アメリカの学校生活が始まり半年が経ちました。私が学校に通い始め1ヶ月がたった頃同じJFIEの日本人留学生であるしほのがホストチェンジすることにより、学校も変えなければならないことになりました。正直その時はまさか自分の学校に来るなど考えてもみませんでした。自分はまだ全然慣れていない、友達もいない学校にしほのがくることになり本当に不安でしかありませんでした。私は多分比べられるのが怖かったんですよね。しほのとはGeometryとU.S. History の授業が被っているんですがお互い頼りすぎずでも困った時は助け合いながら頑張っています!留学って本当に何が起こるかわからないですね(笑)今しほのは私にとってとてもいい友達です。これからも助け合ってお互い頑張っていきたいと思います!
Hi guys! I’m Mao from Buffalo. This is 3rd report and 1st report from New Year’s. Did you have a nice New Year and winter break? American people don’t have special event for New Year’s so I missed Japanese-style New Year little a bit. I had a winter break, but it was only 1 week. School started on January 3rd and I didn’t want go back that much. Usually, Japanese people have a New Year’s break until the 3rd right? But I have a mid-winter break from 20th so I can’t wait it!!
It’s already been about half a year since I started school. When one month had passed, my friend who is also a JFIE Japanese exchange student changed host families so she had to change schools, too. I didn’t think she would come to my school, so I was surprised. I didn’t have friends and I wasn’t used to school at that time, so I just felt anxious. I think I was afraid of being compared to her. I’m taking Geometry and U.S. history with her. We don’t rely on each other too much, but we help each other out. Now she is my good friend!! You never know what will happen in exchange year life!
By the way, I want to stay here longer with my host family. Of course I miss my family and friends in Japan but I want to do many more things with my family here. At first, I wanted to go back Japan soon, but my feeling changed after 3 or 4 months. I felt like I didn’t want to go back to Japan. Recently, I talked about exchange student with my host parents. My host family thought they wanted to accept another exchange student after this. I felt sad at that time. I know it is a good things but I thought if the next exchange student is European and they can speak English, then they can communicate with anyone more than me. I’m jealous of them. I thought this family was only my family. I know that is selfish but I really like this family. I didn’t think host family would be this good! I’m thankful for being accepted in this family. I have only about 4 month left. Time goes so fast, right? I want to enjoy being with my family after this.