4月のはじめはウッドバーニングをしていました。木の板にバーナーでお絵かきするやつ。お花に小さな妖精が座っているのを描いて、マザーが気に入ってくれたので嬉しいです。とても楽しかったのですが、忙しいのでもうやっていません。いや、やる時間はいつでもあるのだけれど、ただ怠け者なだけです。あ、あと、’sweat lodge’ という先住民族の伝統的な儀式に参加させていただいたときのことを話したいと思います。まず、小さな小屋があって、中で全員輪になって座ります。火の中で熱された42個の石が中にあるのですごく熱くなります。最初のラウンドが始まると、皆でまわしながら食べ物を食べます。食べ終わったらドアが閉められて、熱くって、あと何も見えないくらい真っ暗になります。お祈りして、彼らの言葉で4曲歌います。マラカスとかドラムも演奏します。そして、長老が石に水をかけてもっと熱くなるようにします。その時に痛みを感じたら悪い「気」が出てきていて、体が浄化されているという証です。すごく良くて、宗教的というか、例えば神社にお参りにいったときみたいな気持ちで、あと、全員が一心同体で彼ら自身誇りをもっているような感じでした。先住民族といえば、この頃ネイティブ・スタディーでドリームキャッチャーを作っているんですよ。ベッドの近くの壁にかけるもので、悪い夢を吸収してくれるって信じられているみたいです。月曜日にまた制作を再開するのが待ちきれません。
とにかく、これが私の最後のレポートです!読んでくださってありがとうございます。もし留学に興味をもったなら、本当に実現することをお勧めします。きっと人生の中で貴重な体験になると思います。もちろんいつも良いことばかりではありません。私も何回友達に電話したか分かりませんし、つらい時もあります。けれど、それは成長の糧になるし、だから私は以前より強くなれました。タフで立派な女性です!(笑)暗い世にあって星のように輝きなさい。お気に入りのフレーズです。1282文字にもなるのでここにやめますね。もっとお話ししたいことがあるのですが帰国してから会って話しましょう!近々お会いしましょう。皆大好きです♡ さようなら。
I can’t believe that I only have 2 months left here in Canada. I feel so much comfortable at my house here and my school and it feels like this is where I meant to be. It sounds little bit touchy-feely, but that’s what I feel now. And this will be my last report to send to my school in Japan! How awesome. I no longer have to use this freaking laptop, which is almost broken and seems to be like it doesn’t like to work for me. It takes forever to start Word or the Internet or whatever, and I have to wait 500 years to get it work for me. And it’s baby slow. When I go back to Japan, I will ask my dad to fix this laptop, or maybe I’ll just dump it in the rubbish bin. I’m kidding. I don’t know why I said ‘the rubbish bin’ because I usually say ‘the garbage can’. Feel like I’m British. Lol.
Ok now I’m going to tell you guys how the last 2 months had been. I need to check my diary to remember what I was doing on March because I really don’t remember anything about it. I’m just looking over my diary, and it says that I went watch the hokey game on March 19th. It also says that it was a pretty cold night and my mom’s students were playing there, and there was a Japanese exchange student that came to watch the game. I’ve totally forgot about that day. I will show you the picture we took there. I guess there’s nothing that I really have to tell you guys other than the hockey game. What I usually write in my dairy? For example: it says ‘March 21st: my friend, Meryll, was eating rice with a sausage on it for lunch. Looked yummy.’ If you were interested in what my friend ate for lunch, that’s awesome.
In the first week of April I was doing some wood burning stuff, which is like drawing a picture on wooden board with a burner. I drew a tiny fairy sitting on the flower and I was so happy because my mom loves it. That was so much fun but I don’t do that anymore because I am busy. Actually I have enough time to do, but I’m just being lazy. And what the lazy people always say is they are busy. Oh, and I need to tell you guys about my first experience of ‘the sweat lodge.’ It is an Indigenous traditional ritual: there is a small hut, and in the hut everyone sits in circle. It is super-hot there because there are 42 rocks that had been in fire.
As the first round starts, we eat some food and pass them to everyone to share. When we finish eating, the door is shut, and it gets super dark in there that you cannot see anything. Then they pray, and sing 4 songs in Cree, which is Indigenous peoples’ language, with drums and maracas. The old guy put water onto the rocks so that it can be hotter. If you feel pain there it means the bad spirit is coming out and your body is purified.
That was so cool and spiritual, and it felt like everyone was all together and they were proud of themselves. I would love to go and see those nice people there again. Talking about Indigenous culture, we are making the dream catchers in native studies these days. It’s something that you hang onto the wall, nearby your bed, and it’s believed that it will absorb the bad dreams. I can’t wait till Monday to start making them.
I want to talk about what I strongly felt in this 2 months. It’s not happy thing, nor is it fun stuff like I was talking above, but I want to share my feelings. I had felt like I was always considered as a stranger or ‘the new person.’ I just wanted to belong to a circle of friends. As being an exchange student, it felt like people always looked at me as a stranger from East Asia. But now, I have some nice friends that understand my feelings, and I don’t feel that anymore. I hope I will enjoy my life here in Canada in my way.
Let’s talk about something fun. Ok, I’ll tell you about the Christmas chicken. Why I am talking about Christmas now? You will see. It’s like this; I and my mom were cleaning the deck, and I found a big container just in the corner of the deck that nobody would notice. I opened it, and there was a rotten chicken with molds and tons of tiny bugs in it, and that was disgusting. It stank badly. Seriously. So I called my mom and asked why a hell there was a chicken outside, and she said she put it outside just before the Christmas day, which was last year, so that it could be frozen, because it was cold enough to stop bacteria grow, but she forgot to take it out before spring came. That chicken stayed outside for 5 months! We had to bring it out to the yard and drain the water, and put the chicken in the garbage bag. Though I used rubber gloves, it felt like my whole body was just contaminated by Salmonella and I was just grossed out. That was a good memory of Canada. I am kidding. That was the grossest experience ever.
It feels like I am talking to you guy face-to-face. I miss you guys and I can’t wait to see you guys. I only have 53 days here! Oh my goodness it’s been 9 months since I came here. That had been so fast…and I will miss all my Canadian friends and teachers, and my loving host family. I wish I could stay this house forever because I love my mom, Liza. She hugs me every morning before she goes to her school, and she feeds me, and she understands who I am. She doesn’t force me to do anything and let me do whatever I want to, and I absolutely love the way she treats me. Plus, she is graceful. I like when my mom asks me to do something for her because after I’m done my work she gave me a nice sweet smile. Can I just pack my mom in my suitcase and bring her to Japan? I need her for my life. Awweee I’m gonna miss her so bad.
Anyway this is my last report! Thank you for spending a time to read this, and I hope you enjoyed it. If you are interested in studying abroad, I strongly encourage you do it! That will be one of the most valuable experience in your life. Of course it is not always good. I don’t know how many times I needed to talk to my friends to cheer me up, or calm me down, and it’s painful. But it grew me up and that’s why I now am stronger than before. I am tough and grown woman! 😉 ‘Shine like stars in a dark world.’ This is my favourite quote. I will stop talking here because it’s 1282 letter in this report. Holy crap. I have more stories to tell you, but let’s meet and talk when I go back to Japan. I will see you soon! Love you everyone <3 Bye.
P.S. I will send 3 pics: the one when we went the hockey game, me and Meryll outside, and my grad photo. I’m sorry that the grad photo is kind of hard to see.