

アメリカに留学中の梅野 桃花さんから第三回目の留学報告が届きました。

Hi guys! みなさんこんにちはそしてあけましておめでとうございます!Colorado州に留学中の桃花です!もう3回目のレポートとなりました。ほんとうにあっと言う間です。

25日の朝は早くにファミリーのHappy Christmas!!の声で起こされ沢山のプレゼントが私を待っていました(笑)本当に凄い量なんです!しかも1人1人順番にプレゼントを開けていく方式なので凄く時間がかかりました。ファミリーも私や私の日本の家族があげたプレゼントを凄く気に入ってくれました。食事もやはり豪華で幸せでした。31日はファザーの誕生日だったのでボーリングに行ってパーティーをしてそれから映画を見て12時になった瞬間クラッカーを鳴らしてHappy New Year!と言いながらみんなでハグをしました。私が思っていたよりシンプルな年越しではなかったので良かったです!ファザーの誕生日のおかげですね(笑)でもやっぱり年越しそばや紅白、お雑煮、おせちがないのは寂しかったです。日本の年越しが一番です!
他には夜の動物園に行ってライトアップを見たり山の電車に乗って綺麗な雪景色を眺めたりhockey gameを観に行ったり映画を観に行ったりスキーに行ったりあとはファミリーとだらだら過ごしていました!(笑) 
winter breakの間はしばらくブラザーが泊まっていたので夜中までゲームしたり夜ふかししまくりで学校が始まるのが辛かったです(笑)
この前はマザー、1番上のシスターBethney、2番目のシスターBetsy、3番目のシスターMoxxiと私でCirque du Soleilを観に行ってdinnerはお寿司を食べました!showは私にとって初めての経験で凄く興奮しましたもう一回行きたいです。私達はこれをGirls Dayと呼んでいてたまにファザーやブラザー抜きで楽しんでいます!(笑)
今Modern Americaの授業では第二次世界大戦をやっています。そのため沢山JAPANやJapaneseという言葉を耳にします。先生は”このクラスにいるみんなはとてもラッキーだよ、Momoがいるからね”とよく私に質問をしたり日本の考えを聞かれます。今度日本の原爆についてプレゼンをする予定です。これは日本を知ってもらういい機会だと思い私が先生に提案しました。みんな楽しみにしてくれているので頑張ろうと思います!
 先週は学校のダンスパーティー Winter formalに行きました。男の子と行ったのですが最後の方は眠くてあまり覚えていません(笑) 帰ってからもみんなで私の家でTVゲームをして本当に元気だな〜と思いました。
ここまで読んで下さってありがとうございました!次回は最後のレポートです。私がみなさんにお伝え出来る全ての事を書きたいと思っているので是非読んでください!それではまた次回のレポートで。 Momoka.
Hi guys! Hello everyone and Happy New Year! This is Momoka in Colorado. It was already the third report. I feel the flow of time faster.
I have made many memories in the most fun and deep time I spent in these two months.
As early as the morning of the 25th, a lot of gifts were awaiting me, as early as raised by the family’s Happy Christmas !! (laugh) It is really amazing! Besides, it was a system that opened gifts one by one in turn, so it took a long time. My host family liked the gifts I and my Japanese family gave them.The meal was also luxurious ! so, I was happy. On 31st, it was host Father ‘s birthday so we went to the bowling, party and we watched movie at house, and then at 12 o’clock the moment we rang cracker and said Happy New Year! also I hugged with everyone! It was good because it was not a simple new year passing than I thought! It is thanks to Father ‘s birthday (laugh) But I missed Japan because that there are not such things as Toshikoshi soba, kouhaku, ozouni and osechi. New Year ‘s Eve and New Year in Japan is the best!
Besides, I went to the zoo at night and saw the light up, I took a mountain train, watched the beautiful snow scene, went to see the hockey game, went to the movies and went skiing, and after a for while I was lazy with the family.(laugh)
Brother was staying for a while during the winter break, so it was hard to get up early for the school because we always played games until midnight. (laugh)
Last time I went to see the show with host mom,  Bethney,Betsy,Moxxi and me. We watch the show of Cirque du Soleil and ate sushi for dinner.The show was really exciting because it was my first experience. I would like to go once more. We call such a good time a Girls Day and I am enjoying sometimes without father or Brother! (Lol)
I will talk about school life.
I am challenging new things now. It is flute. When I was doing the color guard, the members of Band who are blowing instruments looked really cool and I thought that I would like to do it, and when I asked that to the teacher, he gave me smile and said welcome! I am busy with cheering every day because it is the basketball season now. Although I have never played instruments so it is hard for me but the section members taught me a lot, so kind and my teacher helped me to practice every day,  it is a lot of fun so I am hoping to continue even if I return to Japan!
Now in Modern America class we are studying World War II. I hear a lot of words JAPAN and Japanese. The teacher asked me questions and asked Japan ‘s thought a lot. Also he says “Everyone in this class is very lucky, because there is Momo.” I am planning to present about the Japanese atomic bomb this time. I suggested to the teacher because this is a good opportunity for American kids to get to know Japan. Everyone is looking forward to my presentation so I will do my best!
 Last week I went to the school dance party Winter formal. I went with a boy but the last part of party is too sleepy to remember (lol) Even after I returned home, everyone was playing a TV game at my house. I thought too energetic.
I am having very busy days these days. I think that it is fulfilling because I am challenging various things. That is why I am very happy! There was a day when I was crying every day in my frustration that I could not take a step as I expected but now I am happy that I think that I have grown a little. There is only little time that I can stay here. 
I do not forget gratitude for everyone and I will not regret every day.
Thank you for reading so far! The next report is the last report. I’d like to write everything I can tell you, so please read it! Well then in the next report. see you.                                  Momoka.
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