まず、前回のレポートでも少し紹介したInternational dinnerについて話しますね。私達留学生は開場時間の2時間前にイベント会場に集まりお客さんを迎える準備をしました。それぞれ用意してきたポスターを設置したり、料理を並べたり、自分のテーブルの飾り付けをしました。準備が終わった途端に沢山のお客さんが来ました。学校の先生や友達、教会で出会った人など知っている人も沢山来てくれていて嬉しかったです!私はちらし寿司とお味噌汁を作りました。お客さんに料理を取り分けた後は、みんなで楽しくおしゃべりしながらいろんな国の料理を食べました。食事の後はいよいよプレゼンテーションです。私の友達が目の前の一番近いテーブルに座ってくれたおかげで緊張すること無くリラックスして話すことが出来ました。
次にHalloweenについて話しますね。Halloweenは私が楽しみにしていたイベントの1つだったので当日は朝からとてもわくわくしていました!学校へ行くと魔女、ドラキュラ、妖精などいろいろな仮装をしている生徒がいてとても面白かったです。放課後は友達と仮装をして『Trick or Treating』に行きました。日本にもHalloweenはありますがTrick or Treatingはしたことが無かったので初めての経験でした。歩いて学校付近の家に行ってみんなで「Trick or Treat!」と言ってキャンディーをもらいました。途中で小雨が降ってきてしまったので、私達は車に切り替えてその後も沢山の家を回りました。キャンディーをどっさり抱えて家に帰るとファザーが「すごい量だね!」と笑っていました。とても良い思い出になりました!
大村 芽生
Hi! I’m Mei. How are you doing everyone? I‘m surprised to hear that Hokkaido is snowing now! On November 4th the news that snow is falling in Obihiro city has flown on TV! Father was recording news while I was going to school. I was happy to be able to know about Hokkaido!
First, I’m going to talk about International dinner. We got together at the event 2 hours ago. And then, we all worked together and prepared that. For example, put up posters on the wall, lined dishes up, and decorated my table. When we finished preparation for dinner, a lot of people arrived at the event venue. I found my theater, friends, and people who met at a church. I was happy a lot of people came. I made ‘’Chirashi zushi’’ (Scattered sushi) and miso soup. After we served each of the guests food on a plate, I enjoyed the meal. And then, I did presentation about Japan. When I was seeing a guests off, some people said that ‘’ Chirashi zushi was so good!’’ and ‘’Good job Mei!’’ And also, there was a person who asked question to me about my presentation. I was glad that they were interested in our country. It was hard work, but worth the effort.
Well, I’ll talk about Halloween. I was exciting from morning, because I was looking forward to this day a lot. When I went to school, there were students wearing various wears such as witches, Dracula, fairies, etc. It was very interesting. After school, I dressed up and went to “Trick or Treating” with my friends. There is Halloween in Japan, but I had never ‘’Trick or Treating’’, so it was my first experience. We went around some houses near the school and said that ‘’Trick or treat!’’. Since it began to rain on the way, we switched to a car and after that we turned around a lot of houses. When I got home with candy at home, father laughed at it and said that “Wow, so many candies!” It was a very good memory.
Finally, it’s “Thanks giving” next week! We going to meet relatives at home and planning to have dinner together! I’m good at making apple pie, so I’m going to make an apple pie for everyone.
Thank you for reading. I thank everything for my being here now. I decided try everything and enjoying my exchange year as much as I can!
See you soon! Have a good Christmas and New Year!
Mei Omura