アメリカに留学中の浦城 由羽さんから第二回目の留学報告が届きました。
いままでたくさんのアメリカのカルチャーを学んで見てきた私ですが、すごく印象的だったことを紹介します。Night of the patriots です。直訳すると愛国者たちの夜ですが、実際にはリタイアされた兵士のための伝統的な行事です。私はクワイアとして何曲か披露した後、バンドとして軍歌を演奏しました。厳かな雰囲気の中沢山の人が私の学校に集まり、思い思いの写真などを持ち寄って学校中に貼り付けて行きました。全ての過程を見ることができず、すこし残念でしたが式の最初からそこにいる全員が一体となったあの感じは、迫力がありました。まだまだアメリカの軍については理解が足りないとは思いますが、高校生のうちから軍を志望し訓練をするクラスをとり、軍の制服をきて学校を歩く姿は、日本の自衛隊との違いを直に感じさせてくれます。私の仲のいい友達の一人と軍について話したことがあります、熱心にわかりやすく説明してくれた彼は軍に入ることに誇りを持っているようにみえました。
日本のカルチャーも忘れずにつたえていますよ!中でもみんなが楽しんでくれたのは、ポッキーの日です。11月11日といえばみなさんポッキーをついついかってしまうのではないでしょうか。朝から夕方までたくさん今日がポッキーの日であることと、ポッキーダンス(とても簡単にしたというか自分流)を布教しました!最初はみんな頭に疑問符を浮かべていましたが、ポッキーで実演すると理解してくれました!楽しかった!来年留学するみなさんは是非ポッキーの日をお祝いしてくださいね笑 日本円をみんなにみせたときは、とりあえずみんななんでこのお金に穴があいてるんだとたくさん聞いてきました。ご縁だからかなとも思いつきましたが、友達たちは勝手に紐を通すためだと理解してくれたのでよかったです。スカイラーとRJやショーンなんかはネックレスにしたいと言って次の日糸にくくりつけてネックレスにしていたので、きっと彼女できるよと言っておきました。残念なことに私の学校は携帯使用が禁止されていて写真を撮れないです。電波が入らないようになってますし、もし使っているのがバレると31日間携帯を没収されてしまいます、、。実際友達が没取されていたので、都市伝説ではないのだなと思いました。そのほかにもスクールルールはたくさんありますが、中でも特殊なのは、朝カフェテリア以外に行くときはオフィスで許可を得てパスをもらわなければいけないことと、膝丈以上の短さのパンツやスカートを履いてはいけないことだと思います。比較的自由な学校ではないですが、不自由なく生活しています。
Hi you all. I’m Yu living in Tennessee. how are you doing? I sometimes think about weather of Sapporo because TN has no snow. TN is abbreviation of Tenessse. Therefore ground that uncovered with snow, it always lets me remember that I am in different place.
As I wrote last time, I am so happy I am here. I am not sure what I should start writing. But I obviously recognized I’ve not written about Thanksgiving so first of all, I’m going to do.
During those, I mainly stayed in Mississippi. Truly there is no building and fancy shop. However large families gathered together for celebrating thanksgiving so there is not silence. The days were fun and I was able to come into touch with one of biggest culture of USA. When we finished eating dinner, we played on candy like child and I pulled on the wishbone with my mom. In addition I went toArkansas and Memphis,TN. I saw huge glass pyramid which I was hoping, almost countless illuminations and Santa.
I guess you made imagined Christmas when after you read about thanksgiving. However I m gonna write about my friend. I have best friend who is trombone player, same age with me, silly, funny, loving Japan and one of my favorite American. When we were practicing Christmas for concert as same as always, he told to me suddenly “Yu, enjoy with me.” I said ” yeah~~~!”. Don’t you think this is ridiculous? At least I thought I can’t get what he’s saying seriously. He continued and said what he will leave school after this semester and he determined himself. I didn’t understand totally which he said but that was serious. Then I was crying, he comforting and hugging but that semester was only 5 days left. Few days later, Christmas concert came that was his last concert as JCHS band. He was crying with me at his favorite childhood song “the polor express”. I will never forget spending time with him, he will continue being my favorite American for me more than decades, and me too for him.
My first semester was extremely great for me that could end without problem and with many laughs.
And now, I’ll talk about Christmas!! I joined church choir while Christmas time! It was fun for me who love singing. I made chiristmas cookies with my friend house! it was hilarious and tired. my friend made fuge cookie dough so we were working working working hard. My class of choir had concert, my class was dancing Joyful Joyful it was so much fun! I spent Christmas holidays at my parents’ house of Alabama for 8 days. To be honest, I’ve went to Alabama many times but there was special Christmas. I helped cooking dinner, decorating house and taking care of children and dogs. Many people was there and sang Christmas songs, opened presents and talked a lot. I’ve understood why American people love Christmas and celebrate grandly regardless of Christian or not.
Well, next…must be New Years and the Eve! New Year’s Eve, I went to Knoxville for being wonderful day with my family. We watched movie, ate curry, went to Asian market and big shopping mall. Then I got mochi that is called sticky rice cake!!!! Might as well, I cooked oshiruko from the process of boiling dry small red beans and taking 6 hours. All processes made me tired, but satisfied me at same time. When I finally finished to cook, I instantly called my mom and grandma in Japan and talked. As a result my family loved oshiruko so I’m proud of myself. On time of changing year to 2017, we ate Soba, watching live vedeo at Times Square. I did not have osechi but I was able to have great time with my family. Although I was really having fun, I had to go to school 4 days later.
This semester started!! I am taking Agricultural science, Nutrition and food science up, U.S.History/English 11 and band. Each class has different attractive. In first period, I always just copy textbooks, watch video and talk with friends. Ah I can study about cattle,swine, USDA and whatever agriculture. Basically it is boring class but I can chat and sleep in extra time, so not bad. My second class is upper class that in all of nutrition class and only 9 girls are there including me. It’s difficult and hard class however I sometimes cook dishes and desserts! My 3rd and 4th haven’t changed, and I love these better than las semester,and I can take easy in these classes. When I knew first time that I will not change classes, I thought that’s bad. But my friendship is continuing there since last semester. Spending time together is worth, and time made me comfortable more yesterday listening teacher, doing homework and chatting.
I’ve already learned about US culture from many events. Especially among them I loved Night of the Patriots. It was event for soldiers and we were grateful to them. I was in choir class, so I sang songs at front of many soldiers in a solemn atmosphere and I played song of military in the band. I was sorry that I was unable to watch all of other things but it was good day. My school was full with many people. I am not understanding correctly about military, however I alway feel unfamiliar and difference between US and us when I saw high school student who wants to be soldier, starts curriculum of military and wears military uniforms.
I’ve taught about Japan many times for my friends! Pocky day, happy couple day, good meats day and whatever! My favorite was Pocky day with my friends! We ate Pocky and sang a song of Pocky!! When I said today is Pocky day we should celebrate, everyone were confused why November 11 is the day. However I explained why it’s so, they were really surprised:) When I showed Japanese yen to my friends, they asked about 5 yen and 50 yen coin. They were really loved the looks, I gave them coin. Next day, they made necklaces of 5 yen. It was cute. Unfortunately, my school cannot use phone anytime in school I was unable take pictures. Ah my school has rules such as hokusei, don’t wear skirts which is shorter than knee, don’t use phone at school and if it was find to use, phone is typically gonna be taken for 31 days.
By the way my school days are doing excellent so don’t worry, be happy! Everything will be great! I am going to start writing about my birthday on next report and if I had space I will write that hanging out and whatever. Take care yourselves! See you soon.
Yu Uraki