

アメリカに留学中の伊達 瞳さんから第1回目の留学レポートが届きました。






ミネアポリスに着いて、やっと10か月お世話になるファミリーを見つけた時はとてもうれしかったし安心しました。ホストファミリーはマザー、ファザー、9歳と6歳のシスター、3歳のブラザーの5人家族です。そして、犬が1匹、猫が2匹、フェレットが2匹います。犬はとても元気で立つと私よりも大きいです! シスターもブラザーもかわいいですが、毎日けんかをしていてこの9日間で泣き声を聞かなかった日はないです。でも仲がいいときはとても楽しく遊んでいて私と本当のお姉ちゃんの小さいころを思いだしました。ブラザーは目が合うとニコニコしながら近寄ってきてとてもかわいいです。今まで家族や親せきの中で末っ子だった私が今お姉ちゃんになって不思議な気分です。







Hello, I’ve finished the language camp in Buffalo for 10 days, and I live in Minnesota now.


In Buffalo, I was sharing the room with my classmate in Japan.  We went to a lot of place.  The most fun place in the language camp was Niagara Falls.  We rode a ship and we were able to see Niagara Falls nearby, so it was very powerful!  On the other day we rode a water bike.  I got a sunburned…  In addition to we went to a police chief, a firehouse, and a city hall.  I had a good 10 days.


I felt really relieved to saw my host family at the airport in Minneapolis.  Next, I’ll introduce my host family.  My host family are mother, father, sister (9), sister (6), and brother (3).  And family has a lot of pets. They have a dog, two cats, and two ferrets. The dog is taller than me!  I always play with him.  Sisters and brother are very cute. They are always playing happily, but always fighting.  I feel strange now because I was a youngest child in my family and relative from the first time in one’s life. 


This is an unrelated topic.  My host mother told me “You can drink the tap water.” So I was tried, but the water tastes like an iron.  I feel a little hard because I like water and tea very much.  That reminds me, I dropped my smartphone in the water during language camp, so I don’t have good pics.  I’m sorry, but I put my smartphone in the rice and it was fixed, so I can use it now!


My school isn’t started yet.  I chose various kinds of subjects like a Spanish.  I’ll do my best! 

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