

アメリカに留学中の東井 優夏さんから第三回目の留学報告が届きました。

皆さんお元気ですか? ニューヨーク州に留学している東井優夏です。こちらは、思っていたほど寒くなく、北海道の春のような冬を過ごしています。もうすでに留学生活の半分以上がすでに終わってしまっているのが信じられません。




今年に入ってからよくいろんな国から来ている留学生の生徒と交流するようになりました。きっかけは、留学団体を通して行われたクリスマスパーティーです。パーティーでは手作りクッキーを各自持ち寄って交換したり、各、自分の国の文化を話したりしまた。母国語が英語ではないですが、当たり前に英語で会話します。英語だけで国籍関係なく話すことができるという素晴らしさを改めて感じました。話しているのは英語なのですが、それぞれ強いアクセントがあったりして面白いなとも毎回思います。(笑)このパーティーからは、毎週のように一緒に楽しい時間を過ごしています。New year’s partyやアイスホッケーのゲームを見に行ったりしました。国際色豊かな友達を作ることができるのも留学の楽しみの一つでもあると私は思います。







Hi everyone. How are you? I’m Yuna, in New York. It is cold but I feel like a spring of Hokkaido! I can’t believe that half of study abroad have already over.


First I’m going to talk about trip to New York City on December, which was first time to go. It was one of event in the choir of school which I’m taking. I went to there for six hours by the bus. The view of NYC was so beautiful, which I can’t see in Japan, it was like in a movie. I remember I was so excited on that time. After we arrived, we had free time in a group. Our group went to Times Square, M&M’s world and so on. After free time, we watched the pop’s orchestra concert at the Carnegie Hall which is known one of famous music hall in NYC. It was so wonderful concert and beautiful inside the hall. I extraordinary experienced with my friends in this trip!


I want to introduce something I’m having fun. I have met many exchange student in program I’m using. I met them at Christmas party though that program. We brought cookies and exchange them, it is called cookie exchange. We did talk a lot, about study abroad life or country. Everybody speaks English naturally even first language isn’t English. That is interesting to me because it’s so great thing that you can communicate with people from all over the world. I think funny that most of exchange students have strong accent when we speak. haha We often hang out together since we met. We have ever had a new year’s party, been to ice hockey game…so far. I think making exchange student friends is one of good thing you can do during sturdy abroad.


I have spent half of year since I came America. I’m sure my English skill is improving compare to when I came. But I don’t think I have enough skill which I wish I could. I thought that the most important thing in sturdy abroad is thinking yourself. I will think what I should do.


Ps, I decided to play lacrosse for next season which is after cheer season so I’m so excited!

I want to talk about that on next report.

Thank you for reading!

