みなさんお久しぶりです! 三宮宝営です。
この二ヶ月間いろいろありました! クリスマス、年明け、テスト!
まずは、クリスマスから! 今年の、私のホストファミリーはクリスマスじゃなくて、ホニカというユダヤ教の祝い方をしました! クリスマスイブの日から8日間毎日違う人がプレゼントをもらいます。
最後は、semester exam です。
本当に難しいのかなと思ったら、私のとっているクラスは全部、open book か、
open note っていうオプションで、ほぼ答えがわかるような状態だったので、思ってたよりも全然簡単でした!!
Hi everyone! Sorry for the late report…
It was a busy 2 months and there were so many things happened, such as Christmas, New Year and Semester Exam!
First, I will tell you a little new thing about the Christmas.
We did Chanukah instead of Christmas. Chanukah is a Jewish traditional celebration for Christmas. We have 8 days of prayer and presents! Each person has their own day to get a present. Its really exciting! My host family is a Christian but they wanted to try the different way! It made me feel that the biggest event in America is Christmas.
At school, we had a Secret Santa present exchange. It is a way to exchange present that you don’t know who is it from but we have 3 days and the last they they will give it to you from face to face! It was fun and I made new friend from that!
Its 2017!!!!!! Happy New Year! The new year celebration in America was so quiet and we didn’t really have with the family. We stayed at home and watched the countdown live in the Las Vegas strip.
The last one is semester exam. I though it was going to be so hard but all of the class had a open book or open note book option so I fell like I got all the answers during the test. It was easier than I was thinking.
Once again it is really different between Japan and America.
Its going to be February and I have only 4 more months to go!
Time flies that make me feel like 1 month is as fast as one day!
I will keep up myself and try to be active in everything!