

アメリカに留学中の服部 楽さんから第三回目の留学報告が届きました。


  さて、2017年ですね。そして私も17歳になりました。2016年は両親に生んでくれて育ててくれてありがとうとたくさん思えた一年でした。 そして本場のクリスマは違うなと思いました。なぜなら1か月前からクリスマスの音楽がひたすら家の中で流れHoliday Backingで毎日のようにクッキーやトリュフなどを作ったり、楽しかったです。クリスマスイブにプレゼントを開けてたくさんのプレゼントをもらいました少しでしたがファミリーにプレゼントしたものも喜んでくれてうれしかったです。そして当日はみんなでGrand motherの家に行ってお祝いをしました。そして私の誕生日はみんなでご飯を食べに行ってそのあとケーキとプレセントをサプライズされて驚きました。北海道の気温はどうですか?知っていましたか?グランドフォークスはアメリカで一番寒い街なんですよ!毎日-20℃くらいで朝外に行くと息をしただけで鼻が凍ります(笑) 1月6日から二日間往復で14時間かけてUNDのホッキーのゲームを観にOmahaに行きました。とても楽しかったです。




ホストマザーとファザーとはネットフリックスのOnce upon a timeというTV showにハマっていて毎日のように三人で観ています!家族とも友達とも一緒にできることや楽しめることが増えてとても充実しています。



Hello! This is Sasara Hattori in North Dakota! I can’t believe this it’s already February!

About this time last year I was always wonder when I can know my host family, I had lot of vaccinated and I went to Kyoto as trip to make memories before going to study abroad. It was still like in preparation.  I was thinking I have half more year, but as soon as I thought the day was coming that I departure date and I was leaving. However, time few so fast I can’t believe that I already spend 6 month and I will back to home only 4 month later. I think many 5G member who think that same things. I again realized that this time is very important for me. 

     By the way, it’s 2017! And I turned 17 years old. I could feel thank you for giving birth to me and thank you for bringing me up at 2016. 

  And I thought it is American Christmas is different with japan. Because before 1 month ago they pray many Christmas music every days and we did lot of holiday baking we made cookies and truffles it was so fun. And we opened Christmas presents on December 24th and I got the many presents. I did few presents for my host family they liked it so I was happy. and Christmas day we went to host family’s grandmother’s house. We did some games and we got some presents that was so fun!

  And my birth day we went to eat and after that we back to home and my host family surprised and gave me presents and birth day cake! They makes me happy. 

  How’s Hokkaido’s temp? Did you know the grand forks is the coldest town in America. Every day the town has like -20 degrees. When I went to outside at morning my nose like frozen! Lol 

  I went to Omaha to watch UND hockey games it was taking 14 hours. It was so much fun! 

   These days, school’s going good it’s feels classes done so soon because I’m enjoying every day. And I feeling last day will coming soon. And my best friend Shuwang will back to china soon I’m so sad but we promised we’ll meet at china someday. So I’m exciting. And these days I and my host brother are so good friends. We used be so quiet on the car but now we are talking and laughing and singing. If I got the tired at school he makes me happy.

 And I and my host sister making plan for our trip, and if we have time we are going to eat ice cream and go to gym together. We are enjoying to do somethings together. 

And I am hooked on the TV show that called once upon a time with host mother and host father. I’m satisfied that I could enjoying something with my host family every days.

 It is so sad that I have to say goodbye to my host family only 4 month later. But my host family always say we will meet at the Tokyo Olympic. I’m appreciate that I could meet awesome host family and many friends. And I’m so happy because my friends always told me, you should come back any time! Don’t back to home!

See you next report!!!