing and talking. The other is not youth group so that I am the only teenager member but I am enjoying it.  In this group we are talking about Good Life. It is interested for me to know each view of God and church.

Since after joining these groups, my study abroad changed to good way. A few months ago, my host family and area coordinator said to me that we got 15 documents of exchange student and the Christian is only you. If I were not Christian, I couldn’t meet this host family, couldn’t join this small which meant I might have kept struggling. I’m really appreciate my family to shown me Christian.

Sorry, I don’t have to talk about my school. I am just working so hard in my classes. Nothing changed except I may be little smarter than last report. By the way, I took the forensics class from the second semester. I saw a body with a gun shot and knife wounds. I have to see blood, kidneys, bugs to eat dead body and crime scene. It makes me sick so that it is hard to eat lunch. I wonder why I took this class. But I don’t know why I love this class.

I’m feeling still slow until today, but looking back upon 8 months, I am really living full life. My host family is a little bit unusual family so I can think a lot things even to spend a common time together. When I go to the school, I can meet many people who are unable to get relation in Japan. I’m so glad to do study abroad and I feel so successful to choose study abroad when I think “I’m doing study abroad during high school, then I’m getting many experiences even if those are unhappy or not. These experiences will be my treasure.

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