カナダに留学中の但馬 良奈さんから第二回目の留学報告が届きました。
12/22 やっとブレイク前最後の学校、この日は授業が全くなくて北星でもあったような礼拝をして(カトリックスクールだから)映画見て、ゲームして、クリスマスディナー食べました。そして最後にタレントショーがあって私はピアノを弾きました。全校生徒の前で弾くことになると思ってなかったからとても緊張したけどとてもいい経験ができました。そしてやっと2週間のクリスマスブレイクが始まりました。クリスマスツリーの準備をしててまた新しいカルチャーを発見しました。ツリーのオーナメント全部に日にちと記念日、イベントの名前が入ってるんです!例えばfirstt Christmas for Sam(サムの初めてのクリスマス)サムは私の一つ上のシスターです。良いカルチャーだなと思いました。そしてクリスマス当日はシスター達にに朝早く起こされて眠いまま上に上がったらプレゼントの量を見て目が覚めました笑 本当に映画で出てくるようなクリスマスでした。写真載せてます。このカルチャーお母さんに伝えたら但馬家でも来年からカナダクリスマスを採用する今夜になりました、もう今から楽しみです。クリスマスが終わると27からマザーのシスターの家に2泊3日で遊びに行きました。みんな初めて会うのにすごくフレンドリーで毎晩いろんなゲームして、カナダに来て初めて魚食べて、ちょっとだけ日本を思い出しました。
最後にNew Year のことを書こうと思います。私が思っていたのとは違ってあっさり年を越しました笑アルバータ州の人達にとってBew Year はそんなに大事じゃないらしいです笑ケベック州に行けばフランスの文化が残ってて盛大に祝う文化が今もまだあるってことを教えてくれました。でもこの物足りない年越しも経験ですよね笑みんなクリスマスで燃え尽きたみたいです。5日からまた学校が始まります。日本だとまだだらだらしてる期間なのに笑
ちなみにもう-30 になっています。さすがカナダ。
ではまた2ヶ月後に!Bye guys, thank you for reading
Hi guys, I’m in Canada, Alberta, Cold Lake.
I have never written report since October, I think. Besides, passed 140 days which means almost hitting the halfway point. I can’t believe that. Anyway, my school life is going well, I played curlling in gym class at the first time that was lots of fun. It was like a freezer at the link. In food class, I bake something every time and I baked cookies with colouring like a poisouous then I thougt Canadian food which is colouring has described coluring honest and above board. That’s abroad. On the crazy side, Canadian is so sweet because my friends gave me birthday song when I entered front ddor of school at my birthday (Dec 13), then clerical leady said today is Birthday IINA in the morning announce. I was surprised again. Moreover, in religion class which is block 1, teachrer said any attention today? then my friends said today is her birthday and they calebrated again lol that day was so nice day cuz when I was walking the hallway, some people celebrated my birthday. I never forget. Dec 23, it was last day of school before Christmas. I had no classes, I watched movies, ate turkey and some snacks, had mass like a worship. it was bored though. whatever. After that I had a talent show and I played the piano there, I was so nervous. It was so nice time though. Finally Christmas Break. I set up Chrisatmas tree with my family, then I figured out new culture that is each ornaments have each memories that means every single ornaments have date and event or anniversary, for example first christmas for Sam ( older host sis), Valentain of 2015, etc. l like this cultuer. At the Christmas Eve, I watched Christmas movies and played bored games with my family till 12 am, that was lots of fun:) at the supper time, my sisters saked me you wanna wake up with us at 6 am. wow wow lol to early eh? I tried I said. Then Christmas day morning, Sam came to my room for wake me up, it was at 8 am. right, i couldn’t wake uo at 6. anyway, I went to upstairs then mom said me you should brig ur socks and PINK bag too. it was so heavy by the way. Everyone was in mom and dad’s room and I began to open my presents, that was too many!!! what a bush Christmas. I was so surprised. In my house, make a wish list each person, and people who members of family buy presents which in that wish list. kinda secret Santa. I like this system, I told real mom about this then she said we gonna naturalize that one lol yeah I’m excited next Christmas already. haha and at the supper time we ate turkey etc. and we prayed before eat. I had an experience amazing Christmas in Canada. over the Christmas then New Years is coming. at 27th. We were heading to mom’s siters’s (Noreen) house. It took 6 hrs, that was long drive actually. and we arrived in the evening. I had a supper with my host family and Noreen and her husband (Rex). His English had strong accent so difficult to understand for me, then I remined that my dad said me you don’t have to listen to him because I couldn’t understand too even me. Make sense.haha after that we played some games. Those were my first time but lots of fun. Day 2, I met my host sister’s cousin (Carter) who he is 3 years old, he was a such a cute, too active though. haha Day 3, I went to shopping and watching movie which is SING, it was nice, I love it. There were Boxing week sale,Boxing day was after Christmas. Last day, I could meet Caeter again. You will back here right? I couldn’t say no so I will try, I said. I shared hug with Noreen and Carter before I leave. I hope we can meet again before I back to Japan. that trip was awesome, played games every night with a lot of people, oh and I ate fish finally! I have never ate fish since I came here. lol it reminds me Japan a little bit.
New Year Eve and New Year, guess what, nothing especialy lol I was surprised. Canadian love Christmas and they celebrate it so bush, but they had a burnout by Christmas. It made me a little sad lol it’s a big difference between Canada and Japan, Japanese people love New Year and they celebrate it so bush with family right? I knew about Canadian how to passed New Year. Anyway, I have to back to school on this Thursday ( Jan 5th) it’s still New Year term in Japan eh? Besides, I have final exam in this months then next semester start in Feb 1st. aww too fast. I will enjoy and learn about more things:)
p.s. here is -30 degrees already lol That’s CANADA, thanks a lot. and thank you for watching! see you soon.